People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1081 The Guards Returning Home

Chapter 1081 The Guards Returning Home
Li Zheng was busy in the stables as usual.

After a while, Li Tai straightened up from the stables and said, "The army should already be in Chang'an by this time."

Li Zheng dragged a large pile of fodder, looked in the direction of Chang'an and said, "It should be."

Li Tai leaned on the railing of the horse pen and said, "You said Dumb should be back today, right?"

Li Zheng nodded slightly.

Li Tai said again: "After Dumb is back, can I go back and do things in the academy?"

Li Zheng turned his head to look at Li Tai.

Li Tai smiled and said, "I'm also the head of the academy."

Li Zheng put the fodder into the manger and said, "What can you do in the academy? Isn't it just idle all day long?"

Li Tai just wanted to say something more.

Li Zheng said again: "Let's talk about the matter in the stables, it's better to have one more you."

Seeing Li Tai gnashing his teeth, Li Zheng said, "Anyway, I can make your father send you to the fief with just one sentence."

Li Tai stomped his feet and said, "Okay! I can work in the stables all the time, and I want wages."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "One month's worth of money."

Seeing the complaints on Li Tai's face, Li Zheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your Majesty King Wei, there is no room for you in the huge Chang'an."

Li Tai's expression became firmer, "Sooner or later, I will be able to enter Chang'an openly."

Li Zheng said again: "It's good to stay in the stables. Sooner or later, you will thank me for my arrangement."

Li Tai's teeth were itchy. Could it be that he was doing physical work in the stables, and he still had to thank Li Zheng. This Li Zheng's face was too quick.

The army of the Eastern Expedition lined up in front of Chang'an City.

Li Chengqian stood on the top of the city, and Qin Qiong was thinking about the reward for this Eastern Expedition.

Niu Jinda knelt in front of the city on one knee, and was surprised to hear the rewards of names one by one.

Because this time the reward was not the Prince's will, but His Majesty had prepared it long ago.

How to award, how to award, and how to arrange after awarding.

The prince cannot make any claims on these things.

Xu Jingzong stood at the gate of the city, listening to the reward king Xuance and Xue Rengui entering the Youwuwei and Longwujun respectively.

Xu Jingzong had known about this for a long time.

And it still has to be done.

A few hooligans walked towards Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong glanced at them and said, "I remember them all."

A few hooligans smiled and said, "Remember, remember."

Xu Jingzong handed them a piece of silver cake and said, "Ashina should be on his way to Youzhou now, you should hurry up."


Several hooligans nodded vigorously.

Xu Jingzong said again: "The most important point is not to kill anyone."

Taking another look at the few ruffians who were still standing there, Xu Jingzong said, "Hurry up and do something!"

"Here we go!"

They walked away quickly.

Xu Jingzong took another look at Li Chengqian who was standing on the city wall, turned around and walked into Chang'an City.

Chang'an City has gone through several times of rectification, and now it is much neater than before.

Xu Jingzong walked into an alley from Zhuque Street, and came to a hut all the way.

This is the house Ashina lived in before.

Xu Jingzong pushed the door and entered, and the whole room was filled with the smell of ink.

Sheets of paper were piled aside, Xu Jingzong picked up one of them and looked at it, this Ashina seemed to have been learning Guanzhong characters.

I rummaged around here, and except for some necessary furniture, there is not a single book in the entire room.

Xu Jingzong asked the nearby people again.

That's when I realized that Ashina bought a carriage, didn't bring much to salute, but left with a lot of books.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Jingzong left here.

The members of the Jingyang Guard came back at noon.

The whole village is very lively.

Li Shimin looked at the bustling village and said to Li Zheng: "It seems that the Jingyang guards are very popular."

Li Zheng said, "That's natural."

Li Shimin said again: "I remember that when I was in war, whenever I passed by a place, the households would stay behind closed doors."

Li Zheng smiled and said, "Really?"

The villagers in Jingyang welcomed the return of the guards, and the whole village was filled with the smell of rice. It seemed that the village was going to clean up the guards and eat a big meal.

Li Shimin whispered, "How did you do it?"

Li Zheng said: "I don't need to do anything, because our guards in Jingyang are all from civilian households in Jingyang. They are all their relatives, they are all their own family members, and they will naturally welcome them. The so-called military and civilian family."

Li Shimin nodded slightly, according to what Li Zheng said, it was indeed the case.

Recalling the now lifeless Army Central Guard's Mansion, Li Shimin said again: "This kind of team will have a strong cohesive force no matter where it goes."

Li Zheng said with a smile: "We are all brothers and sisters, so it will be natural for us to be fellow villagers."

"Then do you think the guards in the army can be like your Jingyang guards?"

Hearing what Li Shimin said, Li Zheng smiled awkwardly and said: "Your Majesty is joking, how can our Jingyang guards compare with the guards and horses."

Li Shimin said: "I know what the soldiers and horses of the Weifu look like. The military discipline in the army is slack. Now there are some veterans supporting the scene, but what about the future? I am very clear about the clues that the soldiers and horses of the Weifu are showing now. Sooner or later One day this will become the root cause of Datang's illness."

In terms of historical trajectory, Datang's military system is indeed a big problem.

The troubled times in the late Tang Dynasty were also related to the military system.

Sometimes I think about this kind of thing, no matter how bizarre it is, what does it have to do with myself?
That will be two or three hundred years later.

Seeing that Li Zheng was silent, Li Shimin said: "Li Zheng, I will ask you again how to make the soldiers and horses of the Weifu, like the Jingyang Guards, a family of soldiers and civilians."

Li Zheng sighed: "It's very difficult. The military system needs to be changed completely."

Li Shimin said: "How to change?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Abolish the hereditary replacement system in the army, abolish the power of each general in the army, reform the military merit system, and reform the military salary system."

Hearing this, the corners of Li Shimin's mouth twitched, "You really dare to say that."

Li Zheng said: "If you can't do this, don't talk about the future."

Li Shimin sighed and said, "What you want to move is the foundation of the generals in the army. This is going to cause a mutiny."

Li Zheng shook the cattail fan in his hand and said, "I'm just saying it casually, don't take it seriously, Your Majesty."

Glancing at Li Zheng suspiciously, Li Shimin turned around and walked towards his other courtyard.

The village was very lively, and Li Lizhi also gave an order that all the workshops will stop working today, and there will be enough wine and meat.

Compared to the liveliness in the village, the other courtyard is a bit deserted.

Empress Changsun was sitting in the yard trimming several pots of asparagus.

Li Shimin said to Wang Ding, "Call Li Ji."

Li Ji was drinking, and when he heard Wang Ding say that His Majesty wanted to see him put down the wine bowl in a hurry, he went to another courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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