Chapter 108 The Royal Nursery
In July of the fourth year of Zhenguan, this was the first rain since the beginning of summer in Chang'an.

The heavy rain stopped for an hour, and on the second day, the new business order issued by the DPRK and China was soon implemented in the public.

The price of the goods came down very fast.

Merchants did not dare to sell too expensive, and immediately returned to normal prices.

The laborers are also slowly coming back.

Business in Chang'an City has returned to normal.

The new business order came out from Chang'an and was immediately sent to various counties in Datang.

"I just said that His Majesty will not ignore us today."

"How could the Mingjun in the present world watch those merchants do evil?"

"No, His Majesty is a good Majesty today."


The people in Chang'an City also recovered their smiles.

Li Shimin sat in the Tai Chi Hall and listened to the reports from various ministries.

Sure enough, the problem was solved as soon as Li Zheng made a move.

Although not very happy.

But this new business order really works.

Apart from being cheated out of money by this kid like Li Zheng, he was still in a good mood.

Li Shimin returned to Ganlu Hall and watched the battle report from Liangzhou.

Zhisi Shili led [-] cavalry to outflank the Tuyuhun soldiers and horses, Li Daliang defended Liangzhou City, and Yumen Pass echoed each other.

Tuyuhun saw that he could not attack for a long time and had already withdrawn his troops. Behind Tuyuhun, they encountered Tubo soldiers and horses to intercept them again.

Now Tuyuhun has been attacked on three sides, and he has finished reading the report.

Li Shimin felt that the opportunity to counterattack Tuyuhun had come.

The eunuch came to report and said, "Your Majesty, the prince is asking to see you."

"No! Call Li Ke here." Li Shimin said decisively.

The eunuch bowed and reported to Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian stood suspiciously outside the Taiji Hall, why did his father not see him.

Standing outside the Ganlu Hall for a while, still wondering why the emperor didn't see him, he saw a eunuch leading Li Ke into the Ganlu Hall.

Li Chengqian left here in a disappointed mood, still wondering why his father didn't see Li Ke when he saw him?

Li Ke walked into the Ganlu Hall and faced Li Shimin, "Father Emperor."

Li Shimin put away the military newspaper and asked, "What are you doing these days?"

"My son..."

Li Ke thought for a while and said: "Today, my son has been at Zuo Wuwei and General Qin Qiong, reorganizing the army and being transferred to patrol the streets."

Li Shimin smiled and asked, "I heard that you were Li Zheng's bodyguard?"

Hearing this, Li Ke immediately saluted and said, "At that time, I was impulsive."

Li Shimin then asked: "Since you are Li Zheng's guard, why don't you go to Jingyang these days?"

"My son... In fact, my son rarely goes to guard Li Zheng. He just asks his son to help him dig earthworms and serve him tea, that's all..."

These jobs don't seem like what guards should do.

Li Ke went to guard Li Zheng, but this Li Zheng actually took Li Ke as his servant.

Glancing at Li Shimin's face, Li Ke quickly saluted and said, "Father, I know I was wrong."

"You are right." Li Shimin said indifferently: "Since you want to be Li Zheng's guard, do it well."

"But son..."

Looking at the submissive Li Ke, Li Shimin yelled loudly: "If a man says something, how can he go back on his word? You don't have to worry about Zuo Wuwei's affairs and you should be a guard by Li Zheng's side."

Li Ke nodded in frustration, "I understand."

Leaving the Ganlu Palace, bid farewell to his mother and concubine.

Leaving the palace all the way, Li Ke thought in his heart that what the queen mother said was true.

It really shouldn't be arguing with Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

Li Chengqian, who had just returned from Zhongshu Province, was walking and saw Li Ke who was about to leave the palace, and asked, "Li Ke, Gu just saw that the emperor summoned you."

"It's nothing." Li Ke shook his head and said, "Thank you, brother, for taking care of me these days."

After speaking, Li Ke walked out of Chengtian Gate and left the palace.

Li Ke's words were a bit deep, and Li Chengqian, who returned to the East Palace, asked several times, only to know that Li Ke had given his father the emperor's military post in Zuowuwei.

Li Chengqian was also thinking, could it be that Gu did something wrong by asking Li Zheng to help solve his father's urgent need?
Just about to play cards with Li Tai, when Li Zheng saw Li Ke coming, he quickly waved and said, "Come! Let's play cards together."

Li Ke also sat down cross-legged, and the three sat around.

The game had just started, Li Tai was talking to Li Ke while playing cards.

Li Ke didn't lose a single card in the first hand without any surprises.

Li Zheng grinned and said, "Five cents per person, should I pay the money or issue an IOU?"

"Let me familiarize myself with the rules first." Li Ke said with a troubled expression.

"If you lose, you have to pay, this is the tuition fee!"

"Tuition, what tuition?" Li Ke was at a loss.

"You have to pay tuition fees for studying, right? Losing money playing cards is a kind of tuition fee, you have to admit it."

Li Zheng finished speaking solemnly.

Li Ke was still confused, looking aside, Li Tai was writing an IOU.

I was dumbfounded for a while.

Why is Qingque so skillful at issuing IOUs.

Li Ke sat upright and said, "Li Zheng, I have no money."

"If you don't have any money, it's okay to pay the IOU first, and pay me back when you have money."

After speaking, Li Zheng handed Li Ke a bamboo slip and said, "Just like the fat man, just write down the IOU."

Li Ke still wrote down the IOU.

After a few rounds of cards, Li Ke gradually understood the rules.

Li Zheng was winning money almost all the time, but he was losing money all the time. Li Tai also won, but lost more.

Seeing Li Tai staring at his cards with bloodshot eyes, Li Ke said, "Qing Que, I've already lost thirty coins."

Li Tai played a card and said to him: "It's okay, I already owe Li Zheng more than 1000 guan."

Li Ke took a breath, more than 1000 strokes? !

Growing up with his mother and concubine, his mother and concubine lived in poverty, and Li Ke was also very economical on weekdays.

Li Tai already owed more than 1000 coins, and Li Ke secretly calculated that he already owed Li Zheng thirty coins.

If it goes on like this, won't it be the same as Li Tai.

Suddenly I really want to go back to Chang'an, but Zuo Wuwei's life is still good.

Li Zheng asked, "By the way, why did His Royal Highness the King of Shu come to my place today? Normally, you are always in a hurry."

Li Ke explained: "Father won't let me be in Zuo Wuwei anymore."

"Where did you go then?"

"Father said that a man can't go back on his word, and said that since he promised to be your guard, he should do it well."

Li Zheng looked at the two sons of Li Shimin in front of him.

Could it be that Li Shimin regards his place as a nursery for his son.

Will there be more from his son in the future?

It's not enough for a Li Tai to eat and drink for nothing, there is another Li Ke.

It seemed that a few more rounds of cards had to be played. Li Zheng packed up the cards and started dealing the cards again. Another round started.

After more than an hour, Li Ke lost more than 100 essays in the blink of an eye.

Following Li Tai, Li Ke asked in a low voice: "Qing Que, we owe Li Zheng so much money, what if we can't pay it back?"

Li Tai sighed and said, "Win it back!"

(End of this chapter)

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