Chapter 109 Wounded Soldiers
Li Ke also nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! Win back!"

A month later, time flies.

It's August of the fourth year of Zhenguan.

So far, the Tuyuhun people have been repulsed in Liangzhou.

Yu Chigong and Li Daliang were preparing to counterattack. Li Shimin had thought about the territory of Tuyuhun. If he took Tuyuhun, he would also take the important land of Hexi Corridor.

As long as there is the Hexi Corridor, it will be a very important pass to attack Turks, Tubo or the Western Regions in the future.

Many wounded soldiers withdrew from the battlefield.

The construction of [-] houses in Jingyang is nearing completion.

With the efforts of more than 2 people, the last house was completed.

Territory detection: The territory is [-] mu, with a population of [-].

The task is completed: build [-] houses.

Task reward: Open the second phase of the pharmacy.

Mission announcement: Population increased to [-].

Reward: Crop Stage [-]

Strange, why the population suddenly increased by one.

After patting his head, Li Zheng just remembered that Daniu's mother gave him another younger brother.

This increases the population.

Li Zheng took a closer look at the system panel, and found that the pharmacy had more items in the second stage, including penicillin, saline, and even a scalpel...

Take a look back and see how the current system is turned on.

Pharmacy Phase II

Crop stage one
The first stage of the library
Cement balance: [-] tons.

The balance of quicklime: [-] tons.

3 people...

Just thinking about how to solve this problem, Sun Simiao walked up and said, "Li Zheng, a lot of wounded soldiers have come to Chang'an recently."


Sun Simiao said again: "Go to cure the disease together with the poor Taoist."


Sun Simiao said again: "They have already arrived at the entrance of the village in Jingyang County, Li Zheng, are you going to die like this?"

Following Sun Simiao to the entrance of the village, Li Zheng saw many soldiers wearing bloody clothes.

Some lost arms and legs, and some passed out on wooden carts and have not woken up until now.

Seeing their situation, Li Zheng was also terrified.

I have never experienced a war, and it is the first time I have seen such a scene.

Li Tai, who came to the entrance of the village, immediately vomited out when he saw this scene.

Li Ke is better.

Li Zheng turned to Li Ke and asked: "Does the court ignore them?"

Li Ke's expression was also very sad, "These wounded soldiers can survive from the battlefield is already very good, for them it is better to die, after death, the pension from the court can be given to their families, but they are not dead. Yes, those with missing arms and broken legs may be a useless person in this life."

Patting Li Zheng on the shoulder, Li Ke said, "They all know that there is a miracle doctor in Jingyang, and there is also a miracle doctor Sun, and their hope of survival is only you and doctor Sun."

Li Zheng looked at these wounded soldiers. Some of them had untreated wounds, and their blood was exposed to the air.

"Li Yifu!"

Hearing Li Zheng's shout, Li Yifu hurried over.

"What is the order of the county marquis?"

Li Zheng said to him: "Hurry up and ask the villagers to build a shed, the bigger the better."

Sun Simiao was observing one wounded soldier after another while saying, "It's not easy to return to Chang'an alive."

Li Ke said to Li Zheng: "I fought in Longyou, whoever is a soldier is not a strong man, you must save them."

This era is really cruel, and these wounded soldiers must not be as good as normal people after they come off the battlefield.

It may be possible to live for a period of time with the military salary, but after a period of time, their life will not be guaranteed.

It all depends on luck to be alive, half dead is the most unlucky thing.

They sacrificed their lives for the frontier, but who will treat these veterans well after the war.

Li Zheng shouted to Daniel who was also watching: "Daniu, come here!"

"Teacher, what are your orders?"

"You line up these wounded soldiers neatly, don't be so chaotic, and prioritize the injuries. I'll go to the medical center."

Daniel nodded vigorously, "The students know."

After returning to his medical clinic and closing the door, Li Zheng took out bottle after bottle of alcohol from his system, and then took a pile of normal saline, some penicillin, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretics...

Seeing that Li Zheng would not come back for a long time after he left, Li Tai said to Li Ke: "I guess Li Zheng won't back down."

Looking back at the direction of the medical center, Li Ke said: "He won't, I believe he won't leave the wounded soldiers alone, besides, didn't he let Daniel and Li Yifu get busy first?"

Li Yifu simply remodeled a greenhouse at the entrance of the village, which should be able to accommodate these hundreds of wounded soldiers.

Don't dare to neglect the matter of curing diseases and saving lives, and many villagers have participated in it.

After wasting two hours of effort, the village name's hands and feet are also nimble, at least it is no problem to shelter from the wind and rain.

Sun Simiao couldn't do it all by himself, so he asked Daniel, "Is Li Zheng still here?"

Daniu stood up and said, "Call the teacher now."

He hurried to the entrance of the medical clinic again, and Daniel saw Li Zheng loading some things he had never seen before onto a bullock cart.

"Teacher, Dr. Sun is urging you."

"I know." Li Zheng put bags of saline solution on the bullock cart, and then told Daniel: "When the wounded soldier came, I don't know if he was sick. Tell the villagers not to watch any more. Plague is not good."

"Understood." Daniel nodded.

"Also." Li Zheng continued, "How's the shed in Li Yi's mansion?"

Daniel glanced at the entrance of the village, "In fact, there is a ready-made one at the entrance of the village. Uncle Li Yifu has rebuilt it, and it should be usable now."

"Very good, tell Li Yifu that the shed should be covered with a black cloth, and no one should lean against me when I am treating illnesses and wounds. Boil a large pot of water in the shed."

After listening to these orders, Daniel left in a hurry.

Li Tai, who was still at the entrance of the village, said anxiously to himself, "Why hasn't Li Zheng come here? Maybe it's because he really wants to back down and let it go."

It was not until evening that Li Zheng arrived with a cart full of medical supplies.

Before Li Tai asked anything, Li Zheng had already pushed the cart into the shed, put on the black cloth, and pretended not to let anyone in.


Li Ke smiled and said, "Maybe Li Zheng can't let others know about some of his secret recipes."

Li Zheng put all the scalpels into the pot and sterilized them for use.

Daniel said: "Teacher, those with serious injuries and those with minor injuries have been separated."

Sun Simiao looked at Li Zheng's pile of things and was also curious, but he didn't ask any more questions. He lowered his head and began to treat the wounds of these wounded soldiers.

Li Zheng came to a wounded soldier who was still in a coma with a can of alcohol and needlework gauze.

Looking at his injuries, his right leg is only connected by skin and flesh.

Checked that he was still breathing weakly.

I checked him and there should be no other wounds on his body.

First gave him a dose of penicillin, and Li Zheng said to Daniel, "Remove his broken leg."

 And at night

(End of this chapter)

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