Chapter 1086 The Tubo Plan
Li Yifu came in a hurry, "Chang'an Order, Prince Hejian came with Lu Dongzan."

Li Zheng took a bite of the watermelon and said, "Bring the man."


Li Xiaogong brought Lu Dongzan to the stables, saw Li Zheng was cutting watermelon and said, "I know you are sensible, you just want to eat a mouthful of melon in this hot day."

Chilled watermelon is best eaten in summer.

One sip will completely dissipate the heat.

Seeing Lu Dongzan's gaze, Li Zheng handed him a piece of watermelon and said, "You're welcome, I have plenty of watermelon here."

Li Xiaogong gnawed on the iced watermelon and said: "It's not bad, this kid asked His Majesty for hundreds of watermelons."

Lu Dongzan took the watermelon and ate it immediately.

After eating a few pieces of watermelon, Li Xiaogong let out a long sigh and said, "Have you heard about Ashina?"

Li Zheng nodded and said, "People in this world are sinister, so be careful when you go out."

Li Xiaogong nodded in agreement.

After eating the watermelon, Lu Dongzan sat cross-legged on the ground and said, "Today's Tubo is getting more and more confused, and I don't know what to do anymore."

Li Zheng asked: "Where is Songtsan cadre? How is he doing recently?"

Lu Dongzan said numbly: "Zanpu has been worshiping Buddha these days, and he has not asked about Tubo affairs for a long time. He seems to have been emptied by Buddhism, and he is no longer the Zanpu I knew back then. .”

Songtsan Gampo is also considered a hero.

I have to say that he is in the unification of Tubo, which is indeed worth remembering in the annals of history.

Can such a person let go of Tubo?
A man full of ambition will not be so easily decadent.

Li Zheng thought to himself.

Lu Dongzan said: "Li Zheng, now the various ministries of Tubo are arguing for the territory. I really can't think of a solution, so I have to ask you."

As he was talking, Lu Dongzan's original cross-legged sitting posture became kneeling, and he whispered: "I don't know who to ask to save Tubo, and I don't want Tubo to be so powerful anymore. people live a good life.”

Seeing Lu Dongzan's expression, Li Xiaogong patted him on the shoulder very sympathetically.

Holding the teacup, Li Zheng said, "I can let your herdsmen move back to Qinghai, but there is one requirement."

Lu Dongzan asked in a low voice, "What request?"

Li Zheng said: "The original land was pledged by you Tubo to Datang, remember?"

Lu Dongzan nodded.

Seeing that he had no objection, Li Zheng said again: "Until Tubo pays off the debts, we will dispose of all these lands. We can let the herdsmen enter the pastures to graze, but they will give us a part of the profits from grazing."

As soon as Li Zheng finished speaking, Lu Dongzan's eyes were full of surprise and vigilance, and he said immediately, "What do you mean?"

Li Zheng sighed: "You owe so much money, you have to pay it back."

This remark made Lu Dongzan unable to refute. There is indeed a contract owed to Datang.

Li Zheng said: "If you don't want to pay it back, our Tang Dynasty can send troops to take it now. Dare I ask if Tubo dares to go to war?"

Seeing Lu Dongzan sitting silently, Li Zheng said: "Since you don't want to go to war, then do as I say. We will not take all the profits of the herdsmen, but only take [-]% of the profits of the herdsmen to pay off debts for Tubo." .”

Seeing Lu Dongzan's expression, Li Zheng said again: "In this way, those herdsmen who lost their pastures can go back, not to mention that our Tang Dynasty will send people to help those herdsmen live a good life, and even I can give them jobs. Let them live a better life, so that you Tibetans can pay off their debts faster."

After pouring a cup of tea for Lu Dongzan, Li Zheng said: "Our Tang Dynasty doesn't want those lands to be left so barren, and you Tubo don't want to have civil strife again, and there is hope that the debts can be paid off. This is good for you and me. of."

Li Xiaogong was listening to Li Zheng's words, and then Li Zheng said that the speed at which Li Xiaogong ate watermelon also followed Li Zheng's speech speed, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Lu Dongzan saluted Li Zheng and said, "If this can make the people of Tubo live a better life, my life, Lu Dongzan, is yours."

Li Zheng sneered and said, "It's useless for me to kill you."

Lu Dongzan lowered his head again, thinking carefully that his life was really useless to Li Zheng.

According to what Li Zheng said, it can indeed solve the immediate urgent need of Tubo.

But it feels uncomfortable to be led by the nose everywhere.

When did this feeling start.

It started when Tubo wanted to attack Datang?

Since then, Li Zheng, the hungry wolf, has been staring at Tubo, and will never let go once he bites.

How old was Li Zhengcai at that time?

Lu Dongzan secretly sighed in his heart, Li Zheng is really terrible.

Li Zheng said with a smile on his face: "Since there is no objection, how about we make written evidence?"

Lu Dongzan said, "Can I think about it for a few days?"

"Yes." Li Zheng said with a smile: "Our Fangshi in Jingyang has already prepared a place for you to stay. Food, drink, housing and transportation have been arranged."

Lu Dongzan stood up and said, "Thank you."

After Lu Dongzan left, Li Xiaogong said: "Li Zheng, what is your plan? It is obvious that Tubo owes money, so why are you still helping Tubo to pay back the money?"

Li Zheng said helplessly: "If Tubo keeps not repaying, the debt will be a piece of waste paper. Of course, it must be repaid. Not only must I pay back, but I will also teach the people of Tubo so that they can live a better life."

Li Xiaogong ate the watermelon and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Zheng stood up and said: "There is a saying that is good, if I hadn't seen the light, why would I hate the dark, first let these Tibetan people live a good life, give them jobs, give them pastures, and then get rid of them." We take [-]% of the income, and this [-]% will definitely make the people of Tubo feel distressed, it is what they worked hard for."

"Until they realized that this was Tubo's debt repayment, and this debt was owed by Songtsan Gampo. If they found out that they were paying Songtsan Gampo's debt, what would they think? Originally, they could live a good life. But because they owed Songtsen Gampo a debt, they had to take out their own part."

Li Xiaogong was stunned for a long time, digesting Li Zheng's words, and after a while he came back to his senses and took a breath and said: "What a vicious strategy, this is also to disperse the hearts of the people of Tubo, let the people of Tubo and Songtsan Gampo Turn against each other?"

Li Zheng waved his hand and said: "It won't be to the point of turning against each other. The Tang Dynasty still needs the existence of Songtsan Gampo. We can't let the Tubo people and Songtsan Gampo turn against each other, but let the Tubo people know the beauty of the Tang Dynasty and let them know the beauty of the Tang Dynasty." Learning the characters of the Central Plains, learning the etiquette of the Central Plains, speaking the Central Plains dialect, and even making them no different from the Central Plains people.”

Li Xiaogong couldn't help shivering, "Li Zheng, I don't want to offend you in this life."

(End of this chapter)

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