Chapter 1087 The Lost Lu Dongzan
After talking with Li Zheng, Lu Dongzan came to Fangshi in Jingyang, where Li Yifu was located.

Li Yifu looked at Lu Dongzan and said, "Long time no see, Prime Minister of Tubo."

Lu Dongzan also looked at Li Yifu and said, "You don't seem to have changed much in the past few years."

Li Yifu grinned, "It's just that you are much older than before."

Lu Dongzan nodded disappointedly and said, "Everyone will grow old."

Li Yifu sighed: "Chang'an Ling, everything is ready for you, come with me."

Taking Lu Dongzan to the post house, Li Yifu looked back at Lu Dongzan's expression again, Lu Dongzan looked devastated, his whole body seemed to be pulled away.

What a good person has experienced will become like this.

Come to a room, this is the guest room of the Jingyangfang City Post House.

Li Yifu said: "You will be living here for a few days."

Lu Dongzan nodded slightly, then sat down with a blank expression.

Li Yifu looked around and said: "If you need anything, you can tell the guys here, and all your expenses here are free."

Lu Dongzan still nodded numbly.

Li Yifu said in a low voice: "It's hard to live in Tubo."

Speaking of Tubo, Lu Dongzan slowly raised his head and said, "Do you know that feeling of seeing no hope?"

Li Yifu shook his head with a dry smile, Lu Dongzan in this state is strange.

I really don't want to talk too much with such a person.

Li Yifu said again: "I still have work to do, please go ahead."

After speaking, Li Yifu helped close the door.

Before walking out of the post house, Lu Dongzan said to the guy here: "Keep an eye on the guest I just brought."

The man glanced at Lu Dongzan's room curiously. The door was still closed. The man whispered back, "A bad person?"

Li Yifu said with a melancholy face: "Eat and drink well, take care of him, I'm just afraid that he will commit suicide."

The man nodded vigorously and said, "Understood, it would be bad for our business if he died in our post."

Li Yifu said again: "Moreover, this person has a problem with our Chang'an Order."

"Really?" The clerk asked curiously: "What a vicious method, you actually want to die in our post to cause trouble for Chang'an Ling."

Li Yifu said: "So we have to watch closely."

The buddy nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, I will definitely make people want to die!"

Do you want to die?

This doesn't seem like a good thing to say.

Li Yifu left with a long sigh.

In the other courtyard in Jingyang, Li Shimin was sitting in the courtyard holding a book in his hands. This book came from Jingyang Academy, and it talked about some basic scientific knowledge.

I originally thought that this kind of books should not be casually shown to outsiders.

However, any child in Jingyang can read it at will.

After looking at it for a long time, Li Shimin closed his eyes and rubbed his eyes and said in a low voice: "I don't understand at all, what is written on it."

Seeing Li Shimin's annoyed expression, Empress Changsun held back a smile and said nothing.

Li Shimin took a sip of tea and said, "What do you mean when ice melts, it absorbs heat, and when water condenses into ice, it releases heat?"

Li Shimin has read this science book many times.

I wonder if Li Shimin still wants to learn like the kids in Jingyang Academy at his age.

From Empress Changsun's point of view, Li Shimin was more in trouble with herself.

After all, because of Li Zheng's career in science, Li Zheng has many talented people around him.

It seems that science can also be used in all aspects, just like the unthinkable thing like saltpeter turning into ice.

It's not some weird spell, but anyone can do it.

But who can know the principle.

On the other hand, life in the other courtyard is much more comfortable.

At least it won't be as suffocatingly hot as Chang'an.

In addition to Jingyang's unique geographical location, Jingyang's greenery is particularly good, with a lot of shade.

People calm down unconsciously in it.

Wang Ding came and said, "Your Majesty, Li Zheng and Lu Dongzan have finished talking."

Li Shimin stood up and stretched his limbs and said, "How did the talk go?"

Wang Ding bowed and said: "It seems to be going well. I gave Lu Dongzan time to think about it. After a while, I can write down the written contract."

After speaking, Wang Ding took out another bill and said, "Your Majesty, this is the bill sent by Princess Changle."

Li Shimin took the account book and looked at the content on it. It seemed that it was the account book of several workshops in Jingyang.

There are many accounts listed on the ledger, and it is so dense that it is difficult to see at a glance.

Li Shimin rubbed his eyes again and said: "So Li Zheng has already talked to Li Zhi."

Wang Ding said: "Princess Changle has also agreed, this ledger is the general ledger, if His Majesty wants to see the detailed ledger, you can send it in a few days."

Li Shimin waved his hand and said: "It's not necessary, Lizhi has been sensible since she was a child, I don't worry about her."

Empress Changsun said, "Your Majesty, why do my concubines always feel that something is wrong with this matter?"

Li Shimin said: "Why is something wrong?"

Empress Changsun came to Li Shimin's side and said: "Your Majesty, Li is just a man who only seeks profit. A person like him will not give His Majesty so many members for nothing."

Li Shimin said again: "Of course it was bought with half of Tubo's debt."

Empress Changsun said again: "Even if half of Tubo's debt is used to redeem the purchase, everyone knows that it is difficult for Tubo to pay off the 500 million guan. How could Li Zheng give His Majesty so many benefits with an uncertain return."

This remark lifted Li Shimin's spirits, it really is.

Will Li Zhengzhen have such an uncertain return in return?
Empress Changsun said again: "Your Majesty, don't underestimate your daughter, especially Lizhi. Lizhi controls the entire Jingyang financial power, and Lizhi also manages its operations in an orderly manner. The business is getting bigger and bigger. Lizhi has such ability. Could it be that Lizhi will Are you at a disadvantage?"

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Could it be because of me?"

Empress Changsun smiled, "I still say the same thing, Your Majesty, don't underestimate your daughter. Since Li Zhi is willing to agree to the redemption, there must be something His Majesty hasn't noticed."

Li Shimin fell silent, wondering if he had missed something.

Empress Changsun said in a low voice: "Even if Your Majesty does not make a deal with Li Zheng, if Tubo keeps owing money and does not exchange it, the debt is nothing more than empty talk. This is exactly what Li Zheng is counting on. Your Majesty will definitely get the benefits as soon as possible. But if this is a business that is sure to lose no profit, would Li Zheng do it?"

Li Shimin came to his senses and said, "Of course he won't do it."

Seeing that Li Shimin had understood, Empress Changsun smiled and said nothing.

Li Shimin held his forehead in distress and said in a low voice: "Could it be that I can't even trust my own daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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