Chapter 1088

Don't take others too simply.

Li Shimin really can't understand this deal?

Li Zheng was sitting by the river in Jingyang fishing. Li Shimin must be suspicious, but what can he do?
It is impossible for him to know how many undiscovered gold mines and silver mines there are in this world.

After catching a grass carp, Li Zheng put the fish in the basket, skillfully hung up the bait, and put the hook into the river again.

During the past few days in Jingyang, Lu Dongzan wandered around Jingyang like a walking dead.

Until the fifth day, Lu Dongzan came to Li Zheng again.

Li Zheng looked at him and said, "Have you considered it?"

Lu Dongzan said: "Think it over, there is no other way right now, no matter how bad your conditions are, we in Tubo can only accept it."

Li Zheng took out two contracts and said in writing: "We each have one copy, and we will sign and pledge together. You can check if there is any problem first. If there is no problem, you can make a pledge now."

Lu Dongzan looked at it again and frowned and said, "What is a Jingyang contractor."

Li Zheng nodded and said: "It means that we have temporarily contracted the [-]-mile land in Jingyang, and the land within the scope of our contract is the land that Tubo pledged to Datang."

Lu Dongzan said again: "I don't understand one thing about you."

Li Zhengpin sipped his tea and said, "Please tell me."

Pointing to one of them, Lu Dongzan said: "If any herdsmen make trouble and refuse to obey the work arrangement, the Jingyang contractor has the right to expel the herdsmen, and the herdsmen are not qualified to negotiate terms and can only obey."

Li Zheng put down his teacup and said: "Let me tell you this, you have pledged these lands, so until all debts are paid off, everything on these lands is ours, including every stone, living on this land of herders do not own the pasture.”

Xu Jingzong and Li Yifu stood quietly aside, Li Xiaogong was also staring at Lu Dongzan.

The resentment in Lu Dongzan's eyes clearly indicated that he disagreed with the terms of the contract.

Li Zheng also said: "In a certain sense, all the herdsmen who graze on the pledged land are working for our contractors, and it's not that they have to graze if they want to graze."

Lu Dongzan stared at Li Zheng and said, "Then what have they become from herdsmen?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "Of course they are still herdsmen, but the nature of their work has changed. They have become working for contractors, and [-]% of their income from their work will be given to our contractors."

Lu Dongzan gritted his teeth and pointed to another entry and said, "What's the meaning of this other article? Any conflicts that arise in the pledged land, the Tibetan side cannot participate, and all conflicts are handled by the existing agreement of the contractor."

Li Zheng said: "Naturally, you Tubo can't take care of the pledged land. If you keep taking care of it, wouldn't it seem that I, a contractor, are superfluous."

The herdsmen have become the contractor's laborers, and they are still laborers who may be driven away at any time.

Tubo can't control anything in the contracted land.

Lu Dongzan took a deep breath, "If I don't sign this contract!"

Li Zheng looked at Li Xiaogong, "What does Prince Hejian think?"

Li Xiaogong thought about it and said: "In order to prevent the civil strife from spreading to the pledged land, the court will send troops into Tubo to protect those pastures and drive the herdsmen away from the pledged land. It's okay to just stay there. As for your internal strife, the court really doesn't have the energy to deal with it. After all, the battle of Goguryeo has just been fought, there is no reason to raise troops again now, it is not good for the government."

Li Zheng said: "You can also go back now. If you go back empty-handed, let's not talk about how you will explain to Songtsan Gampo and the various Tubo tribes. I am worried that the finally unified Tubo tribe will split again. It is not good to waste all previous efforts. "

Seeing that Lu Dongzan was still hesitating, Li Zheng said in a low voice: "I promise that on the condition of treating the herdsmen well, the herdsmen can graze with peace of mind until the debts are paid off."

Lu Dongzan took out the seal from his pocket, looked at Li Zheng and said, "If you, Li Zheng, do something harmful to the Tubo herdsmen, I, Lu Dongzan, will not let you go even if I become a ghost."

Li Zheng nodded with a smile.

Tightly holding the seal in his hand, Songtsan Gampo covered the contract and written documents, and pressed his fingerprints.

Li Zheng packed up the contract and words and said: "Okay, someone will take over those lands as my representative soon."

Looking at the contract that had been pledged, Lu Dongzan sat weakly, and said in a low voice: "Will these lands really be returned to us in Tibet after paying off?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "That's natural. It's useless for me to want those wastelands, and I can't grow food."

Lu Dongzan also accepted the contract and saluted Li Zheng.

After staying in Jingyang for another two days, Lu Dongzan finally left Jingyang.

Li Zheng came to the other courtyard again with the contract between Li Xiaogong and Tubo.

Li Xiaogong told Li Shimin about the ins and outs.

Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng and said, "In this way, I should make a bet with you according to the agreement."

Li Zheng took out two new contracts and said: "Your Majesty can't go back on his word after making a bet."

Li Shimin made a bet very readily. If this Tubo can really be included in the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the gain or loss of this benefit is nothing at the moment.

But looking at Li Zheng's proud expression, he felt a little ashamed as an emperor negotiating terms with his son-in-law.

I am His Majesty of Datang.

"Your Majesty, please keep one copy of the contract." Li Zheng kept his own contract as he spoke.

Li Shimin didn't care much about the contract and said, "I'll ask you another question."

Li Zheng stood up again and said, "Excuse me, Your Majesty."

Li Shimin looked closely at Li Zheng's expression and said, "One day in the future, will you treat Datang like Tubo?"

Li Xiaogong also looked at Li Zheng, and Li Zheng's organs did everything possible to make Tubo suffer so badly.

If such means were used in Datang, what would be the consequences?

No one dared to think too much.

Li Zheng smiled and said, "Your Majesty, have I done anything to harm Datang's interests so far?"

Li Shimin thought for a while and said, "Not really."

Li Zheng said again: "Your Majesty, I was born on this land, and it is this land that raised me. I will not let this down. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "I hope so too."

Li Zheng said, "I'm leaving now."

Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng's back and said, "Have you noticed?"

Li Xiaogong who was standing aside heard Li Shimin's words and quickly asked: "Your Majesty is paying attention to what you are paying attention to?"

Li Shimin smiled bitterly, "It's nothing, you go back first."


Li Xiaogong also bowed and withdrew.

Li Shimin looked up at the clear sky. Li Zheng kept saying that he would live up to the land that raised him, but what he never said was to serve Datang.

(End of this chapter)

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