People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1092 Punching Yingda's Idea

Chapter 1092 Punching Yingda's Idea

Thinking of these things, Wu Mei's expression improved a lot.

Li Zheng also said: "Don't think too badly of others. Not everyone is a bad person. In many cases, we should not think that things are black and white, and we should not have too much hostility."

Wu Mei said: "Is this Chang'an Ling's way of life?"

Li Zheng said with emotion: "Drink too much chicken soup for the soul."

Wu Mei asked curiously, "What is Chicken Soup for the Soul?"

Li Zheng also said: "Many times when we are angry, the facts are often not important. You just regard the other party as an enemy, but when you wake up, you will find that the problem is actually not very big."

Looking at Wu Mei's expression again, it seems that her eyes are not quite right, is she worshiping me?

It feels a little weird to be worshiped by a ruthless woman in history like Wu Mei.

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "I'll boil the water, you can do your work."

Seeing Li Zheng walk into the house, Wu Mei stood there in a daze for a long time, savoring the words in it carefully.

These principles are very simple and clear. After listening to these principles, Wu Mei feels that she is not so depressed anymore, and she suddenly feels much better.

Looking at Li Zheng's back, Wu Mei was very curious: "Obviously Chang'an Ling is only a few years older than me, why do I have so many insights."

Li Zheng put the teapot on the fire rack, poured water and waited for the water to boil.

Xu Hui brought some pastries and said, "Chang'an Ling, these are pastries from the palace."

After receiving the pastry, Li Zheng ate it one bite at a time.

I have to say that the craftsmanship of the ancients is still very good.

The taste of cakes in the Tang Dynasty was no worse than that of later generations.

Xu Hui said again; "The servants and servants heard what Chang'an Ling just said to Wu Mei."

Li Zheng nodded slightly.

Xu Hui said: "Actually, Wu Mei is a good-natured child, but she is very hostile to outsiders, but she is still very obedient in front of Her Highness the Princess."

Li Zhengcai put down the pastry and said, "What do you think of her?"

Xu Hui said: "It seems that Wu Mei's ability is still good. Whether she can be used to great effect will be discussed later, but Her Royal Highness is very close to the girl from the Wang family."

Li Zheng knew that Xu Hui was referring to the girl from the Wang family with five surnames and Qiwangzhong, who still lives in Jingyang.

Speaking of which, Wu Mei's temperament is really difficult to deal with.

After all, her ruthless reputation has always been famous in history.

Now that Wu Mei is still young, and she hasn't experienced so much, perhaps a good enlightenment can still make Wu Mei less cruel.

Wu Mei has the ability, whether it is the means of doing things, or the wrist is very good.

Such people are very useful to the cause of Jingyang.

But if Wu Mei is not well controlled, Wu Mei is likely to rebel.

Li Zheng said with emotion: "Wu Mei is still young now, you should take care of her."

Xu Hui said with a smile: "This is what a servant girl should do."

After speaking, Xu Hui took small steps and left.

Xu Hui also knew in her heart that Princess Changle valued Wu Mei very much. Wu Mei's character was indeed a problem, and Wu Mei was not kind enough.

Princess Changle also thought about controlling Wu Mei.

Wanting to really regain Wu Mei, Princess Changle also thought about letting Wu Mei enter the house.

But this is just a bad strategy, we will have to wait until later to find out about Wu Mei, so as to see the effect, if Wu Mei is really hopeless, Princess Changle will not use Wu Mei again.

The water in the teapot boiled, and Li Zheng poured himself a cup of tea.

After taking a sip of tea, Li Zheng continued to flip through the book in his hand.

There are many literatures on the cultivation technology of watermelon.

As early as the Song Dynasty, some people began to study the cultivation technology of watermelon.

In terms of eating, people have been working hard for the freedom of watermelon since ancient times.

With the paving of the predecessors, Li Zheng felt that he could avoid many detours in this regard.

Three days later, Xu Jingzong came to Jingyang again.

Li Zheng, Li Tai and Da Hu packed up the stables early in the morning.

Seeing Li Tai here, Xu Jingzong didn't dare to speak too much, and stood quietly aside.

After finishing his work, Li Tai said while stroking the big dog's head: "Li Zheng, I have been thinking about recruiting masters for the academy for a long time, and now many students are half-reading and half-teaching. It is also necessary to allocate energy to teach the lower grades, and it will not work if it continues like this, I think it is necessary to increase the number of masters."

Li Zheng shook his fan and said, "Do you have a better candidate?"

Li Tai thought for a while and said: "There are candidates. I want old master Kong Yingda to come to the academy. As long as old master Kong Yingda comes to the academy, his reputation can attract more masters. We can choose from them."

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Old Master Kong Yingda? Isn't he in charge of the Imperial College?"

Li Tai put down Kong Yingda's dog's head and said, "Old Master Kong Yingda can only teach Confucianism in the Imperial College. Apart from these, it is already very difficult for him to improve his knowledge."

Li Zheng nodded clearly, "Old Master Kong Yingda is already the ceiling of the Imperial College, and the Imperial College has no room for him to improve."

Li Tai said again: "Before I come to Jingyang again, I will often visit old master Kong Yingda. Old master Kong Yingda also said that the Confucianism he has learned all his life actually coincides with your science in many aspects."

Li Zheng said suspiciously, "Really?"

Li Tai also said: "Some of the words of Confucius in ancient times are very similar to your science. With Kong Yingda's current state, it is very difficult for him to take a step forward. Finding a new state is definitely not the knowledge at hand. If it is enough, he needs more knowledge, and a lot of your scientific knowledge is unheard of, if he can understand something from your scientific knowledge, maybe his realm can be raised to a higher level."

Touching the stubble of his chin, Li Zheng said: "My academy has a bad reputation outside, and his old man's reputation is gone?"

Li Tai said with a smile: "Actually, he doesn't really care about reputation. Besides, he is a descendant of Confucius. Who can question him?"

Li Zheng nodded slightly, "That's right, then how do you invite him over? It's not so easy to grab your father's corner, and I'm more worried because of this matter, what will you do if you and your father fight each other?"

Li Tai said: "Even if this happened, I know you will definitely help me."

Li Zheng said with a cold smile: "You have a good idea, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Even though Li Zheng said so, Li Tai stood up nonchalantly, "The academy has other things to do today, so I won't be staying soon."

After Li Tai left, Xu Jingzong stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Chang'an Ling, the satisfactory news has arrived."

Li Zheng took the letter from Xu Jingzong, opened it and looked at the contents, the letter was basically a report of safety.

(End of this chapter)

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