People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1093 The Importance of Information

Chapter 1093 The Importance of Information

Xinxin has successfully arrived in the country of Wa, and has become the teacher of the prince of the country of Wa.

The letter said that the king of the Wa Kingdom was in poor health and had been ill for many years.

If there is no accident, after the death of King Wa, the prince of Wa will become the new king of Wa very smoothly.

The letter also said that the country of Wa did have silver mines, but the silver mines alone could not be used, and there was not much arable land and food shortages.

The prince of Wa is ready to attack Goguryeo again.

After reading the letter in his hand, Li Zheng lit the letter and used it to ignite the fire on the grill to prepare the barbecue.

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Chang'an Ling, the matter of satisfaction is going well."

Li Zheng put charcoal in the fire and said, "How is the situation in Goguryeo?"

Xu Jingzong replied: "According to the information we have collected recently, the new king of Goguryeo has successfully ascended the throne, and the city of Pyongyang has been rebuilt, but there are still many Japanese people making trouble along the coast of Goguryeo."

Watching Li Zheng put the mutton on the grill, Xu Jingzong said again: "Chang'an Ling, do you think the prince of the Japanese country will send troops to attack Goguryeo?"

Putting the mutton on the iron rack, Li Zheng said: "The land of the Wa country is small, and there are many natural disasters. They live in this place full of disasters and disasters, and they have little food. They live in this place, and you Knowing that there is a piece of fertile land across the sea, what would you think?"

Xu Jingzong thought about it and said, "I will think about leaving."

Li Zheng said again: "Think about it again, what if you are the king of the Wa Kingdom?"

Xu Jingzong hesitated, thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid I will also think about launching a war to seize the fertile land on the other side of the sea."

Flipping the mutton roasted on the iron rack, Li Zheng said: "Perhaps many years later, there will be batch after batch of people in Japan who have such ideas. People can be killed, but the ideas are always there."

Xu Jingzong said: "So the people of the Japanese state have wolfish ambitions, and I'm afraid they harbor evil intentions."

Li Zheng nodded and said: "People's desire for what they want has always been endless, and they will never be satisfied to live in a corner."

Xu Jingzong nodded and said: "As long as they have tasted the sweetness, they will not stop. Once some things are opened, they can never be closed again."

Li Zheng picked up a piece of roast lamb and tasted it carefully in his mouth.

Xu Jingzong asked again: "How should the Wa country deal with it?"

After Xu Jingzong thought for a while, he added: "I mean a long-term solution."

Li Zheng sprinkled some salt on the roasted mutton and said: "There is a gap in the level of cognition between people. In the age of blood and hair in ancient times, whoever mastered the iron mastered the war, and whoever mastered the making of weapons Whoever controls the outcome of a war, with a horseshoe, you have a cavalry, with a knife, you have the power of life and death."

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Chang'an Ling's words are really profound."

Li Zheng said: "It's actually very simple. Control the development of the Japanese country, let their civilization stay where they are, and speed up the development of the Central Plains on this basis. In the past, one person chose to store grain in troubled times, while the other chose He put up guns, and later he became the granary for those who put up guns."

Xu Jingzong took a deep breath, "It turns out that's the case, I understand a little bit."

Xu Jingzong is a very smart person, some things can be understood without saying a little.

After being quiet for a while, Xu Jingzong seemed to be thinking. After a while, he said: "Chang'an Order, as the saying goes, if you cut the grass, you must get rid of the root. If you don't do something, you will always have a different heart. If you don't do something, you will always be a hidden danger."

Li Zheng ate the mutton and said, "Go and do your work, has the matter of instigating rebellion been settled?"

Xu Jingzong said hastily: "I've found a few people, and I'm checking their details, so I'm going to get busy now."

After speaking, Xu Jingzong left in a hurry.

Cutting the weeds requires eradicating the roots, this is really what Xu Jingzong could say.

When dealing with outsiders, Xu Jingzong will do even better.

Li Shimin's people have been watching his every move. For Li Shimin, there are more or less eyeliners in this kind of work.

Just killing or catching cannot solve the root cause.

It will only make Li Shimin worse.

If you want to solve this trouble, you can only instigate against the people in Li Shimin's hands, instigate against Li Shimin's eyeliner, and even instigate against the core figures in Li Shimin's eyeliner.

Information is important at all times.

In business warfare, in war, and in diplomacy, the speed and authenticity of information have always been important.

Sometimes the battle for information begins before a war has even begun.

No matter later generations or ancient times, or now.

Information is very important.

Master the information that others do not have, and know the news one step ahead of others, you can always predict the enemy first.

Eat roasted lamb with Duhu to deal with it.

Li Zheng was walking in the village when he saw Li Tai leaving Jingyang in a hurry.

It seems to be going to Chang'an.

It is noon, and it is also the time to take a nap after dinner.

Regardless of the torrential flood outside, Li Zheng was sitting on his recliner and preparing to take a nap.

That afternoon, Li Shimin also just woke up from sleep.

The environment in Jingyang is good, and the courtyard is quiet.

Not to mention the greening of Jingyang, besides fields and crops, trees are the most planted in Jingyang.

And over the years, Li Zheng has been asking people to plant trees.

It's just that the tree has almost reached the boundary of Longyou, so it stopped.

Li Shimin washed his face and took a sip of tea to refresh himself. He had heard Li Zheng say before that he wanted to plant trees in the northwest and northeast of the Central Plains.

I don't know why this kid is so obsessed with planting trees.

Holding the science book brought from the academy in his hand, Li Shimin began to chew on words again, pondering the obscure knowledge in the science book.

Wang Ding hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Kong Yingda's memorial to the old master."

Kong Yingda taught in the Imperial College on weekdays, and had never taken the initiative to hand in memorials.

It was a novelty to hear that Kong Yingda had brought a memorial.

Li Shimin took the memorial and glanced at the content above, then frowned and struggled.

Wang Ding realized that Li Shimin's expression was not good, so he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Li Shimin put down the memorial and said, "What has Kong Yingda done recently?"

Wang Ding said: "Old Master Kong Yingda does the same things every day, either teaching at the academy or reading at home."

Li Shimin said suspiciously: "Then why did Old Master Kong Yingda say that he was resigning?"

It turned out that Kong Yingda's memorial was a resignation memorial.

Wang Ding was secretly startled. Speaking of letting Kong Yingda come to teach in the Imperial College, His Majesty wasted a lot of effort.

It has only been a few years now, and Kong Yingda is about to resign.

Li Shimin put down the memorial and said: "Kong Yingda is also old. He said that he asked his disciples to teach in the Imperial College, and he himself should retire and return home."

(End of this chapter)

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