Chapter 1097 Xintiandi

Yan Liben said with emotion: "After the old man entered this academy, the old man knew what the sky is high and the earth is thick. If you study some things carefully, you will find that there are many wonderful things that you have not discovered, just like the pump. The pump old man has no idea what air pressure is."

The words paused for a while, and Yan Liben said again: "There is another thing called a flush toilet. The old man also knows the water pressure, so he can make things like this. The old man comes from a family of craftsmen, and the craftsmen have always respected craftsmanship."

Sun Simiao nodded slightly, agreeing to these words.

Yan Liben also said: "More and more craftsmen no longer specialize in how to make things, but are delving into fine craftsmanship. The fineness of craftsmanship determines the level of a craftsman. I think this is wrong. Standing still, because they only know the craft, but they don't know how to learn."

"After the pre-Qin period, there was no one to defeat Mozi in the world. Isn't this a kind of sadness? What I long for in my heart is a kind of hope, just like the water pump developed by Li Zheng, and the bicycle that has been perfected until now. Things are not for the benefit of people's livelihood, and after Li Zheng opened up the research institute, he once again confirmed that the old man is right, Li Zheng's research institute is to make the research direction of the academy go towards improving people's livelihood."

After listening to Yan Liben's heartfelt words, Kong Yingda also fell silent.

After standing outside the academy for a long time, Sun Simiao said slowly, "Maybe Li Zheng wants to open up a new world, and this new world of knowledge can make people's lives better."

Yan Liben said again: "However, Li Zheng is a person who wants money to death. He has been reviled by many people. He is already at odds with Buddhism, and he is a thorn in the side of Confucian children."

Sun Simiao said in a low voice: "Maybe Li Zheng didn't think so much himself, maybe Li Zheng didn't take these threats at all."

Yan Liben frowned and said, "Several times, the old man always felt that something was wrong with Li Zheng, but he couldn't tell what was wrong."

Sun Simiao said with a smile: "There are some things that he insists on going his own way, which seems to be aimless, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that some things that Li Zheng insists on are worthy of scrutiny. He seems to have known that his direction is right."

Yan Liben thought about it and said, "Could it be that a Taoist priest passing by his house taught him?"

Sun Simiao said, "Who knows?"

Li Zheng, who was looking at the map of Tubo in the stables, sneezed.

Mou has sent news again that the Tibetan herdsmen have moved back and settled down. Although the Tibetan herdsmen resisted some new rules, they have been settled.

Xu Jingzong said: "The Chang'an decree, Mou's letter said that more and more herdsmen will move in, which is already more than before."

Li Zheng took out a contract and said: "This is not a problem. The herdsmen who move into the pledged land are laborers. Anyone who wants to move in is a laborer. This is a labor force. It is not too little."

Xu Jingzong took a look at Li Zheng's contract. It was like a labor contract, but this contract has no follow-up guarantee. The silent party can dismiss the herdsmen at will. I have to say that Li Zheng's contract is very It's vicious, and the herdsmen are being manipulated to death, and this contract is written as a temporary worker contract.

In other words, these herdsmen are just temporary workers.

There is no follow-up guarantee, and there is no right to stay.

Then the herdsmen must obey the arrangements unconditionally.

Li Yifu glanced at the contract, took a breath and said: "Chang'an Order, this is too much, the herdsmen are afraid they will rebel."

Li Zheng said: "They like to sign or not, and if they don't sign, don't stay in our territory. Besides, they have no other choice except our territory."

Li Yifu said: "But this contract is too strict."

Li Zheng said: "Contracts and people's hearts are two different things. Although the contract is strict, it is only our final bottom line. Of course, we must let the herdsmen live well, otherwise how can we recruit herdsmen."

Xu Jingzong said: "Power must be in our own hands."

This contract was drawn up based on future generations, and Li Zheng also understood this drawback in his heart.

The world is cruel, and it will be even more cruel in later generations.

Weak countries have no room for resistance.

In an economic turmoil, many places are affected, and those small countries can only be forced to become temporary workers for other countries.

Under Western sanctions, all resistance demonstrations are futile.

There is a sadness that cannot be changed in reality.

This is what I learned from watching the documentaries of later generations.

Li Zheng said to Xu Jingzong: "How are you doing in terms of personnel instigating rebellion?"

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "We have controlled one, but this person is not the core, it's just fringe information."

Li Zheng said: "If we give our contract to our instigator, let him submit whether he will be promoted."

Xu Jingzong said: "The Chang'an order means that we deliberately sell some things, so that our people can be promoted, and we can cultivate them ourselves."

Li Zheng nodded with a smile.

Xu Jingzong thought for a while and said: "It should be feasible. I can try it next time. If we can't instigate the core figures, how about we cultivate our own people and put our people into the other party's core?"

Li Zheng continued to look at the Tubo map, "You are also very smart, you can understand it with just one click."

Li Yifu took the opportunity to say: "It's all Chang'an Ling's brilliant strategy."

Xu Jingzong glared at Li Yifu, such a good flattery was given to Li Yifu first.

Li Yifu smiled proudly.

Li Zheng looked at the map and drew a few circles, "The pastures in these places are pretty good, let Mogao build up the pastures, especially the sanitation must be done well, and Tibetan pigs and sheep are raised. "

Xu Jingzong took the booklet and recorded Li Zheng's words.

Li Zheng also said: "All the pastures are fixed, divided into No. [-] to No. [-] pastures, and the herdsmen of each pasture are fixed, so it can be better fixed."

Li Yifu said: "The herdsmen often move. Is this not good for them?"

Li Zheng said: "If they keep moving, it will be very difficult to manage. In our territory, follow our rules."

Xu Jingzong said again: "The specific process will be left to you, will you do it in silence?"

Li Zheng said again: "Guided by Jingyang, keep silent and work hard."

Xu Jingzong still recorded these words.

Li Zheng said: "Xu Jingzong, do you have anyone who has offended you, or who you are unhappy with, throw him to Tubo to teach me."

Xu Jingzong glanced at Li Yifu.

Li Yifu jumped up on the spot, "Well, you Xu Jingzong, I treat you well on weekdays, what are you doing looking at me like this! How can I offend you."

(End of this chapter)

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