Chapter 1098 Wang Clan
Li Zheng waved his hand and said, "Forget about Li Yifu, he still has to help me with things, and he's worth a bit to me."

Hearing what Li Zheng said, Li Yifu hurriedly bowed and said, "I am loyal to Chang'an Ling."

Li Zheng thought about it and said: "Xu Jingzong, you go to Chang'an to find someone."

Putting away the land, Li Zheng said again: "Cutting a copy of our contract and the planned map to our rebels, let's go to work first."

Xu Jingzong put it away and said, "Understood."

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu again: "You can count the people who start work after the autumn harvest."

Li Yifu nodded, "Let's arrange it now."

After both of them left, Li Zheng thought in his mind that the road construction task given by the system would not be completed for a while.

I'm afraid that the system's tasks will become more and more outrageous in the future.

The resources in hand are not enough.

If there is still a lot of construction and road construction during the autumn harvest, I am afraid that Li Shimin will work hard.

What a backward era.

Li Zheng felt emotional in his heart.

Before going home, Li Zheng took another look at the condition of the watermelon seedlings, and they seemed to be growing well.

When he arrived at home, Li Zheng unexpectedly found that there were guests at home.

Li Lizhi was talking with a woman.

This woman looked familiar, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

When she saw herself, she also dodged her eyes, and then left in a hurry.

After the person left, Li Zheng looked at her back suspiciously, "Who is she here?"

Li Lizhi looked at Li Zheng, "She looks pretty."

Li Zheng touched the stubble of his chin and said, "It looks familiar."

Seeing that Li Zheng was still staring at her back, Li Lizhi twisted Li Zheng's arm hard, "Isn't it good to look at other girls' backs in front of my wife?"

Li Zheng quickly withdrew his gaze, "Let go! It hurts!"

Li Lizhi let go of her hand and said, "You forgot her so quickly? She is Wang."

Li Zheng slapped his forehead and said: "I remember, she is the girl from the Wang family with five surnames."

Li Lizhi said, "Her name is Wang Qiaoer."

Li Zheng recalled, "I've seen it once or twice, but I forgot."

Carefully pouring a cup of hot tea, Li Lizhi said: "Chang'an has made many powerful children covet her. Since the five surnames fell apart, you still allowed her to stay in Jingyang. After all, it's not good for her to be alone in Chang'an."

Li Zheng picked up the teacup and said, "What does she want from you?"

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "On weekdays, she also lives in seclusion. This time she came to me because of her younger brother. Her younger brother is the only son of the Patriarch with five surnames."

Li Zheng took a sip of tea and said, "I remember that person, his name is Wang Sheng, and he has a feud with me."

Li Lizhi said: "Now this Wang Sheng has been by the prince's side all the time. Being in the aristocratic family, the Wang family knows the dangers of the imperial power. What the Wang family wants is to hope that he can leave the prince. My younger brother can let go of his obsession, the conflict between the imperial power and the aristocratic family can't be explained clearly in a few words, the royal family will not let the Wang family make a comeback."

Li Zheng said, "You agreed?"

Li Lizhi said: "I haven't agreed yet, you are the head of the family, of course I have to discuss it with you."

Watching Li Zheng pick up the teacup and put it down again, without taking a sip, Li Lizhi sat aside and said in a low voice, "What? Don't want to help?"

Li Zheng said: "It's not that I don't want to help. I happen to be short of a manpower. It's just that I need to say hello to Mrs. Wang in advance to avoid misunderstanding."

Li Lizhi asked curiously, "Then you agreed to help?"

Li Zheng said: "It's not considered a help, I need someone to help me go to Tubo to do business, and she needs her brother to leave the prince, everyone has their own income."

Li Lizhi approached and asked, "What can you do?"

The woman was very close, and it was summer, and she was wearing thin clothes.

This kind of teasing is really difficult for a normal man to resist.

Would Li Lizhi not understand?
Li Zheng said with a suppressed voice: "I am a normal man, woman, you are playing with fire."

Realizing the distance between herself, Li Lizhi felt even more proud when she heard this, "We are also husband and wife."

After she finished speaking, she stood aside.

Talk to Li Lizhi about the guy in your heart.

Li Lizhi said, "Then I'll discuss it with Mrs. Wang first."

The next day, after waiting for Wang's reply, everything will be easier.

Li Zheng went to the stables and called Xu Jingzong.

Li Zheng said to him: "What do you think of Wang Sheng from the Wang family?"

Xu Jingzong said disdainfully: "He, the follower around the prince, doesn't have any real talents and lessons."

Li Zheng said to him: "Let him go to Tubo to teach."

Xu Jingzong said in surprise: "He?!"

Li Zheng said, "Isn't it appropriate?"

Xu Jingzong said: "Chang'an Ling, don't be joking. Didn't he have a feud with Chang'an Ling? How could he help Chang'an Ling? There are many candidates. Why did Chang'an Ling like him?"

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Jingzong came to his senses, and said in a low voice: "Could it be that Chang'an Ling has taken a fancy to Wang Sheng's sister. It is said that this Wang family is a beauty. How many sons of Chang'an want to see her beauty."

Li Zheng raised his foot and Xu Jingzong staggered, "I was entrusted by someone, don't talk nonsense!"

Xu Jingzong smiled awkwardly, "I'm talking too much."

Seeing Xu Jingzong's appearance, it seemed that he couldn't explain clearly.

Li Zheng said to him: "You play a trick on Wang Sheng and threaten him to do things for us."

Xu Jingzong smiled and said, "I'm good at making threats, but Wang's..."

Seeing Xu Jingzong's sinister smile, Li Zheng said, "I really want to beat you up with your face."

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Let's do it."

Letting Wang Sheng leave the prince is also to preserve the blood of the Wang family.

As a child of the five surnames, it is more dangerous to be too close to the imperial power.

Especially for the children of the five surnames now, it is more dangerous to stay with the prince for too long.

Li Shimin will not let the prince have children with five surnames around him.

After a hot afternoon, Chang'an City became much more lively in the evening.

Xu Jingzong, who was waiting outside the Chengtian Gate, finally waited until Wang Sheng came out of the East Palace.

After he came out, Xu Jingzong followed him all the way.

Until he entered a wine shop.

Xu Jingzong immediately sat in front of him and said, "Young Master Wang, long time no see."

Wang Sheng knew Xu Jingzong and said, "What are you doing here?"

Xu Jingzong said: "We just met by chance, why not have a drink together, I invite you today."

Seeing that Wang Sheng was about to get up and leave, Xu Jingzong quickly grabbed him and said, "Could it be that he dare not drink in person? The son of the Wang family with five surnames knows how to drink."

Hearing the words "son of the Wang family's legitimate son", Wang Sheng turned his head and glared at Xu Jingzong.

Seeing the anger in Wang Sheng's eyes, Xu Jingzong became more and more sure that Wang Sheng was easy to attack.

Xu Jingzong patted the table and said: "If you are a man, sit down and drink!"

As soon as the words fell, many drinkers in the wine shop also booed one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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