Chapter 118
The Tubo envoys were going to visit Li Zheng, but Li Zheng killed the Tubo horses in front of these Tubo envoys?He also ordered the villagers to hang up their war horses for public display.

Hanging at the entrance of the village in Jingyang County, people passing by can see the corpses of these horses. This incident is like an explosive news that has spread to every corner of Chang'an.

It caused an uproar for a while.

What is even more surprising is that these Tubo people did not do anything, but even apologized to the villagers in Jingyang.

Among the envoys sent by various countries, the envoys from Tubo are the most prestigious.

This incident once again made Li Zheng famous, and everyone in the streets and alleys spread all over the place for a while, and everyone knew about it.
In the court, dozens of speech officials played overnight to impeach Li Zheng, the Marquis of Jingyang County, regardless of the overall situation of the frontier and the great plan of the court. In order to vent his personal anger and offend the Tubo people, His Majesty please punish Li Zheng!

The impeachment of the courtiers and the discussion among the public became lively because of Li Zheng's actions.

Li Chongyi re-arranged the accommodation for these Tubo envoys, because many ordinary people threw rotten eggs into the guest rooms of the Tubo people.

Unable to help heaving a long sigh, Li Chongyi was worried about how this Li Zheng would do things at this important juncture between the two countries.

It doesn't matter what you do, don't make it so big, how will it end now.

And Li Zheng was like a normal person, he should eat and drink in Jingyang.

Li Tai came to Li Zheng's side and said: "Now the remarks of the court are not good for you..."


Li Tai, who hated iron but steel, said again: "You still have the mood to roast chicken wings?"

Li Zheng smeared some sauce on the chicken wings and said, "Are you worried that your father will punish me?"

Li Tai nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "I don't want you to die so young."

"His Royal Highness Wei Wang is worrying too much. I don't think your father will punish me. If he really wanted to punish me, he would have taken me to Chang'an and imprisoned me. Is it necessary to not do it now? Tubo invaded the territory of Tuyuhun , disrupted our court plan, if we don’t show him off, they really think we Tang people are easy to bully, don’t they?”

Li Tai let out a long sigh, "Li Zheng, are you really stupid or fake? Do you know how many people in the first dynasty were impeaching you? I know that you and the eldest grandson's family are at odds, and many people are trying to deal with it you."

Li Zheng took a bite of the grilled chicken wings and said, "The sauce is a bit too salty."

Li Tai said anxiously, "Are you listening to me?"

"Fatty, don't be impatient, let me ask you first, is the land of Tuyuhun important to us?"

"Of course it matters."

Li Tai spit out the chicken bone and said: "That's it. Tuyuhun's territory involves the Hexi Corridor. The Tubo people's possession of the Hexi Corridor is equivalent to putting a knife on the neck of the Central Plains. Songtsan Gambo's wolf ambition is eager to try the Central Plains. Don’t all the officials understand? Do we still need to be polite to such people? Could it be that we should treat these Tubo people well to be good to Tang, isn’t it a kind of pride to serve them?”

Li Tai was also very enthusiastic when he was said, "You are right! We, the Tang Dynasty, must win the Hexi Corridor, and those officials in the court have heard rumors about things, and they will grow their ambitions!"

Li Ke went back to the palace and told Li Shimin the ins and outs of the incident.

After Li Shimin listened to it, he asked Li Ke to step back, with a deadpan face and nothing to say.

The officials in the court are waiting for His Majesty's decree, but when it comes, they will discuss it after a sentence.

Not long after the incident, another group of people came to the entrance of Jingyang Village. This group was more refined, and they came on foot without weapons or horses.

The envoys from Tuyuhun were amazed when they saw several dead horses hanging at the entrance of Jingyang village.

It is said that people in the Central Plains treat each other with courtesy, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

I have long heard of what happened after the Turks sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty.

Perhaps this is what the Turkic population said, the current Datang is a country of tigers and wolves.

Seeing these Tuyuhun envoys, Li Zheng asked curiously, "What are you doing here?"

The envoy of Tuyuhun introduced himself: "I am Funi, younger brother of Fuyun, King of Tuyuhun, and I often hear that Hou Daming of Jingyang County is here to pay a visit."

Looking at Fu Ni's calm demeanor, he is also humble and polite. The point is that this guy speaks very well in Guanzhong.

Several followers also stood bowed and bowed their heads.

Tuyuhun is now at the critical moment of life and death, and the envoy he sent is actually the younger brother of the current king of Tuyuhun.

The weight of this messenger is enough.

Fu Ni said: "When I came down, I saw several dead horses hanging at the entrance of the village..."

Li Zheng said with a smile on his face: "Speaking of which, the quality of these Tubo people is really bad. I hate two kinds of people the most in my life. One is rude people, and the other is people who owe money and don't pay back." .”

Li Tai: "..."

Fu Ni smiled slightly, "So that's how it is."

Li Zheng said: "You will definitely not be like them, right?"

Fu Ni waved his hands again and again: "No, no, then Lu Dongzan is a common man, so he should be killed. Now Lu Dongzan is still alive because of the magnanimity of the magistrate."

"Actually, I often came to the Central Plains when I was a child, and I also learned the characters of the Central Plains from the people of the Central Plains. I have long admired the Central Plains, and I have hoped for it. Many years ago, I hoped that the Tang Dynasty would become our upper country in Tuyuhun. For us What an honor that would be."

Li Zheng felt goosebumps all over his body for Fu Ni's bragging.

"You said that you have admired our Great Tang for a long time, and you have long wanted to belong to our Great Tang. If this is the case, then why did I attack Liangzhou?"


Fu Ni's smile froze on his face.

"We Central Plains people pay attention to admitting a mistake, and you have to make amends."

Fu Ni nodded quickly, "Apology must be made. In fact, the matter in Liangzhou was a misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding. This time I came here to make amends to His Majesty Datang."

Li Zheng shook the cattail fan in his hand, looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, "Then you apologize to His Majesty, what are you doing here?"

Fu Ni also said: "The reputation of the Marquis of Jingyang County has long been spread outside the pass, and three hundred poems were written overnight. One plan settled Yinshan, shattered the ambitions of the Turks, and made the invincible Turks bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers. The admiration for the county lord is really..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Li Zheng interrupted him, this guy started flattering again at every turn.

Fu Ni said: "If the County Marquis can help us Tuyuhun out of the predicament, Tuyuhun will definitely be grateful to the County Marquis! There will be a big gift in return."

Li Zheng gasped. "So this is ah."

Fu Ni blinked and looked at Li Zheng expectantly.

 There are still three chapters tonight, it may be a bit late, you can read it tomorrow morning, don’t stay up late and pay attention to rest,
(End of this chapter)

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