People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 119 Li Zheng's Big Pen 1 Swipe

Chapter 119 Li Zheng's Big Brush

"I'm sorry, I never ask about affairs in the court." Li Zheng waved his sleeves and said, "Fatty sees off the guests!"

Fu Ni hurriedly said again: "Jingyang County is now, let me explain, we..."

Li Tai dragged Fu Ni out of the house.

Just as he was about to say something more, Li Tai slammed the door and closed it.

Fu Ni looked at the closed door and felt lost, so he had to take someone back first.

After they returned to Chang'an, Li Tai wrote a memorial and sent it to Chang'an, explaining the current situation and the importance of the Hexi Corridor.

This memorial was seen by the provincial officials before it was sent to Ganlu Hall.

For a while, the civil officials who advocated the alliance were furious. Although the memorial was sent by His Royal Highness King Wei, the content on it was written by Li Zheng.

Even the current king of Wei is in charge of the battle.

"It must be the demon Li Zheng who bewitched His Royal Highness King Wei!"

"You little boy!"

"He, Li Zheng, is not in his position, so he doesn't know that the situation is dangerous!"

"Once the Tang Dynasty and Tubo go to war, the people will definitely live in dire straits."


The speech officials share the same hatred.

The military generals of the DPRK and China are in the main battle, and the speech officials are in the middle of the peace.

The two sides were already at a stalemate, but this time a king of Wei was killed and directly stood on the main side of the battle.

The officials immediately felt the pressure.

Many officials joined forces and went to Jingyang to question Li Zheng!

You can't let this son continue to confuse His Royal Highness Wei Wang.

Recently, His Royal Highness King Wei has been in Jingyang, not doing anything about government affairs, just having fun with Li Zheng!

Forget about having fun, and pointing fingers at the government, is it tolerable or unbearable!
His Majesty has not released any of the dozens of memorials to impeach Li Zheng.

The officials did not dare to scold His Majesty like Wei Zheng did.

Call you Li Zhenghe!
A large number of officials came to the entrance of Jingyang Village.

Li Zheng, who was taking a nap, was woken up by Li Tai.

"Don't sleep, a large group of civil servants are coming."

After listening to Li Tai's words, Li Zheng rubbed his sleepy eyes, "What's going on?"

Li Tai said, "Go and see."

Before he got up and left the house, he heard the scolding of the officials, and he heard that the voice was indeed directed at him.

Seeing Li Zheng walking in front of people, the officials immediately recognized him.

"Li Zheng! You openly humiliated the Tubo envoy. Do you want the two countries to go to war?"

He had heard from Li Tai that many civil servants had impeached him before, but he did not expect them to kill him.

After waking up, Li Zheng said, "Don't put a big hat on me."

"You don't care about the safety of the people, once Tubo and Datang go to war, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"Wait a minute." Li Zheng stopped the speaker and asked, "Grandpa, how old are you?"

Seeing Li Zheng asking himself, he said: "This old man is 63 this year! Heshi Xie."

"I see, you don't have to say it so loudly, I'm not deaf." Li Zheng took a step forward and said, "You just said what would happen after the war, so let me ask you what to do if Tubo hit our door ?”

"Since we have formed an alliance, how can we call here?"

Li Zheng sighed and said: "Thanks to the fact that you have lived for most of your life and still believe in alliances, what are the alliances of the past dynasties and dynasties in the end? Have you forgotten the Weishui alliance three years ago?"

The speakers fell silent.

Li Zheng's words were still echoing.

"Where is the Hexi Corridor! That is the frontier fortress, the throat of Guanzhong, you gave your throat to Tubo?! You keep saying that you are for the country and the people, but you want to hand over the most important pass in Guanzhong to the Tubo people for a moment An Ning, let me ask you, did you sleep well at night? Can your conscience be at ease?"

A spokesperson stood up and said, "Then you shouldn't humiliate the Tubo envoy."

Li Zheng smiled wryly, "I'm really ashamed for you."

"You immediately apologize to the Tubo envoy."

This made Li Zheng want to laugh, pedantic!

No wonder Datang has been unable to take the five surnames for so many years, there is such a group of pedantic old stubborn.

It is no wonder that the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty have not been able to flourish.

Li Zheng looked at the group of old guys, "What should I do? Go to the palace to sue? Go and impeach me."

"You! Li Zheng is presumptuous!"

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "Bring the pen and ink."

Li Yifu moved quickly, and immediately brought the pen and ink.

Sitting at the entrance of the village, Li Zheng wrote, "Hedong Xie family..."

"What's your name?"

The speaker replied: "I don't change my name when I am going, and I don't change my surname when I sit down. Xie Jiayuan is the same."

"Thank you." Li Zheng wrote as he finished speaking: "Hedong Xie, Xie Jiayuan hooked up with the Tubo envoys, obtained benefits from it, took bribes privately, and defecated everywhere."

"Li Zheng! How dare you! You are making a false accusation."

Spokesman Xie Jiayuan held his forehead and almost fainted from anger on the spot.

Li Zheng smiled and said: "You can hear about impeachment, why can't I, you don't forget, I am the secretary of the Communist Party of China, and I can also submit memorials."

"That's right." Li Zheng asked Li Yifu again, "Is my rank higher than all of them?"

Li Yifu nodded, "The County Marquis can definitely impeach them."

After writing down one, Li Zheng pointed to another civil servant, "What's your name."

Are these officials really clean?
Have you really never collected money?
They are also unchecked.

"But it's okay." Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "In the name of my peace affairs, you go to the Zhongshu Province to get a list of officials in the court. I will impeach all the officials in Yushitai."

In the afternoon of the same day, Li Zheng wrote dozens of memorials for the impeachment of Yushitai speech officials and sent them to the court.

In front of Li Shimin.

It is rare for Li Zheng to hand in memorials to the palace, and dozens of copies are produced with a stroke of a pen.

Looking at these impeachment memorials, Li Shimin's expression is very rich.

These memorials are really wonderful, and some impeach people for visiting kilns.

There are even impeachment littering that damages the image of the DPRK and China.

Urinating anywhere?
But these memorials all carry a line of colluding with the Tubo envoys.

It was said that Li Zheng was acting on his will, but he did not expect him to be so impulsive.

This offended all the officials of Yushitai to death.

It's almost to the point of tearing the skin off.

Whether it was colluding with the Tubo envoys remains to be discussed.

It hit the vital point of these officials.

Can these officials really stand the test?

Some things are well known, but they just don't want to check.

I have to say that Li Zheng's handwriting is still as ugly as ever, and he really hasn't improved at all.

The eunuch came to report and said: "Your Majesty, Lu Dongzan is asking to see you."

"What's the matter?" Li Shimin didn't take his eyes off the memorial.

The eunuch said again: "It's about forming an alliance, but I've been standing outside Chengtian Gate for quite a while."

Li Shimin put down the memorial in disappointment and said, "No see."


Lu Dongzan wanted to see Li Shimin several times but was rejected.

Standing on Zhuque Street, Lu Dongzan looked at Chengtian Gate for a long time, then turned his head and left.

It's not that Lu Dongzan didn't think about retreating.

I also never forget the mission that Songtsen Gampo entrusted to me.

I can't forget Li Zheng's face.

(End of this chapter)

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