People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 127 People are thinner than yellow flowers

Chapter 127 People are thinner than yellow flowers

Fu Ni was so angry that he trembled all over and said: "If I agree to you, I will be a sinner through the ages of Tuyuhun."

Li Zheng said again: "You also saved Tuyuhun's Guozuo by doing this. You are a sinner. You are an eternal hero of Tuyuhun! You Tuyuhun has the assistance of our Tang Dynasty. After you repel Tubo, you will not only enjoy long-term stability and return What a wonderful thing to be able to have enough food and clothing.”

Fu Ni said: "Your request, County Marquis, is more than one request. You are taking advantage of others' danger. Forgive me for not agreeing."

Li Zheng said innocently: "Is my condition too much? I think it's very good."

Turning to look at Li Chongyi and Li Ke, Li Zheng asked them, "Are my conditions really too much?"

Both Li Ke and Li Chongyi shook their heads.

How could there be any objection to this? Tuyuhun was able to hold Tuyuhun to death, standing on the same standpoint, and even the officials from the Ministry of Rites agreed with Li Zheng very much.

Li Chongyi smiled and said: "Our conditions are already very fair. How can we do things that take advantage of others in such a vast country? The position of self-preservation has no intention of throwing stones at you."

Li Ke nodded vigorously.

Seeing Fu Ni's anxious face.

Li Zheng went on to say: "I'm talking about the third condition, no matter whether you Tuyuhun defeated Tubo or not, the monarch of your Tuyuhun, Fuyun Khan, will resign from his position as monarch, and I will regard His Majesty the Tang Dynasty as a god." Khan, of course, that's what you meant, just treat me as a free offer to you."

"It's losing money and giving up land!" Fu Ni yelled: "Li Zheng! You are wishful thinking. If Tuyuhun really did this, where is my Tuyuhun country? Believe it or not, we will send troops to attack Liangzhou now. Go down to Liangzhou, what do you think about Tang Dynasty?!"

Li Zheng smiled for a long time and said: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, you can think twice about this, don't you not only want to form an alliance, but also start a war against our Tang Dynasty? Does your Tuyuhun monarch think the same way?"

As soon as Fu Ni heard about the monarch, he immediately became discouraged.

Losing money and giving up land, Datang is going to drive Tuyuhun to the wasteland in the West Desert.

Li Ke interjected with a stern face: "If you don't agree, we, Datang and Tubo, will go and take your territory together. It doesn't make much difference to us."

Hearing this, Li Zheng quickly said: "His Royal Highness Shu! We are discussing state affairs, how can you talk like this, even if it is what is in our heart, you can't just say it, it is good to scare others."


Li Zheng turned around and said to Fu Ni again: "Well, Brother Fu, can you pretend that you didn't hear what you just said to His Highness the King of Shu?"

Fu Ni remained silent, with an angry expression on his face and some hesitation, which was extremely complicated.

Li Ke's understatement hit Fu Ni's worst weakness.

The situation is stronger than people, Tuyuhun is now an important juncture of life and death.

Tubo's army was gradually encroaching on Tuyuhun's territory. Now that Tubo was growing stronger, it launched an attack just when Tuyuhun was weakest.

With one bite, Tuyuhun was bloodied.

Under such circumstances, if Li Zheng's conditions were rejected, Datang would definitely stand on Tubo's side.

Judging from the current situation, it is obviously a more cost-effective choice for Datang to stand on the side of Tubo.

You can't ignore the overall situation, if you categorically reject Li Zheng's conditions.

Tuyuhun might really have no way out.

Fu Ni said in a low voice, "Can you give me a few days to think about it?"

Li Zheng said with a smile on his face: "We are not in a hurry, Brother Fu can think about it carefully, and we must not be impulsive."

Li Chongyi also understood the general direction of Li Zheng's negotiations.

Datang didn't need to send out a single soldier, and he took Fu Ni to death, so he had to let him agree.

It is true that Fu Ni is not qualified to negotiate conditions at this time.

Standing up together with the officials from the Ministry of Rites, Li Chongyi said: "It's getting late, let's go here and wait for your envoy from Tuyuhun to make a decision, and then discuss the next things in detail."

Funi left with his Tuyuhun envoy.

Lu Dongzan also left with his entourage.

Li Zheng said melancholy: "You said that Fu Ni is quite old, so he shouldn't be pissed off."

Li Chongyi smiled bitterly, "Why, you, Li Zheng, are starting to feel guilty now?"

"That's not true, I just think that if he is terrified to death by the situation in Tuyuhun, it has nothing to do with me, but if he pissed me off, wouldn't it be my life?"

Li Chongyi smiled again: "Don't worry, I don't think he is someone who will be pissed off by your few words."

Li Zheng sighed: "I see this person's Yintang is black and his face is pale. I'm afraid he won't live long. Maybe he will die suddenly as soon as he returns to Tuyuhun. If so, I can be regarded as making a contribution to the Great Tang. Presumably His Majesty will not be stingy in giving me a reward."

Li Chongyi nodded, "Now it seems that your negotiation is very clever, much better than I expected before, I admire you."

Li Zheng also said with a smile, "Brother Chongyi is absurd, so I'll just play tricks. If I really face thousands of troops, I might be the first to run away, eh! I hate killing and bloodshed the most. gone."

Li Chongyi was somewhat pertinent to Li Zheng, "I didn't expect you to have a compassionate heart. The next thing will be left to our Ministry of Rites. I know what to do."

Looking at the sky, Li Zheng said again: "What do you think His Majesty will reward me? I don't need an official position. I don't think I'm an official."

"I don't want too much, and I don't want to embarrass Your Majesty, so just give me tens of thousands of coins."

Hearing that Li Chongyi stared at Li Zheng, "I heard that you Jingyang is very rich."

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "Rumors are all rumors. Our Jingyang County has always been a poor county in Datang."

"Speaking of which, my life is very difficult. Brother Chongyi will tell you the truth, you see His Royal Highness Wei Wang has been eating and drinking for nothing at my house for so many days. He is hungry and full, and he can't eat well. Now people compare Yellow flowers are thin."

Li Chongyi was puzzled: "A person is thinner than a yellow flower?"

"Yes." Li Zheng pointed to Li Tai who was standing in the distance with an expressionless face and said, "Look, His Royal Highness King Wei has lost weight, what an unreasonable thing this is."

Li Tai stomped his feet and turned around to leave.

The wind howled past, blowing the weeds on the ground.

Li Chongyi took one more look at Li Tai's sad back, and left Jingyang with the officials from the Ministry of Officials.

Walking all the way, Li Chongyi secretly affirmed in his heart that Li Zheng was famous in Chang'an, and it seemed that he was never proud of himself.

Maybe this is why Li Zheng is so valued by His Majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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