People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 128 We are part-time bandits

Chapter 128 We are part-time bandits

Today's His Majesty's several appointments, the solicitation of the five surnames, and the wooing of the princes.

All were rejected by Li Zheng.

Li Chongyi made a conclusion about Li Zheng. Although he may be a bit of a gentleman, he is still a smart person.

In the days that followed, the negotiations were presided over by Zhongshu Sheng and the Ministry of Rites.

To be on the safe side, Zhongshu Sheng decided that the envoys from Tuyuhun and Tubo should meet separately.

Negotiate separately.

A few days later, Fu Ni accepted Li Zheng's three conditions to end the negotiation. At this point, Li Shimin ordered Li Daliang to lead [-] troops to garrison the Hexi Corridor.

Over the past dynasties, after several twists and turns, the Hexi Corridor has once again returned to the control of the Central Plains people.

Tubo took out 50 Guan as the price.

Datang promised not to send troops to support Tuyuhun.

A negotiation between Tuyuhun and Tubo finally came to an end.

Fu Ni returned to the post house in a daze.

When Lu Dongzan returned to the room of the post house, his expression was also downcast. Although he was not like Tuyuhun, he did not get any benefits in Datang this time as an envoy.

Lu Dongzan wrote a letter and handed it to his followers, "deliver the letter to Zanpu immediately."

Lu Dongzan has already recorded all the situation of the troops stationed at the various passes of the Tang Dynasty along the way.

As soon as the letter was sent out of Chang'an, in the afternoon, the attendant who delivered the letter came with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"What's wrong?" Lu Dongzan asked with concern.

"We just left the city and passed by Jingyang. We met a big man and Li Zheng. They beat us up and took our letter away."

"What did you say!" Lu Dongzan looked nervous, "The letter was also taken away by Li Zheng?"

The entourage said with an aggrieved face: "It's not only the letter, but our money was also robbed by them. Datang is so dangerous."

The letter records the situation of the garrison from Yumen Pass all the way to Chang'an. If this letter falls into the hands of Li Shimin...

Lu Dongzan didn't even dare to think about the consequences of the matter.

Sitting weakly on the couch in a trance.

"Datang is too dangerous, why don't we go back to Tibet."

Listening to the words of the entourage, Lu Dongzan was worried, but it would be better to leave Chang'an as soon as possible in order to avoid the incident.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to leave the post house with a burden on his back, he bumped into Li Chongyi who was carrying an official from the Ministry of Rites.

Looking at the situation of several people, Li Chongyi asked with a smile: "Several envoys, are you leaving?"

"Yes." Lu Dongzan sighed: "I am concerned about the safety of Tubo, and I want to go back early to serve our great Zanpu Songtsen Gampo."

Li Chongyi led some officials from the Ministry of Rites to still stop Lu Dongzan and said, "Don't worry, His Majesty will host a banquet to entertain the envoys from various countries in a few days. You might as well eat before leaving, lest outsiders say that our Tang Dynasty did not entertain well."

Hearing this, Lu Dongzan turned pale.

Not daring to show anything unusual, they had no choice but to go back to the post house
When Tubo people left Chang'an to send letters, they would definitely pass through Jingyang.

Li Zheng, Cheng Chumo, Li Tai, and Li Ke were having nothing to do while roasting a wild roe deer on the official road when they met Tibetans who came on horseback.

Li Tai ate the meat and said, "Just robbed the envoy of Tubo, what should we do when the court investigates?"

Cheng Chumo said nonchalantly: "I'm afraid he will do something wrong!"

Li Zheng put a few pieces of silver cakes snatched from the Tibetans into his arms, and looked at the contents on the parchment.

This is the letter that the Tubo man rushed to send out just now.

After snatching the letter, the Tubo man's expression was also extraordinarily flustered.

"Songtsan Gampo is an ambitious man. This time Lu Dongzan came to Chang'an very strangely. Tubo said that he was now attacking Tuyuhun. In fact, Songtsan Gampo's goal has always been the Central Plains, which has never changed. Annexation Tuyuhun is just a stepping stone for Songtsan Gampo."

"A stepping stone that can attack the Central Plains. With Tuyuhun, Tubo will have a channel to attack the Central Plains. That's why he deliberately wants to get the Hexi Corridor."

Li Tai asked in a low voice: "You mean that Tubo is uneasy and kind?"

Li Zheng nodded, and continued to look at the contents on the parchment. He couldn't understand the Tubo script at all.

He beckoned to Li Ke who was standing not far away and was relieved.

Li Zheng handed the parchment to Li Ke and asked, do you understand?
After receiving the sheepskin scroll, Li Ke looked at it for a long time and said, "I know some Tubo dialect, but I can't understand Tubo script either. The Tubo script is too small and looks almost the same."

Looking at it carefully, Li Ke said: "But I do know a few words in it."

Spreading the parchment scroll on the ground, Li Ke pointed to the three symbols-like characters and said: "These three characters are Yumen Pass, this is Liangzhou City, and there are troops, city defenses, city walls..."

Cheng Chumo asked curiously: "What do you mean when you say that the Tubo envoy wrote the place name of our Tang Dynasty in the letter to Tubo?"

"Yumen Pass, Liangzhou? Military strength, city defense walls..."

Li Tai immediately thought of it, and looked more and more wrong as he grabbed the parchment with one hand.

Cheng Chumo looked at Li Zheng, then at Li Ke and Li Tai, "What's the matter?"

After thinking about it, Li Zheng was silent for a long time and said: "This Lu Dongzan is going to send information to Songtsan Gampo, so we know that this person has no good intentions."

Li Ke looked at the parchment again and said: "Zanpu is written on it. Zanpu is a kind of respectful name for the Tubo monarch. It is used to address the Tubo monarch. It seems that this letter is addressed to Songtsan Gampo. undoubtedly."

Cheng Chumo bit the meat, "This Tubo script is written like bugs, it's really ugly."

Li Zheng looked at Li Tai and said, "Fatty, do you want to make meritorious service? Do you want to return to Chang'an?"

Looking at the parchment, Li Tai was still hesitating, "None of us can understand the contents of this letter, at most we can understand a few scattered words, this alone cannot determine the intentions of the Tubo people, how about this, There are some people and a few staff members in my literature museum who are quite knowledgeable about the characters outside the customs, why not let them take a look and we will make a decision."

[-]% can think of the content of this letter.

Li Zheng said to Cheng Chumo: "How about we sit on the sidelines?"

"What are you waiting for?"


Such an important letter was intercepted.

Lu Dongzan had trouble sleeping and eating, so he should never have delivered the letter at this time.

No matter how regretful you are in your heart, it's useless.

It was really bad luck to come to Chang'an this time.

How did Datang come out with Li Zheng as the number one person.

After coming to Chang'an, nothing went well, and I always felt that everyone was against me.

There are many nights and dreams, that letter is a serious crime, if it is handed over to His Majesty by Li Zheng.

All negotiations were in vain.

Before Li Shimin saw the letter, Lu Dongzan planned to run away.

After not sleeping all night, it was almost dawn, Lu Dongzan took advantage of this time when there were few pedestrians in Chang'an, and the city gate had just opened just after the curfew ended.

Pretending to be a Tubo businessman, he handed over a guide and left Chang'an City. Fortunately, the soldiers guarding the city didn't ask any more questions.

Just a few steps away, the sound of breaking through the air came from behind.

Lu Dongzan felt a pain in the back of his head, his eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground.

 The person was still receiving an IV in the hospital, and the weather was too hot, so he suffered from heat stroke while going out to do errands.

  Bosses should also pay attention to avoiding the heat, as heat stroke is very uncomfortable.

  I sorted out two chapters with my mobile phone and sent them out, and there are three more chapters that will be added during the day tomorrow, and the update will remain the same tomorrow.Five chapters, plus a total of eight chapters

(End of this chapter)

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