People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 140 The 8-character conflict with the emperor

Chapter 140 Offending the Emperor

"Do you really think your father likes you so much? Do you really think your father will be easy to reserve?"

Li Tai bowed his head with a dark face.

Li Zheng went on to say: "No matter how incompetent or ignorant the crown prince is, your father and emperor will not be easy to concubine. Although there has been no explicit statement since the dynasties and dynasties, there is such a truth."

"If it is Yi Chu, it means that the crown prince has done something very rebellious and irreversible, and your father will decide Yi Chu."

Li Tai understood Li Zheng's words, this treason was irreversible, so he almost called it a rebellion.

After thinking about this, Li Tai looked disappointed, "According to you, no matter how hard I try, I will only become the prince's target, right?"

"Does His Royal Highness know about the catfish effect?"

Li Tai shook his head vigorously again.

Li Zheng said slowly: "Once upon a time there was a fisherman, every time the fish he caught were fresh fish, but when other fishermen waited to transport the fish from the boat to the shore, the small fish were already dead. Only this fisherman's fish was still alive when it landed."

"He has a habit of putting a catfish among the small fish he catches, and using the catfish that eats small fish to make these small fish struggle to avoid them, so that the fish will not lazily wait to die, and those small fish will also keep vitality."

"This story is the catfish effect. Of course, there are many opinions about this effect, and my understanding is very one-sided."

Li Tai's expression changed from being puzzled before to now with clear eyes, listening to his own breathing.

Lifting his head, Li Tai looked at Li Zheng and said, "So no matter how hard I try, father won't be easy to save?"

Li Zheng nodded, "It's not about you whether it's easy to store or not, but it's about whether the current prince wants to be a dead fish or a live fish."

Of course, there are risks for Li Shimin to do so. In the original history, the relationship between Li Shimin and Li Tai and Li Chengqian was like a tight thread.

Because the collapse was too tight until later, it was really unbearable, the prince rebelled, Li Tai was implicated, and no one came to a good end.

Now Li Tai is still showing off in front of Li Shimin, the loess is almost buried to the top of the sky, and he doesn't know it.

Li Zheng patted Li Tai on the shoulder and said: "So you, the more you show off the prince, the more the prince will deal with you. No matter how hard you fight, your father will not easily appoint another prince. Instead, you have to face Li Chengqian. those means."

"This kind of thankless thing, you ask him to do it, but in the end you become a victim."

After listening to Li Zheng's words, Li Tai sat on the rock with his head down as if he had lost his strength, thinking about it.

Li Chongyi saw that the game could not go on, so he found an excuse and left.

After a long time, Li Tai also stood up and said, "Li Zheng, let me go back and think about it."

With the breeze blowing over the hills, two more IOUs were harvested.

IOUs are not a good habit.

Li Zheng said to himself: "When can I play cards with people who don't owe IOUs?"

Just as he was thinking, he saw three familiar figures approaching.

At first glance, isn't this the current His Majesty and the Prime Minister?

no!Li Zheng couldn't play cards with these two guys, so Li Zheng was in a hurry to collect the IOU.

"Li Zheng!"

Li Shimin shouted.

Li Zheng's footsteps still did not stop.

Li Shimin gave Li Junxian a look, and Li Junxian stepped forward to catch up.

He thumped his short legs vigorously a few times.

Why am I still where I am?

Feeling the huge force behind him, Li Zheng looked down and saw that his feet had left the ground.

Looking back again, I saw Li Junxian's expressionless face.

Li Junxian grabbed Li Zheng's skirt, as if he was carrying a little chicken.

Being carried up to Li Shimin by him, this was the first time that Li Zheng thought in his heart that he really wanted to grow up quickly.What about Li Ke?The guards became more and more unreliable.

If it weren't for the fact that he doesn't want wages, he should be fired.

"Why did you run away when you saw me?"

Li Zheng looked as if he had just woken up, and glanced around, "Huh? Why are you here, Your Majesty?"


Li Shimin waved his sleeves and said, "I called you just now."

First out of Li Junxian's claws, Li Zheng took two steps back and said: "I didn't hear it just now, maybe the wind is more noisy today, it must be like this."

This kid opened his eyes and talked nonsense, Li Shimin was used to it, so he said, "I just met Qingque on the way here."

"Really?" Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand vigorously. Could it be that Li Er is trying to win back the money Li Tai lost.

Li Shimin saw a pile of cards on the ground and said, "Were you playing cards just now?"

Li Zheng: "..."

After laughing for a while, Li Shimin said, "I haven't played for a long time."

Fang Xuanling also said: "I also feel a little itchy."

Seeing that the two of them were already seated, Li Zheng looked up at the sky, "Look at the sky, I'm afraid it will rain today, you play, I have to go back and collect my clothes."

Just after taking two steps, the strange force struck again from behind.

He was carried directly in front of Li Shimin again.

Seeing Li Zheng's resigned and helpless expression, Li Shimin said, "What? You just don't want to play cards with me."

With a long sigh, Li Zheng thought for a while and said, "How about we change the game!"

"Oh?" Li Shimin nodded and said, "Yes, I want to try a new way of playing."

Li Zheng said confidently: "How about we play blackjack?"

I told Fang Xuanling and Li Shimin how to play blackjack, which is simple and easy to understand.

I don't believe it!Play a game and you can still win.

Li Zheng started to deal the cards. First, he dealt two cards. Li Zheng glanced at the cards in his hand. The two tens were exactly twenty.

"Do you still want cards?"

Fang Xuanling glanced at the cards in his hand and said, "No more."

Li Shimin looked at the cards in his hand and said, "Yes!"

Li Zheng gave Li Shimin a card.

After thinking for a while, Li Shimin said, "More."

Give Li Shimin another card.

Li Zheng asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, is there too much?"

Li Shimin said with a strange smile: "I want more."


Li Shimin was given six cards in a row, three twos, one five, and one ten, exactly blackjack.

Li Zheng: "..."

Li Shimin came and said with a smile, "Come again!"

After playing cards for more than an hour, I lost more than ten coins.

Sure enough, if you play cards with anyone, you can't play cards with Li Shimin.

Li Zheng wondered in his heart if he had clashed with Li Shimin.

"It is said that you, Li Zheng, are in the business of printing books?"

Li Zheng nodded, "Yes, small business."

When Li Shimin walked into the village, he saw the busiest place in the village.

"This is your printing shop?"

Taking Li Shimin to the printing shop, Li Zheng said: "Actually, my father always told me to do things for the people, and wanted to print more books for scholars all over the world."

This idea is very good, Li Shimin nodded pertinently, "It's rare that you have such thoughts."

Li Zheng went on to say: "There is a saying that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. It is a pity that you are short of money. If you want to expand the scale, you will not have enough funds."

(End of this chapter)

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