People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 141 Li Shimin jumped like thunder

Chapter 141 Li Shimin jumped like thunder

funds?It sounds like he is short of money?
Ah!Are you kidding me, I have no money.

Li Zheng said again: "If Your Majesty is willing to introduce some business to you, maybe you can help the world."

"Shall I introduce you to business?"

"If His Majesty doesn't want to, forget it."

Before Li Zheng was looking for him to do business, so he didn't bother with this kid, and asked me to introduce him to business?
Who am I in his eyes!

Li Shimin walked into the printing shop with a shameless face.

Li Junxian almost drew his sword and stood up.

Fang Xuanling also shook his head for a while, it's fine to do business by himself, and he even asked His Majesty to introduce business to him.

Li Zheng is the only one in the entire Tang Dynasty who has the courage.

Looking at everything here, Li Shimin looked at the pages of paper rubbing out at a very fast speed.

The rubbed pages were immediately sent to be bound, and a group of women in the village on the other side were picking out the pages for binding.

Li Shimin picked up a bound book and asked, "Can you really print hundreds of books a day?"

Grinning, Li Zheng said; "If the scale is large enough, a thousand volumes a day will not be a problem."


Over the years, I have been wanting to reopen the imperial examination. The biggest problem in wanting to reopen the imperial examination is the issue of students.

To put it bluntly, there are too few readers.

There are even fewer people who can teach.

The vast majority of books are in the hands of the powerful and clans.

And the vast majority of scholars are in the hands of the clan's dignitaries.

Among them, there are at most five surnames.

The five surnames are the stumbling block of the imperial examination system.

Li Shimin asked Li Zheng, "How many students does your Jingyang Academy plan to have?"

Li Zheng replied with a smile: "Not many, just a few, just to teach the children in the village how to read, and don't plan to expand."

Fang Xuanling breathed a sigh of relief. If Li Zheng planned to accept students from all over the world, then Li Shimin's opinion of Li Zheng would be different.

A person who loves money and disregards power is indeed not a threat. If Li Zheng still wants to control the world's students, then Li Shimin will be afraid of Li Zheng.

After walking around the village again, Li Shimin liked this book printing house more and more.

Li Shimin said to Li Zheng: "Before you asked Chongyi to send a memorial saying that you would do this book printing business with me."

Li Zheng nodded slightly.

Fang Xuanling looked at Li Shimin's expression, could it be that he really wants to do business with Li Zheng?
What's the matter with the current emperor doing business with a county lord.

North Korea and China will definitely attract a lot of impeachments.

You are the emperor, what is the matter if you do business like an ordinary person.

Li Shimin asked again: "Are you and I open?"

"It was thirty-seven before."

Staring at Li Zheng, Li Shimin said again: "Before what? What do you mean?"

Li Zheng smiled apologetically, and said, "Because the printing workshop hadn't been built yet, it opened on March [-]th, but now it opens on February [-]th."

"I take two?"


Li Shimin was short of breath, "You..."

Seeing Li Zheng's smiling face, Li Shimin's three corpses were furious!

After finally pulling his face down and discussing business with him again, this kid is now going to sit on the ground and raise the price.

Not even wanting to scold, Li Shimin turned around and left, walking very fast all the way.

Looking at the back of Li Shimin leaving, Li Zheng muttered: "Why does Your Majesty walk like flying? Could it be that you are in a hurry to urinate?"

Li Shimin, who returned to Ganlu Hall, was furious and smashed the things in front of him!
"Li Zheng! You bastard!"

Li Shimin angrily overturned the table case in front of him.

The Ganlu Hall was smashed into a mess by His Majesty again.

A group of kneeling eunuchs and court ladies showed no expression on their faces. After His Majesty finished smashing the palace, the Ganlu Palace would have to clean up again.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Fang Xuanling persuaded.

"How can you make me calm down! I put my face down and talk about business with Li Zheng, this kid is good! Sit down and raise the price!"

It is said that Li Shimin's ability to pull him down to do business with a county boy has indeed lowered his worth.

Who is Li Shimin, the current emperor.

Who dares to do business with the current emperor?

Li Shimin was trembling with anger, drew his sword and shouted loudly: "Li Junxian! Prepare your army! Go to Jingyang!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Absolutely not." Fang Xuanling was so anxious that she almost jumped up, and hurriedly stopped Li Shimin.

Unbearable and no need to bear it any longer, Li Shimin's forehead was bulging with veins, and he was pinched to death by a 12-year-old boy.

The emperor was too shameless.

The technology of movable type printing is too important, and Li Zheng's new paper, but this Li Zheng...

Fang Xuanling's eyes signaled Li Junxian to step back first, and said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty is the Khan of Heaven, the Son of Heaven who is rich in the world today, how can he do business with Li Zheng."

Li Shimin's gaze was fixed on the direction of Jingyang, "But the moveable type printing technique, I will definitely get it."

Movable type printing is indeed important to today's Tang Dynasty.

But if you are an emperor, you have to do business with a Xiamin County Marquis, so what's the matter?The emperor is no longer like an emperor.

"Your Majesty, I still have a way."

Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said, "Speak!"

"It's better to accept Li Zheng as a royal."

"Royal man?" Li Shimin said in surprise: "You mean to ask me to adopt him as a foster son! If I really have such a foster son, I'm afraid I won't live until next year, and I'll be mad at him to death."

Fang Xuanling hastily explained again: "It's not for His Majesty to accept Li Zheng as a foster son. After all, Li Zheng's biological father is still there."

"Then what do I want?"

Kong Yingda whispered: "It's better to marry the princess to Li Zheng, Li Zheng will become a son-in-law, and let Li Zheng do business with the queen and the princess, so that the problem can be easily solved."

When Fang Xuanling said this, Li Shimin became sober, right!As long as Li Zheng became a member of the royal family and became a son-in-law, the business would be done.

I don't even have to intervene.

Li Shimin thought for a while and then said: "But among my daughters..."

Fang Xuanling bowed again and said, "Princess Changle is the right age to marry."

"You said that I want to marry Li Zhi to this bastard Li Zheng?!"

Fang Xuanling said in a low voice: "I haven't thought of any other way for a while."

Li Shimin sat down again in Ganlu Hall, the sword in his hand still did not put down.

Could it be that he really wants to take advantage of Li Zheng?

Li Shimin was indignant and restless.

That is the jewel in my palm.

That is my most beloved daughter!
Li Junxian rushed to report again: "Your Majesty, it's not good! Something happened."

Li Shimin shouted: "What happened!"

A loud shout made Li Junxian startled, and hurriedly said: "Our eyeliner has heard that people with the five surnames have gone to Li Zheng, saying that they want to do book printing business with Li Zheng."

"What are you talking about!" Li Shimin glared, "Come here! The whole army is ready to go to Jingyang, and I want to hang Li Zheng on the head of Chang'an City!"

Fang Xuanling quickly stopped Li Shimin again, "Your Majesty! Don't be impulsive!"

 What else is there at night... a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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