People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 142 This is heart disease

Chapter 142 This is heart disease
Fang Xuanling quickly said: "Your Majesty, if you kill Li Zheng at this time, it will only be counterproductive. Not only will you not be able to get movable type printed books, but you will also follow the wishes of some people."

Of course Li Shimin knew what Fang Xuanling meant.

Stopping his movements and throwing away the sword in his hand, Li Shimin said: "Go and watch me to death, and see what business Li Zheng is doing with people with five surnames."


Li Junxian left in response.

Glancing at Fang Xuanling, Li Shimin was dejected, "I have never tolerated anyone like this before!"

Fang Xuanling bowed and said: "Your Majesty has the world in mind, Li Zheng is just a yellow-mouthed child, and still needs to be tempered."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Xuanling, you know what I want."

Taking a deep breath, Fang Xuanling thought twice.

Li Shimin said again: "I just can't figure it out, this Li Zheng doesn't get in."

Fang Xuanling thought again and again.

"Are you listening to me?"

Fang Xuanling smiled awkwardly and said: "Li Zheng is indeed talented, if you want to tame him, it will not be easy."

"Do you want my daughter to marry him just like that?"

Fang Xuanling said: "Of course we can't afford him so cheaply."

Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling's expression, "What do you think I should do?"

Smiling slightly, Fang Xuanling said again: "Your Majesty, do you know about Sima Yi?"

"I know."

"Does Your Majesty know how Cao Cao treated Sima Yi?"

Turning around and looking back at Fang Xuanling, Li Shimin said, "You mean Li Zheng is better than Sima Yi? I want to be Cao Cao?"

With a relieved smile, Fang Xuanling explained: "Your Majesty is not Cao Cao, and Li Zheng cannot become Sima Yi."

Fang Xuanling whispered to Li Shimin.

The emperor and the ministers of Ganlu Palace are planning carefully.

Jingyang, Li Zheng is in trouble right now, big trouble.

Li, shaking the cattail fan in his hand, was walking back and forth in the yard.

Li Yifu said anxiously: "The five surnames have all sent money to the door, should we do this business?"

Li Zheng sighed: "Something happened! We are in big trouble!"

The five surnames need to print [-] volumes of books, which is a big deal. Li Yifu couldn't understand why Li Zheng didn't accept it.

"Your Majesty, you have to make a decision." Li Yifu said anxiously.

Li Zheng looked up at the sky and said, "Ah! These guys gave too much!"

Li Yifu nodded and said, "Mr. County, do you want to pick it up or not?"

After pondering for a long time, Li Zheng looked at Li Yifu, "How many ordinary people are there besides the five surnames?"

"There are quite a lot, no matter what, there are thousands of them."

Although the five surnames gave a lot of money, the business of those retail investors still needs to be done.

If he took over the business of the five surnames, he would not be able to survive in the future.

These five surnames wanted to smash me to death with money.

They will surely fill their presses with a steady stream of volumes.

Since then, my printed books can no longer print other scholars' books.

From then on, the printing house followed the five surnames?

As long as they don't print books for other people, the book students in the world will still be in the hands of the five surnames.

It never occurred to me that people in this era would use this method.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate the smart people in the world.

The means that people in later generations will use, in this era, there are still people who can use them.

I'm sorry for my conscience for doing this business with the five surnames, and I'm sorry for my conscience if I don't do it.

Li Zheng beat his chest and stamped his feet, thought for a long time and said, "Li Yifu."

"The subordinate is here."

"You pass on the word, one person can only print two volumes of books a day at most, and Jingyang accepts a thousand volumes of printed books a day, we will not accept more than this number, queue up in order, first come, first printed"


"What's the matter, if someone makes trouble, ask Li Ke to drive them out!"

Li Yifu nodded quickly and went to work.

Li Zheng shook his fan vigorously and said to himself: "I hate people throwing money at me the most, and whoever pays for it! It's too much bullying."

Daniel passing by holding a roll of paper looked at Li Zheng's expression and asked, "Teacher, why are you touching your chest?"

"Don't ask, my conscience hurts, your teacher, I just rejected a business that can make me rich."

Daniel nodded and continued walking, "That's a pity."

Li Zheng came to sit beside Sun Simiao.

"What's wrong with the county lord?"

Li Zheng took a deep breath and said to Sun Simiao: "Doctor Sun, I don't know what's wrong, my chest hurts."

Sun Simiao held Li Zheng's wrist while feeling the pulse and said, "The pulse is stable and stable, it doesn't look like he is sick."

Li Zheng looked up at the blue sky with some sobs, "I'm really sick, I just rejected a big deal worth hundreds of thousands."

Nodding thoughtfully, Sun Simiao said, "It seems that your illness is a heart disease."

Li Zheng mechanically turned his head to look at Sun Simiao, "Can it be cured?"

Sun Simiao laughed for a long time, "You are so sick that you need money to treat it, and you are poor and penniless."

"There are also diseases that God Sun can't cure."

Sun Simiao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "All poor people know what Li Yifu arranged at the entrance of the village. You did the right thing. A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way."

Li Zheng looked decadent, "A gentleman doesn't live long, but a villain lives long."

"It's a gentleman who is magnanimous, and a villain who is a villain." Sun Simiao corrected.

Day two.

Li Zheng was really sick.

Sun Simiao checked Li Zheng's pulse, "It's the wind-cold, that's right, I need to boil some herbal medicine."

Li Daxiong hurriedly helped Sun Simiao make the decoction.

After drinking a bowl of soup and medicine, everyone watched Li Zheng's actions.

Seeing this situation, Li Ke asked, "Do you want to change the soup?"

Sun Simiao frowned and said, "The decoction prepared by the poor should be fine."

Li Ke anxiously said to Sun Simiao again: "I don't think this disease is cured, but my brain is not working well."

Seeing Li Zheng counting the money one after another, everyone was worried.

The money was counted back and forth many times.

It didn't stop for half a day.

There is never a shortage of gossip, especially gossip about Li Zheng, a famous person in Chang'an.

Now there is a rule in Jingyang that one person can only print one scroll a day, and only two scrolls at a time.

Some people thought that this incident must be aimed at the five surnames.

Everyone knows that Wu Xing brought a big business of printing books this time, but was rejected by Li Zheng.

The last time they wooed, this time it was an explicit gift of money.

Many people noticed and asked, Li Zheng seemed to be fighting against the five surnames time and time again.

After receiving this news, Li Shimin finally felt relieved, "Li Zheng still has the backbone to refuse the bribe of the five surnames."

Sitting in the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin, who was talking to himself, saw Li Lizhi who was peeking outside the door.

Putting his expression away, Li Shimin said, "Come in."

Walking into the Ganlu Palace playfully, Li Lizhi asked in a low voice: "It is said that the father wants to marry his daughter to Li Zheng?"

Li Shimin said with a sullen face, "I just discussed it with Prime Minister Fang."

"Oh, let the daughter tell the queen mother."

Seeing that Li Lizhi was about to leave Ganlu Hall as if fleeing, Li Shimin hurriedly said: "I haven't issued an order yet!"

 Come here today, Xiao Zhang sorts out the details.

  Will update as usual tomorrow,

(End of this chapter)

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