People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 145 Li Zheng Raising Horses

Chapter 145 Li Zheng Raising Horses
"Your Highness, can you put down the sword first?"

Li Lizhi still held the sword on Li Zheng's neck.

Li Zheng carefully looked at the blade of the sword and said, "Your Highness, you may become a widow with this sword."

"Will you marry me?"

Only then did Li Lizhi take back the sword in her hand, and blushed, she looked at the female guard aside and shouted coquettishly, "What are you looking at!"

More than a dozen female guards turned around in unison, like a human wall.

Li Zhengchang sighed, "Although I don't look good, I can still be considered a talent."

"Bah! It's cheap for you!" Li Lizhi said, turning to leave with a blushing face.

A group of female guards also escorted the satisfied Li Lizhi away.

It was finally safe, Li Zheng sat down exhausted, the princess of Datang was really dangerous, if he said a wrong sentence just now, his life might be lost.

Sure enough, it is right to go a little bit.

Back home, Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "Send the word, we won't accept business from the five surnames from now on."

Li Yifu said cautiously: "But this is too offending."

"That's what His Majesty said today."

"Your Majesty today? Could it be..."

Li Zheng said to him: "Don't worry, we have people behind us, even if they want to deal with it, we have to weigh their own weight."


Li Yifu walked out of Li Zheng's house, thinking in his heart that General Li Jing was Li Zheng's teacher, was doing business with General Chang'an Cheng Yaojin, and had the support of His Majesty today, but he was too worried.

The eunuch who announced the eunuch was an old acquaintance soon.

Li Zheng greeted politely: "My father-in-law, we meet again."

"The magistrate is not sick this time?"

Li Zheng said embarrassingly: "I was sick at first, but it's not that His Royal Highness Wei Wang paid back the money, and my illness is also cured."

The old eunuch nodded, "Then the old slave announced the decree?"

"No need, I'll see for myself." Li Zheng took the imperial decree and read it.

Seeing Li Zheng's behavior, the old eunuch was anxious, and then glanced at the two rows of guards behind him and said, "Mr. County, this is inappropriate, we should follow the rules."

After reading the decree, Li Zheng asked: "What is the position of Captain of the Flying Cavalry Battalion of the Longwu Army?"

The old eunuch explained: "It's a military job."

"Then my previous civil service?"

The old eunuch said again: "It's like this. Pingzhang is also the official position of the county marquis, and the captain of the Longwu Army is also the official position of the county marquis."

Li Zheng glanced at the guard behind him and said in a low voice, "Does my salary also have two shares?"


Li Zheng said again: "You said that I have been doing business for more than three months, and I haven't seen a penny of this salary."

The old eunuch said with a smile all over his face: "The county marquis hasn't been on duty all day, so how can your majesty give you a salary?"

"That's right." Li Zheng asked again: "Then what does the Captain of the Flying Cavalry Battalion do?"

The old eunuch smiled and whistled, and the sound of galloping horses could be heard in the distance.

Li Zheng followed the sound and saw thousands of war horses coming towards Jingyang Village.

The eunuch said, "It's a horse breeder."

"Horse raising?! You said His Majesty asked me to raise horses?" Li Zheng pointed to the imperial decree.

The old eunuch nodded.

"Then I don't have a horse farm either."

The old eunuch smiled and said: "Princess Changle's fief is next door. It was originally intended to be a horse farm, and now it can be used to raise horses for the county marquis."

Li Zheng smiled bitterly, "So everything is ready for me, isn't it?"

The old eunuch whispered again: "Your Majesty already intends to marry the princess to the county lord, but the decree has not yet been made. When the county lord marries the princess, sooner or later the land will belong to the son-in-law."

"I have no experience in raising horses. What if I die?"

"If you don't die, there will be special soldiers to handle the affairs. The county marquis can rest assured."

Looking at the war horses, Li Zheng was very tangled.

You said you, Li Er, why do you want me to raise a horse?
If one day I can't help my appetite and chop up the horse, it's fine.

Li Zheng asked in a low voice: "This father-in-law, I don't know if I should ask you something."

"Master of the county, please tell me?"

Li Zheng said: "Actually, I really don't know some of the rules."

The old eunuch nodded pertinently. It seems that the county lord is quite modest and willing to ask questions, "Please tell me."

Li Zheng asked with the imperial decree: "You said that you should raise horses before becoming a son-in-law? Since when did Tang Dynasty have this rule?"


To be a son-in-law or to raise a horse first?
You said you, Li Er, aren't you embarrassing others?

I can't even ride a horse.

Several soldiers pulled these horses to the princess fief.

Speaking of which, the princess's fief has always been good, and the paddy fields are particularly abundant, which is a good place to grow food.

Seeing that several soldiers were going to circle it, Li Zheng quickly said, "What are you doing?"

The soldier saluted respectfully and said: "Return to the captain, if you don't tie up these horses, they will easily run around."

"The horse needs to run more, otherwise it will be easy to raise and fail." Li Zheng saw that the soldier was only fifteen or sixteen years old and said, "What's your name?"

"The humble job is Xu Dahu, deputy captain of Longwuwei Flying Cavalry Battalion."

The Longwu Army belonged to the Beiya Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty, belonged to the emperor's private armed force, and was also the emperor's direct army.

At the beginning, it was possible that the Xuanwu Gate on the north side of Chang'an City had something to do with the Longwu Army.

To say that this team might be Li Shimin's most valued army.

I heard Duhu introduce these more than 3000 war horses, many of which were brought back by General Li Jing when he went to the Turks.

Li Zheng observed that the hooves of some war horses were badly worn out, "Can such horses still run fast?"

Du Hu replied, "If the horse's hooves are worn out, the horse will never be able to run again."

"Don't you have horseshoes?"

"What's a horseshoe?"

Li Zheng sighed and said: "Tell me that you ancient people don't care about horses too much, you don't even know horseshoes."

The fact that His Majesty wanted to marry the princess to Li Zheng spread like wildfire in Chang'an.

There is no decree, but the Ministry of Rites is already choosing a date.

Overtly and secretly, now Li Zhengdu is already Datang's prospective son-in-law.

Moreover, Empress Changsun even went to visit Li Zheng in person.

The princess of the current dynasty married a county lord.

An inappropriate marriage.

Although Li Zheng is talented and famous, his background is too low. He is neither a big clan nor a powerful man, let alone a minister of state.

The current Princess of His Majesty is of course the apple of the eye of Chang'an.

Li Shimin was very happy looking at the memorials of the bumper harvests in various places. Finally, he could breathe a sigh of relief, and the grain harvests in various places began to be bumper.

Empress Changsun gave birth to her little son, and these days Li Shimin almost always reviews memorials here.

It can be seen that His Majesty loves this little daughter.

 old rules at night

(End of this chapter)

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