People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 146 The View of the Family

Chapter 146 The View of the Family
There was a lot of discussion between the ruling and opposition parties, and the officials were discussing how to arrange the marriage between Li Zheng and the current Princess Changle.

Li Tai sat in his mansion and listened to the discussions of his staff.

"Let's not talk about Li Zheng's humble background, just look at Li Zheng's usual idle appearance, can he be a son-in-law?"

"Isn't that right, the princess son-in-law is not a prince or a minister, but he should also be from a powerful family. This Li Zheng's background is really..."

"It is said that the Ministry of Rites is choosing a date. I am afraid that His Majesty will really decide on this marriage."


Li Tai didn't listen to a word of the staff's discussions, and drank the wine by himself.

These staff members are not as smart as themselves, let alone Li Zheng.

These people were talking about Li Zheng's background, but they didn't mention that his father made Li Zheng the captain of the flying cavalry battalion of the Longwu Army.

Of course Li Tai knew that this position was a horse breeder.

Since Li Zheng is going to be the son-in-law, for the sake of family status, the emperor will promote Li Zheng's status no matter what.

Li Tai took another sip of mulled wine, why did he send Li Zheng to raise horses?
How did that happen?

What the hell is Father thinking?
I can't figure it out!eat meat to...

East Palace
Li Chengqian was also listening to the discussions of the officials of the Eastern Palace.

Although there was no decree for this marriage, it was considered a certainty, and even the queen mother went to see Li Zheng.

Listen to the officials of the East Palace talking about this marriage.

Should this marriage go through or not?

Speaking of marriage, the most important thing is family status.

It would be a loss of family tradition for an ordinary wealthy family to marry like this.

At present, the emperor is marrying his daughter like this, which is a loss of national authority.

Listening to these people's few words, they are talking about the views of family status.

Li Chengqian looked at the Tai Chi Hall from the window of the East Palace.

The emperor will definitely not be ignorant of family status.

At this time, it is not surprising that the father promoted Li Zheng.

The alliance with the Turks and the alliance with Tuyuhun.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty made the Turks surrender without bloodshed, and Tuyuhun gave up the Hexi Corridor.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this work is to expand the territory.

Father Huang must want to reuse Li Zheng.

Li Chengqian thought to himself, Longwu Army is very special, it is different from Jinwuwei, Left and Right Wuwei, Habayashi Guard, Leading Army Guard...these guards are different.

The children of the rich and powerful never join the Longwu Army when they join the army, and they will not let others easily get in touch with the Longwu Army.

The Longwu Army is an army directly under the emperor's father, and this army only obeys the emperor's orders.

Let Li Zheng be the captain of the flying cavalry battalion of the Longwu Army?

Li Chengqian secretly thought that his father must have deeper intentions, maybe Li Zheng's future has something to do with the Longwu Army.

Thinking about it this way, the emperor has put Li Zheng in a very important position, and it is good to be a corporal leader.

Consort?Raising horses?
Li Chengqian whispered: "But why did you let Li Zheng raise horses?"

Du Ruhui, who was walking on Zhuque Street, asked Fang Xuanling, "Why did Your Majesty ask Li Zheng to raise horses?"

Finding a stall and sitting down, Fang Xuanling said to the waiter, "Two bowls of mutton and two cakes."

The man's hands and feet were quick, and he brought mutton soup and two sheets of naan bread.

Du Ruhui asked while eating: "What do you think His Majesty is doing?"

Fang Xuanling took a sip of the mutton soup and said, "What do you think His Majesty's real purpose is?"

After hearing this, Du Ruhui's eyes became clearer, and he whispered, "Could it be..."

Fang Xuanling said: "Actually, His Majesty has never changed his mind, but do you know about Sima Yi?"


Fang Xuanling gave Du Ruhui a look.

Du Ruhui suddenly understood, "Cao Cao also asked Sima Yi to raise horses."

In the Lizheng Hall, Li Zhi sat aside and rubbed ink for his father who was reviewing the memorial.

Glancing at his father's look, Li Zhi asked in a low voice, "Father, who is Li Zheng?"

Li Shimin picked up three-year-old Li Zhi and said, "Li Zheng, he is a bastard who doesn't understand the rules."

Li Zhi nodded in confusion, "Oh, he is a bastard who doesn't know the rules."

Li Shimin put him down and said, "Go and see if your sister is awake."

Li Zhi obediently went to the bed to take care of the little son who was sleeping soundly in the swaddling baby.

The Lizheng Palace is the busiest on weekdays, and there are also the most children here.

On the edge of Jingyang Village

Holding a book in his hand, Li Zheng was looking at it. Next to the "Horse Disease Prevention Handbook" was a copy of "Horse Donkey and Mule Feeding Management"

Xu Dahu, who was grilling mutton skewers for Li Zheng, took a look and said, "Captain, the words in your book are all typos."

Li Zheng still concentrated on reading the book and said, "Do you know how to read?"

"Xiaozhi read books when he was a child." Xu Dahu said again: "Don't worry, Captain, I know horses best. I can tell if a horse is sick by looking at its eyes."

Li Zheng nodded slightly, took a bunch of mutton and ate it.

Xu Dahu said again: "Captain, the characters in your book are really small, and there are so many typos."

Handing Xu Dahu a string of mutton, Li Zheng explained: "This is called simplified Chinese, you can't understand it."

Li Zheng found a page recording horseshoes, and said to Xu Daniu: "Can you make iron in your army?"

"Yes! Is the captain going to make a weapon?"

"No need, I'm going to make horseshoes." Li Zhengzhao drew a blueprint and handed it to Xu Daniu, "You go to the blacksmith to make some horseshoes, the size of a horseshoe should be fine."

"Understood!" Xu Dahu put the drawing into his arms and rode away on a horse.

Looking at the boy's back, Li Zheng was curious, where the Longwu Army's horses are, where is the Longwu Army's camp?

According to the records in the book, the application of horseshoes can be traced back very early, and there were records of horseshoes from the West even before the Sui Dynasty.

It's just that at that time, it was only in the Middle East or the Uyghur area that this kind of attention was paid.

The promotion of the Central Plains was around the Yuan Dynasty.

Li Zheng began to mix and match the feed for the horses, and the feed was also divided into concentrate and coarse feed.

After taking a look at Xu Dahu, he ordered some bellflowers and hay, which were obviously coarse materials.

Don't pay attention!
Cheng Chumo came on horseback and said, "When you smell the aroma along the way, you know you roast mutton."

As soon as he dismounted, Cheng Chumo picked up a bunch of mutton and started eating.

"Chu Mo, where have you been since I haven't seen you for so long?"

Cheng Chumo roasted a bunch of mutton on the iron rack, "It's not my old man who grounded me."

Li Zheng also sat down with the wine, "Are you going to impress other girls again?"

Cheng Chumo said while eating mutton skewers: "My old man said, when His Royal Highness Wei Wang is here with you, let me come less."


"If you say that I am too melon, it would be bad to bring His Royal Highness Wei Wang too."

Cheng Yaojin meant that he didn't want his son and the prince to get too close, so as not to cause troubles, Li Zheng sprinkled some salt on the mutton skewers and said, "It's all an excuse."

Cheng Chumo took a bite of the mutton viciously, "That's right, it's all that old man's excuse, how can I have such a melon."

After eating a bunch of food, the silence was still unfinished, "Is there any more?"

(End of this chapter)

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