People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 147 The Consort Who Raises Horses

Chapter 147 The Consort Who Raises Horses

Li Zheng added a few pieces of charcoal and said, "It's not cooked yet."

Cheng Chu silently took a sip of his drink, "Have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"Recently, the court and the central government are discussing the marriage between you and Princess Changle."

Cheng Chumo went to Li Zheng's side and said, "I heard from my old man that many people in the court say that you are not qualified to marry a princess, and that your family is too low to be worthy of a princess."

Li Zheng suddenly smiled and said, "I'm a horse breeder now."

Cheng Chumo sighed: "Tell me about you, His Majesty wanted you to marry the princess, but let you do the work of raising horses, isn't this a waste of people?"

"It's good to raise horses, what an easy job." Li Zheng said, looking at the horses grazing.

Cheng Chumo stood up and looked at a horse, "It is said that the horses of the Longwu Army are the strongest, so I want to have a look."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Chumo turned over and mounted a horse, yelling and riding.

An hour later, Xu Dahu came back with some horseshoes.

"The blacksmith is very busy, so I just made a few. The captain will see if it works."

Li Zheng looked at the six horseshoes for a long time, "It should work."

Xu Dahu brought a horse to help Li Zheng nail the horseshoe.

Watching the horseshoe being knocked off, Xu Daniu said, "Teacher, won't the horse hurt?"

"No, the outermost horniness of the horse's hoof is insensitive."

After struggling to nail the four horseshoes on, the horse jumped up from the ground and stood up.

Some awkwardly ran two laps and then stopped.

After a while, the horse seemed to get used to the horseshoe and became normal again.

Xu Dahu looked up and down for a long time, and there was indeed nothing unusual about the horse.

Look at the effect of touching the ground between the horseshoe and the horseshoe.

After riding this horse for a lap, he came back with a sad face.

Li Zheng said in surprise, "Why are you still crying?"

Xu Dahu choked up and said, "Captain, do you know how many of our war horses died? How?"

"Okay, okay, you are a few years older than me, why are you still crying?"

Xu Dahu said: "I have been raising horses since I was a child, and horses are my friends. Every time I see a horse whose hooves are worn out, I can't run anymore. Such a horse will die soon."

"Okay, don't cry."

Xu Dahu said: "Why didn't the captain come to Longwu Army sooner?"

Li Zheng scolded with a smile: "If you cry again, I will deal with you according to the military law!"

Xu Dahu stopped sobbing immediately.

Cheng Chumo rode back in a big circle and said: "Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, the horses of the Longwu Army are really strong, and they run fast."

"Try that one." Li Zheng pointed to the horseshoe that had just been shoed on.

Cheng Chumo looked at the horse Li Zheng pointed to and said, "This horse is much smaller."

"The horses I raise are all the best!" Xu Dahu said stubbornly.

Cheng Chumo grinned and waved his whip.

Li Zheng explained to Xu Dahu: "This guy is Cheng Yaojin's son, he is careless and a little reckless on weekdays, don't take offense."

Xu Dahu pouted and said: "I know who he is, that horse is not a big breed, and Cheng Chumo doesn't understand horses at all."

Looking at Xu Dahu, who was only 14 years old, Li Zheng said, "When did you join the army?"

"Back to Captain, I joined the army when I was ten years old."

"So early?"

Xu Dahu scratched the back of his head and said with a silly smile: "After Humble's father died in battle, Humble became the Deputy Captain here. They said it was hereditary."

Join the army at the age of ten, what should a ten-year-old child be doing?

Li Zheng recalled that the military system of the Tang Dynasty was indeed hereditary.

Like Zuo Wuwei and Jinwuwei, many military positions in the Weifu army are hereditary.

The advantage is that once there is a lack of soldiers, someone can make up for it.

The same should be true for such a mysterious army as the Longwu Army.

For the sake of confidentiality, this kind of army should not let others in easily.

Li Zheng tentatively asked: "Dahu, where do you think your camp is?"

Hearing the look in Xu Dahu's eyes, he immediately became vigilant, "Why does the captain ask this?"

"You said that I raise horses for them, I must know where they are."

Xu Dahu explained: "Let's not hide it from the captain, this matter cannot be said in a lowly position."

"Does it have to be so mysterious?"

Xu Dahu plucked up his courage and continued: "Let's tell the truth about the humble official. In fact, many people in the army are not happy to let the county marquis come to raise the horse this time. They are relieved to let the humble official follow."

"What else?" Li Zheng continued to probe.

"The other thing is that the captain is an outsider, not a member of our Longwu Army."

Li Zheng felt strange again, "I am the captain of the Flying Cavalry Battalion of your Longwu Army, and am I still an outsider?"

"Yeah!" Xu Dahu nodded, "Because the humble rank is hereditary and joined the Longwu Army, the captaincy was conferred by His Majesty, it's different."

It is indeed necessary to do so for the sake of confidentiality.

For example, the Longwu Army has such a heavyweight army.

Even Li Shimin's strength is not easily revealed in front of others.

Even if it is himself, Li Shimin has to be on guard.

Thinking that it took more than an hour for Xu Dahu to go back and forth just now, the Longwu Army should not be too far away from here.

Of course, this does not rule out that this kid Xu Dahu deliberately pinches the time around the bend, maybe it is closer.

I am very familiar with the Jingyang area, and there is no trace of the army at all.

Noticing the feed in the manger, Xu Dahu said, "Is this fed by the captain?"

"what happened?"

Xu Dahu looked at some corn and beans in the feed and said, "It's too expensive for horses."

Li Zheng said: "This is how I raise my horses, I have money."

Xu Dahu looked at the feed in the manger and muttered, "Sin, sin."

This is food for ordinary people these days.

It's almost the same for people to eat, but Li Zheng actually feeds it to horses.

When I came here, I heard from my uncle in the army that Li from Jingyang County is a very rich man.

Thinking about it now, feeding horses with human food, this Li Zheng is really rich.

Cheng Chumo, who came back from a round of riding, got off his horse and looked at it: "There is something wrong with this horse."

"What's wrong?"

"It doesn't feel right to ride." Cheng Chumo looked down and found the problem, "Li Zheng! What's under your horse's hoof?!"

Li Zheng cleared his throat and corrected: "Under my horse's hoof, not under my horse's hoof, Brother Chu Mo, don't talk nonsense."

Cheng Chumo looked at the iron ring under the horse's hoof and said, "What's the point?"

"It's called a horseshoe."

Looking at the horseshoe, Cheng Chumo frowned, thinking, "What's the use?"

"Increasing the lifespan of the horse... No! It should be increasing the lifespan of the horse's hooves."

Cheng Chumo said: "I don't understand, speak human language."

Li Zheng took a step forward: "Just as a man puts on shoes, a horseshoe also puts shoes on a horse."

Cheng Chumo touched the horseshoe as if he was touching a piece of silver pie, his eyes were all fiery.

(End of this chapter)

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