People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 149 The King of Jin Who Came to Ask for Money

Chapter 149 The King of Jin Who Came to Ask for Money

Speaking of the Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty, Li Zheng immediately thought of Xu Jingzong, turned around and looked at the old eunuch, "You check me?"

"Just casually say that the county marquis should not be offended." He left after speaking.

This is not a casual remark, logically, the Japanese envoy sent to Tang Dynasty should still be in Chang'an.

Xu Jingzong was still trying to find a way to deal with them.

I remember Xu Jingzong said that he should get things done soon.

Now the old eunuch asked what must have happened to Xu Jingzong.

Let an eunuch come to intervene, obviously Li Shimin is also concerned about this matter.

Really nothing can escape your eyes, Li Er, you found it here so quickly.

Of course, Xu Jingzong cannot be contacted at this time. If something happened to the Japanese envoy, Li Shimin sent someone to fan me, maybe it was to lure him out.

Things must have changed. When the situation is unknown, it is best to stay the same and respond to all changes.

Li Zheng continued to tinker with the horse feed, how stupid do you Li Er think I am, to fall into your trap?

Li Jiangshan quickly adapted to the work of the printing workshop with these maids.

Take over the ledger here immediately.

Li Yi's mansion did not tell the villagers that these women were from the palace, but that the county lord invited someone to settle the accounts.

In Wude Hall, Li Shimin and Li Yuan sat opposite each other, listening to the eunuch's report.

Li Shimin looked at Li Yuan and said, "Father, I really don't understand why Xiuning's former general should go to Li Zheng's place."

"It was arranged by Guanyin's maidservant, I just mentioned it for my father."

Li Shimin smiled helplessly.

Empress Changsun stood aside and watched the father and son play chess. Since the Xuanwumen incident, it is not easy for the father and son to sit down calmly.

It's not that she never thought of finding a good family for Li Jiangshan to marry, but she insisted on refusing.

He just kept her by his side. She has been with Princess Pingyang since she was a child. Whenever she sees Li Jiangshan, she will think of the deceased Princess Pingyang.

This time it was Li Yuan's suggestion to arrange for her to go out of the palace. Firstly, he hoped that the girl who had followed Xiu Ning since childhood could leave the palace and find a life she wanted to live.

He didn't want to watch her lock herself up in the palace all day long, and secondly, Li Yuan hoped that Li Jiangshan could try to see if Li Zheng, a child, was worth entrusting.

Li Yuan is now living in this deep palace, he has long been indifferent to court affairs, Li Zhi is his most beloved granddaughter, Li Yuan, a grandfather, naturally cares about Li Zhi's marriage.

These days, Li Zheng has been concentrating on raising horses. The matter of the printing workshop has been handed over to the queen's people, and he has relaxed a lot.

The weather is at the end of summer, and the cicadas have stopped, and the wind blows with some coolness.

After feeding the horses, a carriage came under the escort of a group of guards.

Just as he was about to ask who came, he saw a child stepping out of the carriage.

Looking at the carriage again, it seemed that there was no one else in the carriage, and saw the child struggling to climb out of the carriage and walk in front of him.

"You are Li Zheng!" He said in a childish voice.

Li Zheng looked up and down at this doll who couldn't even walk steadily, saw his chubby little face and stretched out his hand to pinch, "Whose little doll are you?"

"Don't be rude to His Royal Highness King Jin!"

With a loud shout, more than a dozen guards immediately drew their swords and stood up.

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way!" Li Zhi quickly said to the guards.

Li Zheng pinched his face again, "You are King Jin."

Being pinched by Li Zheng's claws on his face, Li Zhi said expressionlessly, "Can you stop pinching my face?"

Li Zheng withdrew his hand resentfully, "Sorry, it feels so good, I can't help it."

Rubbing his deformed cheeks, Li Zhi said in a childlike voice: "Father is right, you are really a bastard who doesn't know the rules."


Depend on!You Li Er, speak ill of me behind my back.

Li Zhi said again: "Then you are my brother-in-law?"

"you can say it this way."

Li Zhi saluted slightly, "I have seen my brother-in-law."

Li Zheng also returned the courtesy slightly.

Li Zhi took Li Zheng's hand and said, "Can brother-in-law do me a favor?"

"His Royal Highness, please speak."

Li Zhi said in a low voice: "I want to buy some medicinal materials for my mother to nourish my body, but I don't have any money, can you lend me some."

Li Zheng said with a cold smile: "His Royal Highness Jin Wang may have found the wrong person, I have no money."

"But Miss Huang said you are rich, and you are the richest person in Chang'an."

With a long sigh, Li Zheng said, "I have no money."

"you're lying!"

Li Zhi pointed at Li Zheng and said confidently.

Li Zheng looked serious, "I really have no money."

Li Zhi took a step back and said loudly, "Li Zheng! You even lied to children, you have to be ashamed."


Li Zheng took out a piece of silver cake from his arms with some reluctance and difficulty.

Under Li Zhi's expectant gaze, it was placed in his hand.

"Thank you." Li Zhi grinned.

Li Zheng covered his eyes and said, "His Royal Highness, put it away quickly, I'm afraid I'll regret it in an hour."

Li Zhi collected the silver cake, "You are really rich."

If you weren't King Jin, if you weren't Li Lizhi's younger brother, would I lend you? !

Li Shimin's sons are all virtuous.

Another group of people came, and it was a young man dressed very luxuriously.

Seeing him coming, a group of guards hurriedly saluted, "His Royal Highness!"

Prince? !This guy who is about the same age as him is Prince Li Chengqian.

Li Zhi put his hands on his hips in a milky voice and said, "Li Zheng, you are not polite when you see my brother."

"Just kidding, I saw that your father didn't even salute."

"You are..."

Li Chengqian walked over and said slowly: "Young slave, don't mess around, didn't I tell you not to run around, why did you come here?"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Zheng, grimaced, and climbed into his carriage with difficulty.

Before leaving, Li Zhi said loudly: "Li Zheng, next time I will ask you to borrow money."

"Depend on……"

Li Chengqian asked curiously: "Why?"

Li Zheng explained to Li Chengqian: "A very profound interjection, please don't be offended, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

"It turned out to be like this." Li Chengqian looked at the horse pen and said: "Today I came out to hunt, and the young slave just wanted to follow, and Gu couldn't resist him. Since the father agreed to Gu, I had to take him out. The county marquis hopes not to take offense."

"Don't blame it, don't blame it, just watch it next time, so that he won't sneak out again and ask me to borrow money."

"I have heard about the county's marquis Caiming for a long time. In fact, I have long wanted to visit, but I couldn't find the opportunity."

Li Zheng said: "Actually, I have heard the name of the prince for a long time, and I want to visit him, but I can't find the opportunity."

Li Chengqian asked curiously: "Is that so? Then you and I are considered sympathetic?"

(End of this chapter)

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