Chapter 150 The Prince Talks
"Hehehe..." Li Zhengqian said with a smile: "How is it possible? I'm just being polite. Don't take it seriously, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Chengqian's smile froze on his face...

"Has His Royal Highness eaten?"

Li Chengqian, who wanted to shake his sleeves and leave, withdrew his mind, "Not yet."

"I just didn't eat it, I think His Royal Highness killed some wild pheasants, why don't we go together?"

"join as a partner?"

"It means cooking and eating together. You provide the ingredients, and I provide the craftsmanship."

Li Chengqian's expression softened slightly, "That's fine."

It's been a long time since I ate beggar chicken. Li Zheng picked a few wild pheasants from Li Chengqian's prey.

Li Chengqian has been watching Li Zheng from the sidelines.

He is very skilled in lighting fires and standing stoves.

Paste the wild pheasant wrapped in dried lotus leaves with mud and put it in the fire to simmer.

There is a pot on the fire, and the soup is boiling in the pot.

Lamb kebabs are grilled on the iron rack beside it.

"Accompanied by green mountains and green forests, a small house, without those hustle and bustle, Li Zheng, you are very good at living."

Li Zheng generally took care of Huo Hou and said, "I just don't wrong myself."

Li Chengqian asked again: "I am very puzzled about one thing."

"His Royal Highness, please speak."

Seeing Li Zheng grilling the meat carefully, Li Chengqian asked, "Li Zheng, have you really lost confidence in your career?"

Li Zheng fanned the charcoal fire with his palm-leaf fan and said, "I have never been interested in official careers. King Wei has asked me this question many times."

"But!" Li Chengqian opened his mouth and asked again: "You want to marry Lizhi, you don't have enough family status, and there are many opinions in the palace."

"His Royal Highness, the mutton skewers are ready. How about you try it?"


As soon as the words were interrupted by Li Zheng's mutton skewers, Li Chengqian took the mutton skewers hesitantly.

"Try it." Li Zheng said again.

After taking a bite of the mutton, Li Chengqian savored it carefully, "It tastes very good."

Li Zheng pulled out the beggar chicken that was simmering in the fire, pushed aside the lotus leaves and put it in front of Li Chengqian, saying, "Try it?"

After eating the mutton skewers, his appetite opened up. Li Chengqian cut off a small piece of chicken with a knife and put it in his mouth, "Mmm! It's delicious."

After a few sips of wine, the conversation between the two opened up.

Li Chengqian was a little drunk, sighed and said: "Li Zheng, do you know? The position of the crown prince is really like sitting on pins and needles."

"His Royal Highness is thinking too much."

Li Chengqian said drunkenly: "I didn't think much about it, father is very good to Qingque, but what about Gu?"

Li Zheng drank the mutton soup and said, "His Royal Highness, you are suffering from persecution paranoia."

"Persecution delusional disorder?"

"Yes, this is a kind of disease. You are sick, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Chengqian took another sip of his drink, "Why do I feel like you are scolding me after listening to this?"


Pointing drunkenly at Li Zheng, Li Chengqian said: "However, you are a genius doctor, so please tell Gu what kind of disease this disease is."

"Delusion of being persecuted is a kind of mental illness. In your terms, it is a heart disease. You are not optimistic. You always think that someone will persecute you."

Li Chengqian smiled wryly, "Isn't there?"

"Isn't it tiring to live like this? Why care so much about other people's opinions."

"Gu has to care. Gu is the prince. You, Li Zheng, don't know about those disputes. In the eyes of the father, everything he does can make the father happy, but Gu, what the father does not satisfy the father. Doing anything alone is the worst."

Li Chengqian was drunk, and he kept talking about all these years.

It's like venting all the grievances that have been accumulated for many years.

After talking for a while, Li Chengqian seemed to have sobered up, "I don't want to talk too much, these things have nothing to do with you."

Li Zheng shook his cattail fan to fan himself and said, "Did His Highness feel a lot easier after you said it?"

Li Chengqian nodded, feeling a lot more at ease. He didn't even think that he would say so much to Li Zheng, and he never said these words to other people on weekdays.

As for Li Zheng, he expressed all his thoughts.

Li Zheng smiled and said to Li Chengqian: "His Royal Highness should come out and walk around more often. It is easy to get bored in Chang'an all the time. Make more friends and talk more."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Li Chengqian understood.

Li Zheng's place is very quiet, maybe it's because of this quietness and comfort that he can't help letting go of all vigilance.

Li Chengqian got up and bowed and said: "I have complained so much to the county lord, I hope you won't be offended."

"Actually, for a father, no matter how well His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has done, His Majesty will never praise His Highness. Just like my father, I grew food in the wasteland, and I helped the people in the village earn money. He never He never praised me, but doubted whether I was his own."

Li Chengqian: "..."

"Your Majesty has high hopes for the Crown Prince, because His Majesty is the father of His Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Chengqian sat on the grass in a daze and said nothing.

Seeing his expression, Li Zheng took a sip of wine leisurely. If he can prevent Li Chengqian and Li Tai from fighting in the same room in the future, it can be regarded as a virtue for him and Li Er.

Fang Xuanling was sitting in his mansion reading a book, when someone from the family came to report, "Patriarch, His Royal Highness King Wei is here."

Raising his head, Fang Xuanling put down the scroll in his hand, "Please come in, King Wei."

After receiving the porter's report, Li Tai hurried into Fang Xuanling's study, "Mister Fang."

Fang Xuanling asked calmly, "His Royal Highness, what are you here for?"

"Fang Xiang, I thought about it all night. Why do you think the father asked Li Zheng to raise horses?"

Fang Xuanling looked at Li Tai with a half-smile and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Wei is a smart person, so he won't be ignorant of His Majesty's intentions."

Li Tai said anxiously: "Now the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are opposing such a marriage. Li Zheng's contribution is not small. The father wants to marry Li Zhi to Li Zheng. It's fine if he doesn't promote Li Zheng. Why let Li Zheng go?" Raising horses."

"His Royal Highness King Wei should ask His Majesty, why did you ask this old man? This old man doesn't dare to ask His Majesty's family affairs."

Li Tai looked at the calm Fang Xuanling, and really wanted to say that this matter must have been planned by your house minister.

But since Fang Xuanling said that, he couldn't ask any more questions.

Wei Zheng approached Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty, it may not be appropriate for Li Zheng to marry a princess at such a low position."

Li Shimin smiled and said: "I haven't made an order yet, you all started talking like this."

Wei Zheng said again: "Empress Changsun went to see Li Zheng. Your Majesty ordered the Ministry of Rites to choose a date. Isn't this the wedding that you are preparing for? There are discussions all over the court. If you don't marry Li Zheng, why does Your Majesty keep those memorials for so long?" Don't lose your mind."

Li Shimin thought for a long time and said: "I have read the memorial. You ministers all over the court are mentioning your family status. Li Zheng came from a humble background. In your eyes, Li Zheng is just a minister who got lucky by relying on his talent."

Wei Zheng remained silent.

Li Shimin said again: "It is my family's business who my daughter marries."

Wei Zheng said again: "There is no small matter in the Tian family."

Li Shimin nodded and looked out the window, "Yes, there is no small matter in the Tian family."

(End of this chapter)

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