Chapter 151 Donation Box

The summer heat has just faded away.

The night was a bit chilly, beside the quiet stables, Xu Dahu was very tired after playing horseshoes all day.

"Dahu, come and eat hot pot."

Xu Dahu said respectfully: "I don't dare to eat at the same table with the captain."

Li Zheng pointed at him with his chopsticks and said, "If you don't sit down and eat hot pot with me, I will punish you by military law."

Xu Dahu only needs to sit down and eat hot pot.

Ah!It seems that it has been tried and tested.

Xu Dahu ate the boiled mutton and said: "Captain, this way of eating is really interesting."

Li Zheng handed Dua a few knots of peanuts and said, "Try this."

Xu Dahu ate the next section of peanuts and said: "It tastes good. This is the first time I have eaten this since I was a child."

"This is called a peanut."

Xu Dahu asked in a low voice: "Teacher, is the one who came today really the prince?"


Xu Dahu said again: "Even the crown prince came to see the captain, the captain must be very powerful."

"That's natural. You will benefit from following me in the future."

Xu Dahu smiled honestly and said: "After that humble job, I will raise horses for the captain."

After drinking for three rounds, Li Zheng went to sleep in the small house next to the stable.

Being able to sleep until you wake up naturally is a great joy in life.

But someone just came to interfere.

Li Zheng opened his eyes, and saw Li Zhi poking his face with his fingers.

Reluctantly sitting up from the bed, Li Zheng said weakly: "What is His Royal Highness King Jin doing again this time? Could it be that he is here to borrow money again?"

Li Zhi blinked his innocent eyes vigorously and nodded vigorously, "How do you know?"

"What about me! What the hell am I..."

There's no point getting angry with a three-year-old kid to calm down his anger.

Li Zheng whispered to Li Zhi: "His Royal Highness, it is wrong for you to do this."

"Sister Huang said that you are rich, and I want to buy medicinal materials for my mother's health. The medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office said that my mother's body is very weak after giving birth to a baby."

Li Zheng said again: "It's these words again...His Royal Highness, you can't keep asking me for money."

"But you are rich."

very rich...

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "I have a magic weapon to make money and make a fortune. I don't know if His Highness King Jin is interested."

"Yes." Li Zhi nodded.

He brought a wooden box from the horse stables, and Li Zheng was about to write on the box with his pen. Just as he was about to write, he asked, "His Royal Highness Jin, can you go to the Tai Chi Hall?"

"No, but you can stand outside the Tai Chi Hall."

"Alright!" Li Zheng nodded and wrote the words "Donation Box" on the wooden box.

After handing over the wooden box to Li Zhi, Li Zheng said, "His Royal Highness King Jin, use it to make a fortune."

"Is this wooden box the magic weapon for getting rich?"

"Exactly." Li Zheng explained: "As long as His Royal Highness King Jin holds this box and sits outside the palace in time for the next court, those ministers will definitely give you money."

"Really?" Li Zheng asked a little ignorantly, "Then why?"

"Because it was my idea."

Li Zhi asked again: "I still don't understand."

Li Zheng sighed and said, "Do you know why one plus one is two, not three?"

Li Zhi still shook his head.

"It's right if you don't know, don't ask too much, go quickly, don't come back."

Li Zhi left in a daze, thumped his short legs and climbed into the carriage full of anticipation.

Look!Li Shimin's son is also easy to fool.

Finally guarded his wallet, hmm!
Congrats, congratulations.

Go ahead and harm those ministers, don't come and harm me.

Second day

After all the officials came down to court, they saw His Royal Highness King Jin struggling to hold a wooden box.

Cheng Yaojin smiled and stepped forward and said, "What is His Royal Highness Jin holding this box for?"

Li Zhi wiped the sweat from his forehead, put the donation box in front of the Tai Chi Hall and said, "Is General Cheng rich?"

"There is money." Cheng Yaojin nodded hesitantly, and felt that something was wrong.

Li Zhi passed the words "donation box" on the box in front of everyone and said, "The medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office said that my mother became weak after giving birth to her little son, but I have no money to buy medicinal materials for my mother."

"The donation box means to donate money."

"It's rare for His Royal Highness King Jin to have such filial piety."

"His Royal Highness King Jin is already so sensible at such a young age, I should be perfect."



The officials discussed one after another and began to put money into the donation box.

Someone threw a silver cake directly, someone gave Guantong money, and someone even gave a jade pendant.

Cheng Yaojin felt more and more wrong.

Niu Jinda said to him: "His Royal Highness Prince Jin is also filial, please give me some."

Cheng Yaojin reluctantly put a piece of silver cake into the donation box.

Li Zhi also looked at the Tai Chi Hall and knew that there were no ministers in it.

Only then did he drag the heavy donation box away.

Li Shimin already knew what happened outside the Tai Chi Hall.

Although he cared, at this moment Li Shimin stared at the horseshoe in front of him and was stunned.

Raising horses is a dirty job.

I wanted to let him raise horses, so that this kid would suffer a little.

Such a good thing was made.

How much money does this kid have in his belly?

Li Shimin still hadn't figured it out.

Something happened in Jingyang, Li Zheng hurried to the entrance of the village.

Li Yifu explained all the way: "Everything was fine at first, but a group of people suddenly appeared and they took turns to replace them, squatting all night to stop the business of the printing shop, and turning back books to each other. Books cannot be printed."

"The business of the printing shop has the share of the current queen, who is so bold to make trouble!"

Li Yifu hurriedly said: "It should be from the Qinghe Cui family, some of them still know each other even after they are officials."

"Qinghe Cui family with five surnames and seven looks!"

Li Zheng made a note of it in his heart.

Outside Jingyang Village, there is a shop here, and all those who come to print books are blocked here.

"We all print books according to the rules. If you don't agree, let the Hou of Jingyang County change the rules."

"It's just a few of you who come and go, who doesn't know what you are thinking about."


It was a mess, two groups of people were yelling and cursing at each other, and some people had already raised their hands.

Li Jiangshan rushed here one step ahead, watched the chaotic scene, drew his sword and shouted: "Who dares to make trouble in Jingyang!"

With a sharp shout, the frightened scene immediately fell silent.

Li Zheng rushed here and said to Li Jiangshan: "Put the sword away, I'll handle the matter here, and you will go back and settle your accounts."

"But they..."

Li Zheng took the sword in Li Jiangshan's hand and retracted the scabbard and said, "Go back, leave it to me here."

Li Jiangshan looked at Li Zheng in surprise, the calmness shown by this kid was not what a 12-year-old child should have.

Li Zheng walked up to the people and looked at one of the troublemakers and asked, "I'm the Marquis of Jingyang County. May I ask who's in front of me..."

"Under Cui Yan!"

Li Zheng nodded and said: "People from the Qinghe Cui family, right? They are courageous and capable. I remember that my rules are not to accept business from people with five surnames."

Cui Yan immediately said: "What does the county lord mean? I am not a child of the five surnames. We follow the rules you set. It is obvious that they are the first to make trouble."

 Come here first at night, there will be more updates tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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