People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 152 Entering the Zongzheng Mansion

Chapter 152 Entering the Zongzheng Mansion

As he spoke, Cui Yan took out something similar to a contract and said: "Please look at the county lord, this is the proof given to us by the clan, and we have been expelled from the five surnames."

Li Zheng looked at Li Yifu and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Li Yifu nodded and said: "I've seen it, it's indeed Qinghe Cui's seal."

Cui Yan said: "The county lord can't let people with the surname Cui in the world not be able to print books."

The people standing behind Cui Yan booed again.

"You have a good idea. Otherwise, I'll add this one. I set up the anti-ordinary rules and I can change them at any time."

Everyone on Cui Yan's side fell silent.

Li Zheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "I will entertain you well and let you be my guest."

The smile on Cui Yan's face froze.

"And I will tell everyone who came to print the book that it was Cui Yan's suggestion that I made this rule. From then on, because of your suggestion, no one with the Cui surname in the world can come to print the book. What do you think? "

Cui Yan's face was pale, "I'm just joking."

"A joke? This is not a joke. I still want to hang up your name, Cui Yan."

Li Zheng straightened Cui Yan's clothes, smiled and said, "You dare to let the Cui family of Qinghe drive you out. You dare to interfere with the queen's business in order to make meritorious service to the Cui family of Qinghe. sinner?"

Cui Yan stared blankly at the sinister smile on Li Zheng's face.

"Do you think that if you provoke me and let me arrest you, someone will use this to deal with me? If I don't arrest you, I will entertain you well."

Cui Yan said with a mouthful of saliva, "I've offended you, I'll leave now."

When Cui Yan left with a group of people, the rest of the students cheered.

Li Zheng said to these students: "It's causing trouble for everyone, I will add a few more stalls."

"Thank you, Lord of the County!" A large group of scholars saluted.

Taking down the rules he had set up before, Li Zheng said: "From now on, the rules I set up are invalidated, and there will be no restrictions on printing books in the future. You can come to print as much as you want, and the price will be cheaper. A volume of books only costs ten coins." money."

"Thank you, Marquis of the county!"

Seeing the salutes of these scholars, Li Zheng told Li Yifu, "Print the book as usual, just pretend nothing happened."


"Just do your job."

Li Yifu said in a low voice: "County Marquis, I have offended the five surnames by talking too much, and I am afraid that there will be constant troubles in the future."

"What are you afraid of, five surnames..." Li Zheng said in a low voice, "They are dying too, and they won't last long."

"The five surnames belong to aristocratic families, why did the county marquis say that?"

Li Zheng shook the cattail fan in his hand and said, "I just know, you don't need to ask so many questions."

What happened in Jingyang was immediately circulated in Chang'an.

Li Zheng abolished the previous rules.

There is no longer a limit on the number of printed books.

Moreover, a volume of books only costs ten cents, which is very cheap.

Some scholars praised Li Zheng for really thinking about the scholars in the world.

It is said that Li Zheng is a person who loves money like his life, but now it seems that Li Zheng does not love money so much.

There were rumors earlier that His Majesty planned to marry the princess to Li Zheng.

But because of the family background of the courtiers, the Manchu ministers did not agree to the marriage.

Some scholars complained about Li Zheng.

There are also some scholars asking for credit for Li Zheng outside the Tai Chi Hall.

Li Shimin knew what happened in Jingyang.

Li Junxian, who returned to Ganlu Hall, reported to Li Shimin: "Before, Li Yuanchang, the king of Hanzhong, went to see Cui Yan."

Li Shimin said with a sullen face: "I know, you can step back."

Cui Yan is just a scholar, he doesn't have the guts to do such a thing.

Li Shimin already knew a general idea in his heart.

On Zhuque Street in Chang'an, Li Yuanchang was walking casually on the street.

A familiar figure came to him, and Li Yuanchang greeted him with a smile, "Fifth Brother."

As soon as his words fell, Li Xiaogong swung the stick in his hand and hit Li Yuanchang on the knee.

The whole stick snapped.

Li Yuanchang rolled on the ground hugging his knees and howling.

Li Xiaogong picked up Li Yuanchang's skirt and said in a cold voice: "Don't think that this old man doesn't know what you're doing? If it wasn't for the sake of the current Supreme Emperor, I wouldn't bother to care about you! If you want to survive, you should crawl up to Li Shimin and confess your sins now!"

Li Yuanchang gritted his teeth and looked at Li Xiaogong and said, "Fifth brother! What did I do?"

Li Xiaogong lifted Li Yuanchang's skirt and said, "You still pretend! Don't you know what you did? Do you think Li Shimin didn't send someone to watch you?"

Li Yuanchang endured the pain in his knee, "Fifth Brother, Li Shimin wants to kill me?"

"You are so courageous. You dare to collude with Cui Yan to deal with Li Zheng. Are you coveting Li Zheng's movable type printing skills? Do you know how much Li Shimin values ​​Jingyang?"

Hearing this, Li Yuanchang was in a trance for a while, pulled Li Xiaogong and said in a panic: "Fifth brother! I was obsessed with ghosts for a while, I... Fifth brother, please help me."

"Climb to the Ganlu Hall and confess to Li Shimin."

Li Yuanchang dragged his injured leg all the way to Chengtian Gate.

The princes and generals on both sides of Zhuque Street watched coldly, and no one went to help Li Yuanchang.

After more than half an hour, the guards in the palace carried Li Yuanchang into the palace.

After being thrown in front of Li Shimin, Li Yuanchang climbed up to Li Shimin's feet and said, "Your Majesty, I know I was wrong."

Li Shimin squatted down and looked at Li Yuanchang's face and whispered, "Where did you go wrong?"

"My younger brother dare not join Qinghe Cui's family to plot against Li Zheng."

Li Shimin held his hair and looked at his expression and said, "Thinking about Li Zheng? Do you want to obtain movable type printing, and win the hearts of scholars all over the world on my behalf."

"My brother dare not! My brother was confused for a while." Li Yuanchang was trembling all over. If he said that he was not afraid of anyone in Chang'an, the only one he was most afraid of was Li Shimin, who was so cold-blooded that he killed his brother back then.

Looking at Li Shimin's eyes, as if he seemed to have murderous intentions, Li Yuanchang kowtowed on the ground non-stop.

Li Shimin stared at him and continued: "I heard that you are still very close to my prince?"

"The younger brother dare not."

Li Shimin stood up, stopped looking at Li Yuanchang's face, and said to the guards beside him, "Take him into the Zongzheng Mansion, no one can let him out without my order."


Being dragged all the way to Zongzheng Mansion by several guards, Li Yuanchang cried.

Li Shimin closed his eyes and thought about all the past, and wanted to comfort his father, the current Supreme Emperor Li Yuan.

Li Shimin also didn't want to break up his father-son relationship with Li Yuan.

Even though my father has been estranged from me in the past few years, it is hard to get better now.

Li Shimin really didn't want to do anything anymore, he didn't want to kill Li Yuanchang, there were only a few brothers.

But because of Li Yuanchang's temperament, Li Shimin didn't want him to return to the fief.

(End of this chapter)

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