People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 153 Don't Want to Get Married?

Chapter 153 Don't Want to Get Married?
Back in the stables, Li Zheng still lived his life raising horses.

Li Zhi came again in a carriage.

Is this kid just relying on himself?

Li Zhi grinned and said, "Li Zheng, your method is very effective."

Li Zheng looked at the head of the book without lifting it, turned his back and didn't want to talk to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi was still entangled and said: "Li Zheng, I plan to do this outside the Tai Chi Hall next time."

Li Zheng said lazily: "I advise His Royal Highness Prince Jin not to do this."


"Because it doesn't work."

Li Zhi pulled the corner of Li Zheng's clothes and said, "Li Zheng! Then do you have any other magic weapon for making money?"

Turning over a page of the book, Li Zheng whispered, "No more."

Looking at Li Zheng suspiciously, Li Zhi muttered in a low voice: "You must still have some, you just don't want to tell me, hum!"

"I just don't want to tell you, what can you do with me?"

"Me!" Li Zhi said with a blushing face, "I'm going to tell the queen mother, I'm going to tell the imperial sister that you, Li Zheng, are bullying me."

"go Go."

Li Zhi pouted aggrievedly, expressing his dissatisfaction with this prospective brother-in-law.

With grievances, he climbed back into the carriage and left under the escort of the guards.

Back in the palace, Li Zhi told his mother that Li Zheng didn't like him.

Empress Changsun poked Li Zhi's head and said, "You, you, you said you were going to see Kong Yingda, so you left Chang'an City to meet Li Zheng. You lied to your father and still have the face to blame Li Zheng."

Li Zhi said aggrievedly: "Who told Li Zheng not to give the baby a magic weapon to make money."

Looking at her youngest son, Empress Changsun sighed, she hadn't taught him how to make money in the weekdays, why is this child thinking about making money now.

Empress Changsun said to Li Zhi with a stern expression: "Starting tomorrow, you and your sister Huang will go to listen to old master Kong Yingda's lectures every day."

Li Zhi nodded aggrievedly, "My child understands."

After Li Zhi left, Empress Changsun was worried about the marriage between Li Zhi and Li Zheng.

It's not unheard of for the palace to speak, so many courtiers are talking about family status.

Especially the spokesperson who had a feud with Li Zheng before.

Those speech officials dare not let Li Zheng gain power and become a son-in-law.

Thinking of these little sons on the bed, there was another cry.

In the early morning a few days later.

The officials in the class continued to talk about Li Zheng's marriage to the current Princess Changle.

"Your Majesty! A princess of a country married a small county marquis. There has never been such a thing in the past dynasties. Your Majesty, please look into it."

"Your Majesty! Li Zheng values ​​business, and Li Zheng's nature as a businessman is all in Li Zheng. How can such a young man marry a princess?"

Cheng Yaojin said unwillingly: "Why don't you say how much credit Li Zhengli has made!"

Qin Qiong held Cheng Yaojin and whispered, "Say less."

"Today, someone from Cheng wants to say it!" Cheng Yaojin pointed to these ministers and said, "When the Turks came, what did you officials do? Go down the Hexi Corridor, are you good officials?!"

"I'm talking about national unity!"

"Guotong? Don't talk about it with someone like Cheng. Li Zhenggong built the country. If it weren't for you speech officials not to give you titles, Li Zheng wouldn't be just a small county lord."

"You Cheng Yaojin is arrogant!"

"You speech officials have been impeaching and impeaching all day long. Have you done anything for this country!"

"Enough!" Li Shimin shouted.

The ministers immediately quieted down.

Another day of retiring from court hastily because of marriage.

Cheng Yaojin walked all the way out of the palace and said to Qin Qiong: "You said your majesty married a daughter, why are those officials so excited?"

Qin Qiong shook her head and said, "It's not that Li Zheng is just a county lord."

Cheng Yaojin said: "How about we go to ask His Majesty for credit now, Li Zheng can't just be a county lord, right?"

Qin Qiong grabbed Cheng Yaojin, "Okay! Don't make any more trouble."

Li Shimin, who returned to Ganlu Hall, looked at the officials' memorials all talking about the affairs between Li Zheng and Li Lizhi.

Menxia Province and Hongwen Museum are all talking about this marriage, but no one pays attention to the fact that Hanzhong King Li Yuanchang was beaten into the Zongzheng Mansion.

Some people even learned that Li Zheng and Princess Changle had a personal relationship very early, and they had a very good relationship.

There are many scholars in Chang'an complaining about Li Zheng.

Fight against injustice for the failure of this marriage.

The view of family status, secular ethics!
Isn't this alluding to the stories in The Legend of the White Snake and the Dream of the Red Chamber?

It turns out that Li Zheng's two stories had a meaning long ago.

Li Zheng opened a book printing shop for scholars all over the world, printing books at extremely low prices.

A volume of books only costs ten Wen, so many scholars in the Tang Dynasty can afford to read books.

As long as Li Zheng's book printing shop grows bigger and bigger, it will be a blessing for scholars all over the world.

How many years have passed, and how many people can't afford to read books.

The guard hurriedly came to Ganlu Hall and said loudly: "Your Majesty, it's not good, something happened."

Li Shimin immediately stood up and said, "What happened?"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui stood on the palace wall, watching more and more scholars gathered outside Chengtian Gate.

Listening to the shouts of those scholars, "Li Zheng has been reducing the printing price of books! He is thinking of us scholars all over the world."

A scholar pointed at the officials who had just walked out of Chengtianmen and cursed angrily: "You ministers insist on the view of family status! It's chilling!"

Fang Xuanling looked anxiously at the situation, and now more and more scholars gathered.

These people also held Dream of the Red Chamber and The Legend of the White Snake in their hands to satirize those ministers in the court who mentioned their family status.

Fang Xuanling said anxiously: "What should I do?"

Du Ruhui smiled self-deprecatingly, "You and I were the same when we were young, we sneered at those views of family status."

Fang Xuanling said: "I'm afraid that if this trouble continues, it will become bigger and bigger."

"Let's go and stabilize Your Majesty first."

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui hurried to Ganlu Hall, and bumped into Li Shimin who was about to leave the palace.

Du Ruhui quickly persuaded Li Shimin: "Your Majesty must not go out at this moment."

"I heard that many students gathered outside Chengtianmen?"

Fang Xuanling nodded, "There are about three thousand scholars."

Many ministers in the DPRK and China have a very deep resistance to the Dream of Red Mansions.

I once wanted His Majesty to set the Dream of the Red Chamber as a banned book.

The current troubles of these scholars have an inseparable relationship with the Dream of Red Mansions.

It all starts with the matter between Li Zheng and Princess Changle.

Li Shimin was also anxious, Du Ruhui explained: "Your Majesty, those scholars want to ask for credit for Li Zheng."

Fang Xuanling said: "At this moment, His Majesty only needs to issue a marriage decree, and the hearts of those scholars can be stabilized."

Li Shimin wanted to laugh but couldn't, and said helplessly, "So now I don't want to marry my daughter?"

 And at night...emmm.later
(End of this chapter)

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