People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 158 Yuan Tiangang's visit

Chapter 158 Yuan Tiangang's visit

Three days have passed.

Sitting in the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin asked Li Junxian, "Is there still no movement in Jingyang?"

Li Junxian nodded and said, "Nothing happened."

"Keep watching."


Li Shimin looked at the blue sky outside the window, feeling inexplicably excited.

If it is really possible to ascend to the sky, I would like to see if there are really living beings in the sky.

Cui Que also heard the servant's report.

"There is still no movement in Jingyang today."

Cui Que looked in the direction of Jingyang coldly, "There are so many heroes in generations, how tall is the Lord of Heaven! I don't believe it! Li Zheng can really ascend to the sky!"

"Patriarch, just in case, do you want to send someone to kill Li Zheng?"

"What if?" Cui Que shouted loudly, "You mean what if Li Zheng ascends to the sky and succeeds?"

The servant hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "It's the villain's slip of the tongue."

Cui Que shouted loudly: "Li Zheng! Arrogant kid! Kill him? I, the rich family of the Cui family, need to be afraid of him as Li Zheng? If I want to kill Li Zheng, what face does this old man have?"

"The little man knows his mistake." The servant knelt on the ground and shivered.

Everyone in the world knows that heaven is unattainable, if Li Zheng really sent someone to heaven this time.

What an impact this has on the secular society.

Cui Que felt inexplicably uneasy.

But if Li Zheng fails, Li Zheng will not only be ruined.

And the status of the gentry will definitely be higher.

Many people came from Jingyang County, including many scholars, and they were all waiting for the moment when Li Zheng sent people to heaven.

Some people commented on whether Li Zheng could send people to heaven this time.

Prince Li Chengqian brought his officials from the East Palace to the outside of Chang'an City. From the hilltop here, you can see the situation in Jingyang

The son of Gao Shilian, Duke of Yixing County, Gao Xingxing looked at Jingyang and said to the crown prince, "This son Li Zheng still wants to ascend to the sky? He really doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depth of the earth."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian remained silent, and even looked forward to Li Zheng being able to do it this time.

Chang Sun Chong stood aside with an indifferent expression.

Before Li Zheng was famous, Chang Sun Chong could be said to be the most dazzling talent in Chang'an.

But now who still mentions the name of his elder Sun Chong.

Listening to the discussions of the people around, it seems that no one is optimistic that Li Zheng can do it.

Li Chengqian said to Gao Xing: "I just want to see how capable Li Zheng is."

The fourth day passed, and there was still no movement in Jingyang.

Many people have given up and left one after another.

Maybe Li Zheng was just talking big.

Li Chunfeng brought Yuan Tiangang to Jingyang County.

It has been half a year since I came to Jingyang last time.

Here again, look at Jingyang, which has changed a lot now.

Li Chunfeng sighed in his heart, and said to Yuan Tiangang: "The Jingyang in the past was not like this."

Yuan Tiangang calculated carefully, looked at the current layout of Jingyang and whispered, "Strange?"

"what happened?"

After calculating for a long time, Yuan Tiangang said: "I can't tell, I always feel that something is wrong."

In Jingyang County
Li was making a hot air balloon, and Xu Jingzong let the wind out.

This old scumbag has a good relationship with some rangers in Chang'an.

Pour some high-strength wine on the coal, and the flames rushed up immediately.

The scorching temperature made people have to take a few steps back.

Li Zheng watched the flame slowly return to its original state, and calculated the time to increase the firepower for about five seconds.

Alcohol burns better than kerosene.

The main reason is that kerosene is too cloudy, unlike alcohol, which can fully burn.

Da Niu asked in a low voice: "Teacher, can you really send people to heaven like this?"

Li Zheng shook the alcohol in his hand and said, "It shouldn't be a big problem to increase the firepower with this thing."

Daniel asked nervously again: "Teacher, are there really gods in the sky?"

"Fart!" Li Zheng said disdainfully: "The teacher told you that there is nothing in the sky except clouds."

"Are there stars there?"

"Yes, but you are very small in front of the stars."

"When I was young, I heard some old scholars say that Chang'e lives on the moon, and Chang'e is a fairy."

The story of Chang'e flying to the moon comes from Shan Hai Jing.

There are indeed such legends in ancient times.

Adhering to the idea of ​​materialist dialectics, Li Zheng said patiently to Daniel: "There is no Chang'e on the moon, that's what adults made up stories for you children."

"Then..." Daniel asked again, "Are there any gods on that star?"

"There are no gods either, and maybe... maybe... there are aliens on some stars."

"Who are aliens?"

Some couldn't explain anymore, Li Zheng held his forehead in distress, "I said, why do you have so many problems."

Daniel asked again: "Has the teacher ever been to the sky?"

"I've been there in my previous life."

Daniel still looked at Li Zheng suspiciously.

Someone from Li Yifu brought several barrels of high-concentration alcohol to him, "Mr. County, are these enough?"

Li Zheng nodded slightly, "It should be enough."

Coal should be the most resistant to burning these days.

If you want to have enough fuel, you have to burn coal first.

Sun Simiao came with two Taoist priests and explained to Li Zheng: "This is Yuan Tiangang, this..."

"Master Li Chunfeng, I know him," Li Zheng said.

Li Chunfeng nodded slightly, "I didn't expect my little friend to remember me."

"I didn't expect Miracle Doctor Sun to know these two."

Sun Simiao smiled awkwardly and said to Li Zheng in a low voice, "Poverty just knows them, and actually doesn't want to have any contact with these two people."

"Then you still bring them?"

"After all, he is still a Taoist friend."

Yuan Tiangang stepped forward to interrupt the conversation between the two, looked at Li Zheng's face and said, "Little friend, I think your face is rare, and your bones are amazing."

"Haha." Li Zheng smiled suddenly, "Next, do you want to say that I am a one-in-a-kind martial arts prodigy, and you want to give me a book of palm techniques that fell from the sky."

Everyone: "..."

Li Zheng: "Isn't it funny?"

Li Chunfeng's eyes signaled Li Zheng to be more serious.

Yuan Tiangang looked at the shape of Li Zheng's face, and even stretched out his hand to pinch it. He nodded with enlightenment and said, "Pimpedao has never seen a person with such a fierce face."

Li Chunfeng looked at Yuan Tiangang in surprise.

Yuan Tiangang whispered to Li Zheng: "Pindao advises you to give up what you are doing now. It is not easy to reach the sky. Even if you succeed, you have offended the gods."

Who is this brainwashing for?Li Zheng smiled disdainfully.

"Little friend, listen to Pingdao's advice." Yuan Tiangang said.

Li Zheng shook the palm fan in his hand and said: "Old Yuan, I never believed in that. I don't believe in fate. I remember I said to His Majesty today that my destiny is in my own hands. I believe in science. I believe in science." Believe that man will conquer nature.”

"What an arrogant boy!" Yuan Tiangang pointed at Li Zheng and shouted.

Li Zheng said with a smile: "Daoist Yuan, you count the fate, have you counted whether I succeeded or failed this time?"

See Yuan Tiangang did not speak.

Li Zheng said in his ear: "It's nothing special if you are a man. But if you are a woman, you should be the master of the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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