People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 159 Soldiers who want to go to heaven

Chapter 159 Soldiers who want to go to heaven
Yuan Tiangang remembered that he had indeed said such things when he saw a baby in the seventh year of Wude.

But he never said that to anyone else.

"How do you know!" Yuan Tiangang backed away in a daze.

Li Zheng also counted his fingers and said, "I did the calculation, but it's a pity that Daoist Yuan made a mistake that time."

"Pindao did not make a mistake!"

Yuan Tiangang did not know that it was a baby girl when he told the fortune to the young Wu Zetian, so he treated it as a boy.

Li Chunfeng looked curiously at Yuan Tiangang and Li Zheng, who had only met for the first time.

Li Zheng said to Yuan Tiangang again: "If you live a few more years, you will know if your calculation is wrong."

Yuan Tiangang stared at Li Zheng for a long time, feeling more and more uneasy.

Li Zheng whispered to Yuan Tiangang again: "You were entrusted by an old man to take care of Li Chunfeng. Daoist Yuan, who is your biological mother?"

Hearing this, Yuan Tiangang froze on the spot like a lightning strike, then retreated step by step, staring at Li Zheng with a pale face.

Li Zheng patted Yuan Tiangang's shoulder, "Actually, I'm pretty good at counting."

Li Chunfeng quickly supported Yuan Tiangang, "Daoist Yuan, what's wrong with you?"

Swallowing hard, Yuan Tiangang stared at Li Zheng with deep fear in his eyes.

Sun Simiao also stared blankly.

Although he doesn't like people like Yuan Tiangang.

But Yuan Tiangang has never been seen to scare others.

It was the first time that Yuan Tiangang was intimidated by a 12-year-old like Li Zheng.

Sun Simiao was silent, thinking to himself, what kind of unpredictable ability did Li Zheng have.

A few words can scare Yuan Tiangang like this.

Li Chunfeng asked Li Zheng, "What did you say to Daoist Yuan?"

Li Zheng grinned and said: "Daoist Yuan, don't worry, I will never say these things, as long as you don't stop me from going to the sky."

"You!" Yuan Tiangang looked at Li Zheng tremblingly.

If the matter of Wu De's seven years was just a coincidence, maybe Li Zheng heard it by chance.

But his own life experience, Li Chunfeng's life experience and reason.

Yuan Tiangang glanced at Li Chunfeng, and looked at Li Zheng's expression becoming more and more nervous.

That is the secret of my life!

Never said it to anyone, that was the word to carry in the coffin.

It is impossible for Li Zheng to know
Li Chunfeng and Sun Simiao supported the trembling Yuan Tiangang to leave, and now Yuan Tiangang was so frightened that he couldn't even walk steadily.

Daniel asked in a low voice: "Teacher, what did you say to this Taoist priest? Why is he so frightened?"

Yuan Tiangang's life experience has always been a mystery.

Li Zheng smiled bitterly. Of course, these are all verified by later generations.

The life experience relationship between Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng is very mysterious.

Li Zheng said to Daniel: "In the future, stay away from those Taoist priests who talk about gods and gods. They are not good people."

"What about Miracle Doctor Sun? He is also a Taoist priest."

"Miraculous Doctor Sun doesn't count, you should learn medical skills from him."

"En." Daniel nodded sensiblely.The aunt in the village brought mended cloth bags.

The cloth bag is not very big, and some cloth in the village is limited, and the cloth is sewn three times to make it airtight as much as possible.

There are three big baskets in total, that is to say, three hot air balloons can be made.

Above the basket stood a large brazier.

Da Niu organized the children to fix the cloth bag firmly above the brazier.

After arranging everything, Daniel said, "Is it okay, teacher?"

Feeling the force of the wind, Li Zheng said, "Wait, don't worry."

Li Ke came with six soldiers.

Judging from the armor, it came from the regular Weifu in Chang'an.

Seeing the situation, Li Zheng asked, "What are you bringing these people here for?"

"Father's order is to let them go to heaven first."

Li Zheng whispered to Li Ke: "What does your father want to do?"

"Of course I want to know what's in the sky."

Li Zheng pulled Li Ke aside, "These people may not come back."

"I know, and so do they."

Accept the destiny to be the emperor.

These are all lies of the emperors.

It's really hard to say how afraid the emperor is of God.

Want to send people to heaven.

It seems to be a guilty conscience.

The setting sun illuminated the entire Jingyang County red.

Li Chengqian sat on a hill, looking at the peaceful Jingyang.

"His Royal Highness, it's getting late." The official of the East Palace said.

Li Chengqian stood up, straightened his clothes, and said: "Leave a few people waiting here, and immediately inform Gu if there is any change."

until late at night.

Tents were set up around Jingyang, and some people were sleeping and others were still watching Jingyang.

Some people came to see how Li Zheng was ashamed.

Li Zheng used iron chains to reinforce the brazier again.

Da Niu, who was so excited that he didn't sleep all night, asked, "Teacher, why did you put sandbags in the bamboo basket?"

"Because you need to stabilize the bamboo basket, you can also control the speed of the ascent."

Daniu just nodded, not sure if this brat understood or not.

It wasn't until the rising sun appeared in the sky that Li Zheng started to light the brazier.

On the hilltop near Jingyang, someone woke up from the drowsiness immediately.

"Look! It's on fire!"

"Look, there's movement in Jingyang!"


Someone was yelling around.

Others beat gongs.

For a moment everyone woke up.

The four corners of the cloth bag were being pulled, waiting for the heat from the flames to fill the entire cloth bag.

The three braziers were burning together, and Li Zheng used alcohol to support the combustion.

After more than an hour, Daniel felt the cloth bag in his hand was hot.

Gradually the whole cloth bag began to swell, and it was not even necessary for the four people to hold a corner in each hand.

Daniel carefully grabbed the corner of the cloth bag and said, "Teacher, is it okay?"

Li Zheng stared at the flames, "Wait! Don't worry, wait for the bamboo basket to leave the ground."

Ask Li Yifu to add coal to the brazier.

The fire was burning hotter and hotter, and I saw that the bamboo basket was slightly lifted from the ground.

"Let those people go to the bamboo basket."

With a wave of Li Ke's hand, the six soldiers entered the bamboo basket as if they were dying.

Li Zheng instructed them how to use alcohol, and nearly a hundred water bags filled with alcohol were put into bamboo baskets.

"Remember, if you feel that the ascent is getting slower and slower, you can throw the water bag into the brazier to increase the flame."

"If you still feel that you are not going up fast enough, you can throw away the sandbags next to the bamboo basket. Remember to leave a sandbag around the basket to stabilize the basket."


The soldiers answered in unison.

Let Li Yifu and Xu Jingzong add another layer of coal.

These coals are enough to burn for three hours.

Waiting for the sun to come out now, Li Zheng looked at the grass on the edge of the field still dripping with dew.

"Don't worry, let's wait."

The scholars and scholars watching Jingyang were very curious. Li Zheng had been burning for more than an hour. What exactly did he want to do?
"Why don't you send people to heaven?"

"Isn't Li Zheng just playing tricks?"

(End of this chapter)

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