Chapter 161

Yuan Tiangang knelt on the ground trembling all over. He hadn't raised his head yet and said, "There are gods who raise their heads three feet. Li Zheng is an offense to God!"

Li Chunfeng wanted to help Yuan Tiangang who was kneeling on the ground, and stood aside and said, "Actually, Li Zheng was also forced by the gentry, maybe he didn't want to do this either."

Yuan Tiangang stood up and looked at Li Chunfeng, his expression flustered again.

Turn around and walk into Qin Tianjian.

After sitting down in meditation, Yuan Tiangang said: "Whenever someone comes to seek poverty, no one will be seen except the old man of His Majesty."

Li Chunfeng asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"The old man is going to retreat, and someone will definitely come to the door in the future, you must remember! No one will see the old man except His Majesty today."

Li Chunfeng bowed slightly.

Yuan Tiangang sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, the hand holding Fuchen was still trembling.

It is one thing to tell fortunes and look at astrology, but it is another thing to fight between the court and China.

You must not get involved in the struggle of the court.

Someone must find a way to deal with Li Zheng.

I feel inexplicably afraid of this 12-year-old boy.

Yuan Tiangang said to himself: "I'm afraid this child will become the demon of the poor for the rest of his life."

I can't afford it, I can't afford it...

The person chasing the hot air balloon looked at the sky and gave up chasing. The hot air balloon got higher and higher, and there was only a small black spot.

Can science really make people go to heaven?

In Chang'an City, which has been quiet for a long time, some people stopped in place for a long time, while others were still whispering.

In an instant, the whole street became lively.

For the first time since ancient times, people were sent to heaven.

The shouts seemed to be celebrating, and spread throughout the streets and alleys.

Quan Chang'an is talking about what Li Zheng is doing.

This feat spread throughout Chang'an.

Since ancient times, how many people have tried to ask how high Tiangong is.

It was the first time someone could actually send a person to heaven.

"Is this Li Zheng's science?"

"This is nothing short of a miracle!"

"Li Zhengzhen used science to send people to heaven."

Li Shimin was in a good mood after the dynasty was over.

Li Shimin, who was sitting at the back of Ganlu Hall, asked the eunuch beside him, "What is Cui Que doing these days?"

The eunuch replied, "The news just came that Cui Que has closed the door and no longer sees guests."

Opening the memorial sent by the Ministry of Education, Li Shimin told the eunuch beside him: "Send some medical officers from the imperial medical office to show Cui Que a look at his body. He should take a good rest at such an advanced age."

The eunuch nodded and turned away to talk.

Cui Que, who was sitting at home, soon received Li Er's order.

Take a good rest?

Cui Que smiled wryly, "Isn't His Majesty's implicit intention to let the old man stop meddling in Chang'an's business?"

Li Shimin wants to draw a clear line with the Cui family.


Look at Li Zheng's science again.

When saltpeter turns into ice, it can send people to heaven.

These are the powers of science?
Chang'an was in chaos.

Indeed, hundreds of volumes of Li Xuexue were burned.

How much of this science is left in Chang'an now?
Many people hope that Li Zheng will add a few more volumes of science.

How many scholars have regretted their guts, "I regret burning that science."

Under the ghost-like eyes of the villagers, Li Zheng left everyone's sight and returned to the stables.

When I arrived at the stables, there was another person looking at me like a ghost.

"If you look at me like that again, I will punish you by military law."

When Xu Dahu heard the words, he left and looked away, and asked, "Captain, how did you do it?"

"Because of science."

How simple a sentence is, the simpler it is, the more profound it is. This is the legendary master. Xu Dahu respects Li Zheng in awe.

Li Zheng glanced around and said, "What shall we have for lunch?"

Xu Dahu said: "There is still some meat and dried vegetables."

When he came to the house, Li Zheng looked at the ingredients: "Let's make buns and eat them."

Kneading the dough, I thought to myself that it is going to the sky, but the height that the hot air balloon can rise is very limited.

To be honest, I don't know where it will end up.

According to the state of coal burning, maybe the hot air balloon is still floating in the sky.

Those desperate soldiers threw away all the sandbags.

As the fuel consumption of the hot air balloon becomes lower and lower, the weight of the sandbag can control the height and ascent speed, and can also control the descent speed with the fuel consumption.

Obviously those soldiers didn't think about their whereabouts at all.

This is no different from seeking death.

Perhaps after they reached a certain height, they would die from lack of oxygen.

Or, after they reach a certain height, they will freeze to death because of the high altitude cold.

What's more, they reached a certain height, but they had no choice but to fall to the ground and die without fuel.

There are many ways to die. After Li Zheng carefully thought about a hundred ways to die in the sky, the steamed stuffed buns were put into the pot and placed on an iron rack to steam the steamed stuffed buns.

Although the hot air balloon incident caused a great sensation in Chang'an.

But Jingyang quickly returned to tranquility.

No matter how big the movement is, it can't stop the hard-working farmers in Jingyang County from living a good life.

Wu Xing was in a bad mood, this time he didn't just go from Cui's house.

Li Zheng became famous this time in Chang'an.

Sweeping the face of the older generation of the gentry.

The other five surnames couldn't sit still.

I can't be reconciled to Li Zheng's science in the future to recruit students from all over the world.

Someone proposed to hold an essay test like Yuedan Ping.

They even want to invite young students from all over the world to compete with Li Zheng.

The buns were already cooked, it was time for dinner, and I saw that familiar figure, who was still a bit fat.

Li Zheng felt that something was wrong.

When Li Tai approached, Li Zheng said, "His Royal Highness King Wei really knows how to choose the time."

Li Tai said: "What really picks the time?"

"You came just before the meal time."

"This king definitely didn't come here on purpose, it's just a coincidence, you have to believe me."

Li Tai had already walked into the kitchen while speaking.

Holding the hot bun in his hand, Li Tai said while eating, "It's delicious."

Give some of the buns to Xu Dahu.

The three sat under the eaves and ate buns together.

After eating for a while, Li Tai said, "Li Zheng, you're in big trouble again this time. I'm here to tell you because we are friends."

Li is eating meat buns...

Li Tai said again: "You don't have to thank me, just give me the secret recipe of this bun."

"Tell me what's wrong with me first."

Li Tai finished eating the last steamed stuffed bun, "The five surnames Qiwang and the clan plan to hold a meeting of scholars, and some people in the court also made suggestions to start the imperial examination as a foreshadowing."

"Calling the world's students to come to Chang'an, this is the suggestion of the gentry of the five surnames. On the one hand, they want to fight against you, Li Zheng. This is a literary fight. On the other hand, it is also pushing the boat along the way, opening the first imperial examination since the father took the throne. .”

Li Yi's mansion hurried over, "The county lord, the county lord! The imperial decree has come from the imperial court, you should hurry back and receive the decree."

After speaking, Li Yifu saluted Li Tai again and said, "I have seen His Royal Highness King Wei."

 There will be more in the second half of the night, let Xiao Zhang take it easy first, his eyes hurt so much that he can't open his eyes, and there will be an update after a short rest.

(End of this chapter)

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