People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 162 I Don't Reason With My Son

Chapter 162 I Don't Reason With My Son

Li Zheng looked at Li Yifu suspiciously.

Li Tai also looked at Li Yifu strangely, "Father is asking for an imperial edict so soon?"

"Don't you know?" Li Zheng asked.

Li Tai also said anxiously: "I don't know when my father will make an order."

The three stood up and hurried to Jingyang.

The eunuch who read out the imperial edict stood at the door of his house.

Li Yifu stood beside Xu Jingzong and said: "Look how much our county marquis is valued by His Majesty."

Xu Jingzong stood against the wall and said: "This year is the first time that the decree has been made. It is really rare in my life to make the imperial decree like a common meal."

Li Yifu nodded in agreement.

Seeing people coming, the old eunuch who announced the decree said with a smile: "Your Majesty, we meet again, how are you doing?"

Li Zheng cupped his hands and said, "Eunuch, you are welcome, everything is fine."

"Don't blame the old slave for talking too much, I'm asking on behalf of His Majesty."

"It's okay, I've met my father-in-law several times, dare to ask my father-in-law Gao's name?"

"The old slave's surname is Wang, and I think he will often meet with the county lord in the future."

After finishing speaking, Wang Gonggong opened the imperial decree and said: "The Marquis of Jingyang County accepts the decree."

Li Daxiong tugged at Li Zheng's clothes and whispered, "Kneel down!"

The prince sighed, "It's okay, Your Majesty's benevolence will not care about the county prince."

"By the way." Li Zheng asked suddenly: "Eunuch Wang, have you eaten yet?"

"have eaten."

The prince reopened the imperial decree.

Li Zheng asked again: "Why don't I salute a little bit?"

Wang Gonggong had no choice but to say: "The county marquis can do whatever he wants."

Feeling something was wrong again, Li Zheng said, "Should I wash my face and clean it?"

Put away the imperial decree again, this kid has no end.

Wang Gonggong said with a dark face: "Mr. County, this old slave will leave after reading."

"Hey." Li Zheng bowed and nodded.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Wang Gonggong reopened the imperial decree and said: "Hou of Jingyang County..."

After reading this, the prince paused and took a look at Li Zheng's expression to confirm that the boy would not speak anymore, and continued reading.

"The Marquis of Jingyang County, for his meritorious service in developing new paper and inventing movable type printing, bestowed [-] mu of Yongye Field, which was included in the fiefdom of Princess Changle, and selected a day for the Ministry of Households to make a book. The county marquis is young, and the general of the Longwu Army will temporarily take over the post."

After reading the imperial decree, Li Zheng was still a little confused.

The prince smiled and said, "The county marquis accepts the order."

After receiving the imperial decree, Li Zheng asked, "I am now the general of the Longwu Army?"

The prince nodded.

Li Zheng said again: "Then I don't need to raise horses?"

"Hehehe..." Eunuch Wang suddenly laughed strangely, and stopped laughing again, "We still need to raise horses."

"I'm already a general of Zhonglang! Do I still need to raise horses?"

"Don't take offense to the county marquis. The imperial decree said that the county marquis is still young and the position of Zhonglang will be temporarily replaced by the general of the Longwu army, but sooner or later he will still be the county marquis."

Li Zheng said in surprise: "It's not the same as not being rewarded. I'm still a horse breeder. Could it be that His Majesty is not willing to let me go when he sees that I have been raised well?"

"That's not the case. Lord Hou raises horses, fishing for three days and drying nets for two days. Who knows?" Eunuch Wang said patiently: "The main thing is that there is a lack of a horse breeder."

This Li Er is not authentic, to appoint a Zhonglang general and let someone else temporarily replace him?

This is too picky!D.

Li Zheng thought about it and asked again: "Is there no one else besides me?"

The prince and grandpa sighed, "The last one died in battle, and besides, who would do this kind of hard work except the county marquis?"

Li Zheng: "..."

After receiving the imperial decree, Li Zheng opened it and read it again and said, "Then let me ask again, I don't care about General Zhonglang's affairs, he clearly gave me [-] mu of Yongye land, why is it included in the fiefdom of Princess Changle?" , Isn’t this given to me? How to assign it to the princess?”

The prince said with a smile that was not a smile: "General Zhonglang, the court is already preparing for your marriage with Princess Changle, sooner or later it will be yours, so why rush it."

"Princess?" Li Daxiong immediately stood up and asked, "Why marry a princess?"

Wang Gonggong said: "Brother Li, your son is going to be a son-in-law."

Li Daxiong mechanically turned his head to look at Li Zheng, and said in a cold voice, "Boy, have you caused trouble again?"

Li Zheng took a step back, "I can't get out of this door, and if I don't go through the second door, what trouble did I get into?"

Li Daxiong took a step forward and said: "You didn't cause trouble, why did the princess marry you?"

Li Zheng said again: "Your son, I am handsome and handsome, and my talent surpasses all other heroes. It is reasonable for the princess to take a fancy to me."

"You fart, you and I were carved out of the same mold."

Li Daxiong shouted: "How handsome are you?! I don't know what I look like as a father?"

Li Zheng took another step back, "You see, you are being unreasonable."

Li Daxiong rolled up his sleeves and said, "Do I need to reason with my son?"

"Ha! It really doesn't make sense."

Wang Gonggong said with a smile: "The old slave will leave, County Marquis, there are two guests who want to see you."

"Wang Gonggong, go slowly." Li Zheng said.

Seeing outsiders, Li Daxiong said: "I'll clean you up tonight!"

After speaking, Li Daxiong left murderously.

After Eunuch Wang left, Chu Suiliang stepped forward and said, "I'm here, Chu Suiliang."

After speaking, Chu Suiliang introduced the old man beside him, "This is the county magistrate of Yongxing, Mr. Yu."

Yu Shinan leaned on a cane and said, "Old man Yu Shinan."

"I've met Mr. Yu." Li Zheng looked this old man up and down. Yu Shinan was one of the four great masters in the early Tang Dynasty, along with Chu Suiliang, Ouyang Xun, and Xue Ji.

These are really living ancestors. Their calligraphy brush and ink have a great influence on later generations. After Wang Xizhi, the four great masters of the world.

It's a pity that their regular script has tortured many future generations of students.

Practicing calligraphy is too hard.

Li Zhengxin thought that respect should be respected. I'm afraid that I can't practice calligraphy well in the past two lifetimes, and I don't have much calligraphy talent.

Yu Shinan said with a smile: "At the beginning when the county lord planned to settle on Yinshan Mountain, he heard about the name of the county lord, and this time I finally saw it."

"Duke Yu won the prize, the boy is just a little clever."

Yu Shinan nodded and said, "I just saw that you have a lot of opinions on His Majesty's imperial decree. Do you know that the three thousand Yongye fields are only granted by the county magistrate? In order to avoid suspicion and avoid the opinions of the court ministers, His Majesty just didn't say it clearly. The county magistrate Up to the top is the Duke of the County and the Duke of the State, and let’s talk about the general of the Longwu Army, you are only 12 years old.”

Li Zheng cupped his hands towards Chang'an and said, "Then thank you for your understanding."

Seeing Li Zheng's demeanor, Yu Shinan laughed and scolded: "You are not trying to hide your obedience and disrespect. You are so disrespectful to His Majesty and the imperial decree, and you can still live to this day. It is really evil."

"You kid in the lower mountains, don't understand etiquette, don't take offense."

Yu Shinan looked at Chu Suiliang for a day, then asked, "Li Zheng, what do you think is the biggest thing in this world?"

(End of this chapter)

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