People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 163 Calling on the World's Scholars

Chapter 163 Calling on the World's Scholars

Li Zheng raised his head and thought for a while before speaking, "I think the truth is the most reasonable in this world."

Hearing this answer, Yu Shinan didn't deny it, nor nodded.

Looking at Yu Shinan strangely, Li Zheng also looked at Yu Shinan curiously.

Yu Shinan smiled and said, "Chu Suiliang, what do you think is the biggest thing in this world?"

Chu Suiliang immediately said: "My nephew thinks it should be the largest in the world."

Seeing Li Zheng's confident smile, Yu Shinan said, "Li Zheng, do you think you are right?"

"Did Yu Gong think it was wrong?"

The aged Yu Shinan nodded, "I understand."

I thought to myself what did he understand?

Seeing Yu Shinan's eyes, Li Zheng's heart skipped a beat. The old man's eyes flashed for a moment, very sharp eyes, but only for a moment, and his kindness returned.

I did see this moment, and Li Zheng confirmed that he was not mistaken.

Yu Shinan said in a low voice: "The old man is gone, Li Zheng, take care of yourself."

"Send it to Duke Yu."

Yu Shinan waved his hand, "No need to give it away."

After finishing speaking, seeing Yu Shinan walking farther and farther, Li Zheng looked at his old back and asked Chu Suiliang, "What do you think the old man means by saying such a sentence?"

Chu Suiliang shook his head, "I don't know either."

Yu Shinan is a great calligrapher of his generation.

Li Zheng touched his chin.

Chu Suiliang said with some emotion: "In fact, Duke Yu has already retired to His Majesty today, and he will leave Chang'an today. Before leaving, let me take him to see you."

"Growing old?"

"Yes." Chu Suiliang nodded, bowed his head and nodded and said, "Your Majesty, Chu Suiliang, is here to serve the County Marquis under the orders of His Majesty."

He, Li Er, did what he said, but he didn't know when Xue Rengui and Shangguanyi could come.

Glancing at Li Zheng's eyes, Chu Suiliang said: "I just heard that the prince finished reading the imperial decree, and I think that His Majesty's decree has a deep meaning."

"Tell me." Li Zheng said nonchalantly while sitting at the door of his house.

Chu Suiliang smiled and said: "Since the County Marquis opened the book printing workshop, he has been in dispute with the five surnames, and now the marriage between the County Marquis and Princess Changle has caused a lot of admonitions from court officials. Family status, and what His Majesty is facing is the leadership of the nobles by the five surnames and seven wangs."

"Your Majesty bestowed half of this decree, but kept one hand, because the affairs of the county lord have not yet been completed. The autumn tour garden opened in half a month's time will be the time when the county lord will really face the five surnames and seven surnames. Is it criticized by thousands of people, or admired by thousands of people?"

"Your Majesty will not reward a person who is criticized by thousands of people."

Li Zheng nodded slightly and said, "Well, you are quite right."

Chu Suiliang smiled.

Li Zheng stood up and was about to walk into the house, and said to him: "Old Chu, you go and teach the children in the village to write first."


A sudden sentence made Chu Suiliang stunned.

Li Zheng went on to say: "If possible, you can help me improve the fonts in the printing workshop."

Chu Suiliang stood where he was, petrified...

Li Yifu sighed in his heart, who is the county marquis, he is a master who is unique in ten thousand, would Chu Suiliang not think of the county marquis?
Xu Jingzong said to Li Yifu: "The county lord looks really confusing."

Li Yifu nodded in agreement.

Xu Jingzong said again: "Thoughts are very deep, our county marquis probably thinks farther than you and me."

Li Yifu nodded in agreement.

Xu Jingzong said, "Have you eaten?"

"not yet."

Xu Jingzong invited: "Let's go! Pingkangfang, my treat."

Li Yifu bowed and said, "It's disrespectful."

Xu Jingzong walked with Li Yifu and said: "I am familiar with Pingkangfang, and I know exactly which girls are good at craftsmanship..."

Xu Jingzong and Li Yifu went further and further away.

Li Tai also said: "I have to hurry to see Father, I haven't given an explanation to Father since I didn't go to court today."

After speaking, Li Tai also left, leaving Chu Suiliang standing there at a loss.

Looking at the peaceful Jingyang County, I don't know what I should do next.

After Yu Shinan left Jingyang County, he took a carriage all the way to the outskirts of Chang'an City, where there was a pavilion where Ouyang Xun was waiting.

With the help of his servants, Yu Shinan got off the carriage and said with a smile, "I kept you waiting."

"I just arrived too, and I brought good wine." Ouyang Xun said.

The middle-aged Ouyang Xun poured Yu Shinan a glass of wine and said, "Did Yu Gong meet Li Zheng?"

Yu Shinan nodded, "I've seen it."

"how do you feel?"

Without picking up the wine bowl, Yu Shinan thought for a while and said, "This Li Zheng..."

"very special?"

Yu Shinan dipped his fingers in the wine and wrote a word.

Seeing Yu Shinan's handwriting, Ouyang Xun also wrote down the words, "This word looks like accumulation? Is it wrong?"

Yu Shinan wrote another "horse"

Ouyang Xun looked at the characters of the horse and asked, "What does Duke Yu mean?"

The old Yu Shinan said: "I have been writing calligraphy all my life. Reading and knowing people is what I am best at. I have read countless copybooks in my life. These two words are written by Li Zheng at the beginning. seen in."

"I have a feeling that Li Zheng's handwriting doesn't look like a typo, but another way of writing. If there is a typo, the handwriting will inevitably be messy, and the writing and writing will be more frequent, but Li Zheng's handwriting is written naturally from top to bottom. Out."

Ouyang Xun said: "Maybe Li Zheng has made a typo for many years and can't correct it?"

"The situation remains the same, the complexity is simplified, and the shape is preserved. One or two characters are fine, but what if there are many characters?"

Ouyang Xun thought about Yu Shinan's words, and he could write it down smoothly according to his habit. If he wrote a wrong word, the pen and ink would definitely stop and the handwriting would be messed up.

"If you have time, I will definitely go and see Li Zheng's handwriting next time."

Yu Shinan added in a low voice: "It's getting late, the old man should go too."

"Gong Yu, haven't you drunk yet?"

Yu Shinan smiled kindly and said: "This old man writes all his life and reads half his life. Reading is like reading a person. Li Zheng is very special."

After speaking, Yu Shinan got into the carriage and left again.

Li Shimin asked the guard who came back to report: "Did those three balls fall?"

"Back to Your Majesty, we have searched westward for tens of miles, but we still haven't found it."

Li Shimin closed his eyes and whispered, "Could it be that he really went to heaven?"


Half a month later, the Autumn Lantern Festival will be held on the outskirts of Chang'an City.

The gentry with the five surnames and Qiwang invited many great Confucian scholars and great scholars.

At the invitation of the five surnames, more and more scholars came to Chang'an.

The five surnames united to raise their arms, and they can call on most of the scholars in the world.

Their purpose is very simple, that is, to utterly refute Li Zheng's arguments in front of scholars all over the world.

Let Li Zheng not stand up.

Li Zheng held the printing technique in his hand, and a science that led people to the sky shocked the whole Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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