People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 164 The top priority of the whole village

Chapter 164 The top priority of the whole village

At night in Jingyang Village, Li Zheng was sitting in a quiet home, explaining the ins and outs of the matter to Li Daxiong.

After listening, Li Daxiong thought about it and said again and again: "That's why the little girl from a rich family who often came to see you is Your Highness the Princess."

Li Zheng nodded while eating.

Li Daxiong said again: "I didn't expect you to get acquainted with the princess so early."

Li Zheng said with some emotion: "All gold will shine, even though I am a dusty gold."

After eating, Li Zheng put down the dishes and said, "Remember to wash the dishes."

The wind at night was a bit chilly. After the meal, Li Daxiong sat at the door of his house and washed the dishes while thinking about why his son was so promising.
Could it be with his mother?Li Daxiong thought about it and still couldn't figure it out.

He is his own son.

There is only one seedling in a thousand hectares of fertile land.

As long as my son is safe.

Thinking of these, Li Daxiong looked at the gate of his home.

New houses should also be built.

The next day, Li Zheng, who had just woken up, saw the old village head bringing a group of fellow villagers.

Li Daxiong said solemnly: "It's time to build you a new house."

I was a little surprised when I heard Li Daxiong's words, "Build a new house?"

Li Daxiong nodded, "Brat, do you want the princess to live with you in this kind of crappy house?"

Seeing Li Zheng washing his face, the old village chief said again: "We didn't care about you before. Now that you're an official, you're a marquis. You can live in whatever house you like, but Now it’s time to get married, and it’s a big event for the whole village when you get married.”

Li Zheng quickly said: "Grandpa the village chief, you don't need to mobilize people like this, you are just a princess."

"Just a princess..."

A group of villagers looked at each other speechlessly.

Li Daxiong slapped Li Zheng on the back of the head, but was dodged by this kid.

Li Daxiong, who slapped empty palm, said: "Stinky boy, how many princesses are there in this world for you to marry! Is it just a princess?"

The aunt in the village persuaded: "Big Bear, don't hit him, this kid is already stupid, if you hit him again, he will be even more stupid."

Li Daxiong retracted his hand angrily.

After the villagers left, Li Daxiong said to Li Zheng: "When you have a new house, you will consider yourself a family."

Looking at Li Daxiong, Li Zheng asked in a low voice: "There are still so many vacant new houses in the village, why don't our family move there?"

Li Daxiong was a little sad when he mentioned this issue.

Li Zheng said again: "Do you want to guard something?"

Li Daxiong looked at Li Zheng with some surprise, and suddenly felt that this kid was sensible.

Li Zheng whispered again: "Is there a lot of gold buried underground in our house?"

Li Daxiong: "..."

"You have to guard the gold and not let others know, so I am a rich second generation, right?"

I just thought that this kid was a little sensible, but it really is still this stinking virtue.

I really want to smack this kid...

The whole village began to get busy with their marriage.

Li Zheng was sitting by the river fishing, feeling melancholy, feeling like he couldn't get off the stage.

Everyone in the village is planning to build a big house for themselves.

Looking back, groups of villagers gathered together and planned to marry the princess.

The whole village is thinking about Li Shimin's daughter for themselves. How will Li Shimin feel when he finds out?

How many people will come from which family, who will send meat, and who will pay how much money.

Under the organization of the respected and wise old village head, the charter was finalized very quickly.

To build a big house with three entrances and three exits.

The old village head said: "Zheng'er is going to marry the princess, it's making our whole village look good."

After saying a word, the villagers in the village cheered again.

The old village head motioned to the crowd and said in a low voice: "Old man, I am getting old, and our village has finally made a fortune. You must not spread the word, especially in the Niujia Village next door, in case people are so envious. But it's not good."

All the villagers nodded.

"Niujia Village? What's the matter with Niujia Village?"

Li Zheng was puzzled and pondered to himself.

"Niujia Village is General Niu Jinda's territory, and people in our village often quarrel."

The abrupt voice frightened Li Zheng into a jerk and turned his head to look at Li Ke.

"His Royal Highness Shu, can you stop standing behind them all the time, it's scary."

Li Ke said blankly, "I've been standing here for a long time."

Li Zheng patted his chest to suppress his shock, "What if I'm scared to death? Are you going to pay for your life?"

Li Ke: "..."

Li Zheng looked back at the fishing line and said, "It's not good if you scare the flowers and plants."

Already used to Li Zheng saying such things, Li Ke said again: "I know that the villagers in the village are all preparing for your marriage."

Resting his chin in one hand, Li Zheng was completely weak, and the whole village knew it.

Li Ke observed Li Zheng's expression, and said, "I've come to talk to you about something."


Li Ke said: "The guards in the village, the veterans brought out a group, do you want to take a look?"

Standing up, Li Zheng followed Li Ke to leave the river beach.

All the way to the residential area of ​​the village.

There is a group of veterans in the rear who are pointing out the villagers, and here are Li Yifu and Li Ke organizing the village guards.

The villagers were well trained by these veterans.

Li Ke said, "Do you want to choose a general for them?"

Li Zheng thought about it and said, "How about Su Dingfang?"

"Su Dingfang has been with General Li Jing for some years, it would be the best if he could come, but now he is in Zuowuwei, in charge of military affairs, do you think he will come?"

"You pass the message to him on my behalf, just say that I have 36 tactics in the art of war, and ask him if he is interested."

"36 strategies? Could it be that the county marquis knows the art of war?"

"I don't know the art of war, I just happen to have such a book in my hand."

Three days later, Su Ding conveniently received an invitation from Li Ke and came to Jingyang County.

Li Zheng invited Su Dingfang into the house, and enthusiastically poured him a glass of boiled water.

"His Royal Highness the King of Shu said that you came to me for something, and there are many things in court, so I can't stay for long."

Su Dingfang might not come if someone invites him, but Li is the disciple of General Li Jing.

Li Zheng said: "I want to train a group of guards in the village recently, but the people in my hands don't have much experience in military training."

"Need me to help you train your troops?" Su Dingfang said bluntly.

"That's pretty much what it means."

Su Dingfang stood up and said: "If you want some nursing homes, of course there is no problem, but it is a felony to raise private soldiers. There are many things in the court. If there are no other important matters, I will leave first."

"Soldiers are deceitful." Li Zheng said suddenly.

Su Dingfang froze in place, looking at Li Zheng with some puzzlement after thinking about this sentence.

"Calling the east and the west, cheating the sky and crossing the sea, beating the grass to scare the snake, playing hard to catch, throwing bricks to attract jade..."

(End of this chapter)

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