Chapter 165 Military Training
"Is General Su interested in sitting down and talking now?"

Su Dingfang turned to look at Li Zheng and said, "I also know what you just said. I have been with General Li Jing for so many years, and I have learned it and seen it with my own eyes."

Li Zheng took out the 36 tricks he had prepared in advance, "I will give you this book."

Looking at the 36 tactics in front of him, Su Dingfang took a step back, "If I help you train soldiers, will you send me?"

Li Zheng grinned and said, "Even if you don't help me train my soldiers, I will send you off."

Su Dingfang still took a step back and said: "I appreciate your kindness, but I can't accept this military book. The laws of the court are strict, and the military law is strict. I still can't help you train your private army. Now you are the Zhonglang of the Longwu Army." General, I hope I don’t have the thought of training a private army.”

"I didn't talk about training private soldiers, I just want to practice some housekeeping."

Su Dingfang got on his horse and said: "If there is anything else, you can just tell me, but training private soldiers is based on military law, so I'm sorry I can't help you."

After speaking, Su Dingfang left, with 36 tricks in his hand, Li Zheng looked melancholy.

Li Yifu reported back: "It seems that General Su Dingfang doesn't want to help us."

Li Zheng put away the 36 tactics and said: "Then we will train our own troops."

"The county marquis will also train soldiers."

"Slightly understand."

Li Zheng returned to his room and took out a book "A Brief Outline of Military Training (High School Version)" from the system library

After the cover was ripped off, Li Zheng took the book and went to the book printing house, arranged the fonts page by page, and took off the more important regulations in the book.

The origin and development of military training.

The characteristics, forms and basic requirements of military training.

How to use Military Topographic Maps.

Squad (group) tactical action.

Individual tactical action.

Self-rescue and mutual rescue on the battlefield.


I just selected a dozen or so pages of content, and Li Zheng felt that his legs were numb after finishing all the work.

Standing up and moving his legs, now the printing shop has added a lot of people.

Printing is also much faster than before.

The foreman Zhang Qi saw Li Zheng here and greeted him: "Mr. County."

Li Zheng pointed to the typefaces he had put together and said, "After you print these out, give them to His Royal Highness the King of Shu."

Because his legs were so numb that he couldn't walk steadily, Zhang Qi supported him all the way and said: "Xianhou, you said before that you want to expand the scale of our book printing house. When will our scale be expanded?"

"The time has not come yet." Li Zheng finally felt a little more comfortable moving his legs.

Zhang Qi asked: "When will that time come?"

Li Zheng pointed in the direction of Chang'an.

Zhang Qi also looked towards Chang'an.

What a joke!Can a thing like a bookstore be scaled up casually?
A companion is like a tiger, so it's better to be a little bit more right now.

When Li Shimin is really relieved, it will not be too late to expand the scale.

Zhang Qi said bitterly: "The county lord doesn't know something, but now the business of our book printing shop is really increasing, and the county lord has also enlarged the stall, and all of a sudden the jobs are piling up into mountains."

"These jobs haven't been finished yet, and the business is coming in a steady stream. Our printing shop now has three shifts of people who take turns day and night. It really can't do it."

Li Zheng patted Zhang Qi on the shoulder and said: "It's hard work, don't be too tired, let everyone have a good rest, I will give you processing money."

"There is no need to process money."

"Don't worry, we will expand the scale immediately after I get the princess' land."

"Okay." Zhang Qi nodded.

On the day when the whole village started construction and planned to build a house for Li Zheng, Li Yifu handed a book to Li Ke and said, "It has just been printed, and I will send it to you."

"A brief program of military training?" Li Ke turned to the first page, and then to the second page, reading one page after another.

Li Yifu said: "How is it? Didn't you expect that our county marquis would know how to train soldiers?"

Li Ke glanced over it roughly and probably knew it, "Li Zheng's military training method doesn't look like it is used for fighting, but it seems to be used for physical training."

"Really?" Li Yifu asked in surprise.

Li Ke pondered carefully, "However, there are still many advantages here. I have been stationed in Longyou for so many years, and I have seen generals training soldiers. This is the first time I have seen Li Zheng's method."

Holding the book, Li Ke asked: "You mean what it said above, physical training, sit-ups? Push-ups?"

Li Yifu was also a little confused.

Li Ke said again: "That's all. Look at what the county magistrate said to align to the right and align to the left. What does this mean? Take a break?"

Li Yifu: "This..."

The more Li Ke looked at it, the more puzzled he became, "It's really unbelievable."

"I'm not talented enough, so I'll take my leave first." Li Yifu left after finishing speaking.

Li Ke, who couldn't figure it out, went straight to Li Zheng who was in the stables, and immediately asked, "Li Zheng, what are you writing on it?"

"Military training." Li Zheng grilled chicken wings and said, "Does His Royal Highness King Shu eat chicken wings?"

"No." Li Ke shook his head immediately.

Handing over the chicken wings in his hand to Du Hu, Li Zheng stood up and took the brief outline of military training.

"Actually, these are exercises for physical fitness."


"Come and let me teach you, I do it once and you do it again."

After several times, Li Ke quickly became familiar with it.

After repeating the movement essentials several times, Li Zheng said to him: "Now I will shout the password and you follow suit."

"Look to the left!"

"Look to the right!"

"Take a break!"


While eating the chicken wings, Duhu looked quite interesting.

After returning to the village, Li Ke began to train these guards in a decent manner.

I have to say that this is quite interesting, it is not as loose as in the previous military training, and there is no standing.

Now I can see that the movements are done in a uniform manner, and it is indeed very comfortable.

Li Ke picked up the book in his hand again, looked at the contents of the book and said: "Next, we will start the physical fitness test, jogging for ten miles..."

"Ten miles? How far is ten miles..." Li Ke scratched the back of his head and said, "How about this, you start running from here and run around the village, whoever gets here first will be rewarded tonight with Cheng's strong wine .”

After training for half a day.

Li Ke understood in his heart the true essence of this brief military training book.

It seems that the whole book is a bit weird, but in fact, you can feel the difference immediately after understanding the meaning.

The essence of the whole book is the order and prohibition.

The same is true in the military. Orders and prohibitions are very important.

If the soldiers fight loosely and loosely, they will be weak.

But if the soldiers can make consistent movements uniformly, their combat effectiveness can be improved by more than 01:30 points.

Looking at the contents of the book, many regulations seem to be superfluous, but when the soldiers are executing them, they can fully improve the execution ability of the soldiers.

Li Ke sighed: "Almost failed Li Zheng's good intentions, this book should be circulated among all the guards in the Tang Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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