Chapter 166
Li Ke approached Li Zheng and said: "This brief military training book can be introduced to the army, and maybe it can improve the strength of each guard."

Hearing Li Ke's words, Li Zheng whispered, "Not necessarily."

"Why not, I think it's fine."

Li Zheng said lazily: "Nowadays, the generals in the court have experienced many battles, and they may not be interested in my little boy's things. Let's not talk about whether it is useful. If it is useless, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

Li Ke nodded, "You are right."

"Go and call Daniel here."

It has been a few days since I came to the academy in Jingyang that I haven't taught the children.

Seeing Daniel coming, Li Zheng said to him: "Go and call the children, we have class today."

"Okay!" Daniel agreed to call the child.

The study of science requires a certain foundation, and physics and chemistry are the same.

It is too early for them to learn these things.

Li Zheng was flipping through the books in the system library, and took out a elementary school mathematics book, let's start with the simplest vertical calculation.

Xu Jingzong has been paying attention to the actions of the gentry in Chang'an these days.

The Five Surnames and Seven Wangs will jointly hold this autumn garden lantern festival, which is a challenge to Li Zheng.

I don't know where Li Zheng's self-confidence is still so calm.

Xu Jingzong thought carefully that if he was himself, he might have run away by now.

More and more scholars are coming to Chang'an, and a lamp market is being built on the outskirts of Chang'an.

In the Tai Chi Hall, Qiwang of the five surnames sent some respected elders of the gentry to meet Li Shimin. The Cui family of Boling, the Lu family of Fanyang, the Zheng family of Xingyang, and the Wang family of Taiyuan...all sent their own people.

Fighting is indispensable in the world, just like the grievances and hatreds in the rivers and lakes.

Sometimes you can't let go of the beams that have been formed easily, and often the grievances of one or two people will involve the grievances of two families.

If the trouble continues, it may lead to a bloodbath in the rivers and lakes.

The five surnames are such people, they will never let go of the opportunity to kill Li Zheng.

From the beginning, it was just printing books, maybe the five surnames didn't care so much.

After all, Li Zheng was only printing books, and if the scholars were still in the hands of the five surnames, their foundation would not be hurt.

But now Li was about to create a science of his own.

As soon as this science appeared on the scene, it sent people to heaven.

How can this be done?

And Li Zheng is only 12 years old.

It is better to let science be just a flash in the pan in Chang'an.

People like Li Zheng should also be strangled in the cradle.

This is the real purpose of the five surnames.

Although this process may be a bit unsightly, some bully the small with the big, and some are suspected of bullying the few with more people.

But how many people care about the process?

More people care about the result.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui also stood in the Tai Chi Hall, facing a group of old scholars and Confucian scholars, they couldn't help guessing their intentions.

Li Shimin forced a smile and said: "You are all highly respected people among the gentry, I am very happy that you can come to Chang'an."

Few of the five surnames and seven Wangs agree with Li Shimin's throne.

If it wasn't for the family, he wouldn't have come to see this unjust emperor.

The old guy also smiled reluctantly.

Seeing such a smile, Li Shimin's face immediately darkened, and he was so hypocritical without giving face.

The original good mood disappeared immediately.

The old scholar of the Lu family took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, our Lu family hopes to befriend His Majesty for generations. This is our marriage letter from the Lu family. We are willing to marry the eldest daughter of the family to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

After finishing speaking, the old pedant of the Lu family took out a volume of letters and raised his hands above his head.

Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling looked tense, Qiwang of the five surnames had seldom married people other than the five surnames.

This time, he suddenly wanted to marry the prince.

Li Shimin said with a smile: "You are all highly respected people, but now my son is still young and has not yet reached the age of marriage."

"The little girl in the family has long admired His Highness the Crown Prince, and she still hopes that His Majesty will make it happen." The old scholar of the Lu family said.

The expressions of Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui became more and more tense.

Who did they think they were going to marry their daughter to? It turned out to be His Highness the Crown Prince, and now the only one who has reached the age of marriage is the 15-year-old Crown Prince.

Hearing this, Li Shimin almost stood up, calmed down and said, "Everyone must be exhausted, how about going to rest first?"

But this is the marriage of Prince Li Chengqian, so Li Shimin naturally dare not relax, the marriage of the crown prince of a country involves too much, so naturally he dare not just find someone to be the prince concubine.

Even five surnames and seven hopes may not be possible, and it is still at this juncture.

The matter of Princess Changle is ahead, and now the five surnames are going to marry their daughter to the prince again.

Fang Xuanling sighed in his heart, "At this time to win over the royal family, the five surnames' moves are really tricky, as soon as they make a move, they aim at the vital point."

If the royal family and the five surnames were married at this time, Li Zheng would have already lost more than half of it before he made a move.

Before Li Shimin could speak, Fang Xuanling took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty and we will definitely consider the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince. Don't worry."

A group of Confucian scholars were expressionless, and the atmosphere in the Tai Chi Hall seemed quiet but actually very tense.

People from the Wang family of Taiyuan took a step forward and said: "My eldest daughter of the Wang family of Taiyuan has also reached the age of marriage. The Wang family of Taiyuan hopes that the Central Plains will be safe and peaceful. "

Fang Xuanling glanced at Li Shimin's face, then looked at the old man from the Taiyuan Wang family, and handed over a scroll of marriage certificate.

Li Shimin took a deep breath, sat upright and looked at these old guys from the five surnames.

"Your Majesty, although my Zheng family in Xingyang is not as good as the Lu family and the Wang family, but my daughter is gentle and virtuous, and she may be a good match for the prince. I hope your majesty will make it happen."

Another marriage certificate was handed over.

The fact that the five surnames were competing to be the first to marry the daughters of the clan to the present prince immediately spread in Chang'an.

Only half a day later, the news reached Li Zheng's ears.

Li Lizhi told Li Zheng the ins and outs of the matter.

After listening, Li Zheng sighed and said: "It seems that His Royal Highness is very blessed."

"What are you talking about! Why are you talking about Yanfu?" Li Lizhi glared.

Looking at the peaceful river, Li Zheng whispered: "Then what can I say? Maybe I want to say that His Highness the Crown Prince is about to face a catastrophe. Everyone likes to hear auspicious words. Your Highness, the Princess, don't be so pessimistic."

Sitting by the river beach, Li Lizhi propped her chin with both hands and said, "Anyway, my father's face is very bad after seeing the five surnames."

Turning his head to look at Li Zheng who did not speak again.

Li Lizhi said, "Li Zheng!"

Li Zheng changed his sleeping position, "His Royal Highness, please speak."

Seeing Li Zheng's expression, Li Li asked with a smile, "My princess asks you, what will you do if people with five surnames want to marry their daughter to you?"

"This kind of thing happened this spring, and everyone in Chang'an knew about it."

(End of this chapter)

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