Chapter 167 Their Gauntlet

Facing Li Zheng's lazy attitude, Li Lizhi turned her head in disdain, but she still looked calm and composed.

Li Lizhi couldn't help but asked again: "Did the sky fall that day, and you still have this virtue."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, even if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to support it. Anyway, I am not the first person to be crushed to death."

"What would you do if you were the prince?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "If it were me, I might have followed them."

"You are..."

Li Zheng said to her: "Let me help you figure it out. There are several benefits to this matter. The first one is to win over the nobles. This is the most obvious."

"Secondly, if a daughter of the family's five surnames wants to marry the prince, she must choose the best appearance, right? She is probably a beauty, and this is also for the sake of the next generation of the royal family."

"There is a third advantage, that is, marrying a daughter with five surnames, the dowry must be quite a lot, and you can get a lot of money from it, so there is nothing wrong with it."

Li Lizhi lifted her chin and said, "A big a little dowry can buy you, Li Zheng, right?"

Li Zheng nodded thoughtfully, "It would be better if there were more."

"You think beautiful!"

Li Lizhi raised her small fist and hammered Li Zheng's body.

After fighting for a while, Li Lizhi stood up, "I'm going back to the palace."

"Her Royal Highness, go slowly."

"Aren't you going to give me a ride?"

Li Zheng sighed: "Your Highness, you know that I am lazy."


Li Lizhi raised her small fist and hammered Li Zheng's body again, and then she finished venting and left.

Why does the princess of Tang Dynasty beat people at every turn?

Like her father, she is impatient before she can say a few words.

It seems that Li Shimin did not teach her daughter the three obediences and four virtues.

Well, it must be so.

The threat of the gentry is obvious to the imperial power, since the gentry has been passed down from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the present.

Up to today's Tang Dynasty, there are lessons learned from the former Sui Dynasty, and in the distance, there are also the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Western Jin Dynasty.

If Li Shimin was not a fool, he would not be ignorant of the threat of the gentry.

This marriage is not so easy to end.

Just thinking about this, Li Yifu led a team of officials to come here, and said to Li Zheng: "Your Majesty, people brought it here."

Looking at the people coming, Li Zheng looked at the two of them and looked at one of them who was a little older and said, "I think this is Xue Rengui."

"It's right here." Xue Rengui replied.

Looking at this kid who was about the same age as Daniel, Li Zheng said, "You are Pei Xingjian?"

"Huixianhou, the villain is Pei Xingjian."

Pei Xingjian replied with a smile. While talking, he could see that the child had just lost his teeth, and he seemed to be at the age of tooth replacement.

The official explained to Li Zheng: "Lord of the county, Di Renjie is young now, but his father Di Zhixun intends to bring him to Chang'an himself, Shangguanyi has already become a monk, and our people have already gone to inquire about his whereabouts."

"I see."

Li Zheng just said something flat.

After the official left, Xue Rengui stepped forward and asked, "I don't know why the county lord is looking for me."

Li Zheng looked at Xue Rengui, who was two years older than him, and asked, "Are you married?"

"Not yet." Xue Rengui nodded, "Could it be that the county marquis came here to arrange a marriage for me?"

With a wry smile, Li Zheng said: "Where did the marriage come from? Besides, my own marriage has not been settled yet."

Xue Rengui had already heard about Li Zheng's reputation on the way here.

This was the first time we met, and I didn't expect him to be younger than myself.

Pei Xingjian was relatively quiet, his eyes looked at everything around him curiously.

Li Zheng said to Pei Xingjian: "Do you see the Jingyang Academy over there?"

Following the direction Li Zheng pointed, Pei Xingjian nodded and said, "I saw it."

Li Zheng said to him again: "There is a kid named Daniu over there, who is as old as you, let him play with you in the future."

Pei Xingjian glanced at Xue Rengui, Xue Rengui nodded, and then he went towards the academy.

Seeing Li Zheng's expression, Xue Rengui explained: "Don't be offended by the county lord. He and I are from the same village. When we came, we told each other to take care of each other."

"I'm not offended, so I'm more at ease." Li Zheng waved his hand and said: "You just came here, let Li Yifu take you to familiarize yourself, and then follow His Royal Highness King Shu to my guard first."

Xue Rengui nodded and saluted slightly unfamiliarly, "Actually, what I want to ask is why the county lord wants me to come here. I'm just a farmer."

Xue Rengui is indeed a farmer so far.

To say that Xue Rengui made his fortune should be when Li Shimin conquered Goguryeo.

Now Xue Rengui is just a farmer.

Patting Xue Rengui on the shoulder, Li Zheng whispered to him: "The old man told me to take you over."

Xue Rengui looked at Li Zheng suspiciously.

Not knowing if this excuse could fool him, Li Yifu led him to visit the village.

The weather has just entered autumn, and the weather is getting colder.

The first batch of rice in the village is already being harvested.

After the rice is harvested, it is spread out to dry.

After a while, you can eat rice.

Li Daxiong was very curious looking at the plump rice, "Stinky boy, why do you think this rice is so huge."

"Because this is a hybrid rice."


Li Zheng thought about it and said, "It's an improved variety."

Li Daxiong sighed.

"Why are you sighing again? Could it be that the people from Niujia Village next door have come to bully us again?"

"Niujia Village? How dare they!"

Niujia Village also has a backer, okay? General Niu Jinda is also a general in the court.

It is said that many villages near Chang'an are more or less related to the dignitaries of Chang'an.

For example, the next door to Jingyang turned out to be the territory of Princess Changle.

"They didn't come to bully us, so why are you sighing?"

Holding a handful of rice in his hand, Li Daxiong said: "Your boy is a capable child, much better than me as a father."

After packing up the rice, Li Yifu came back again.

"Didn't I ask you to take Xue Rengui to familiarize yourself with the familiar environment? Why did you come back so soon?"

Li Yifu took out a letter and said: "The County Marquis, this is an invitation from the Lu family to the County Marquis."

After receiving the invitation, Li Zheng thought to himself, is this Lu family so kind to send him an invitation?
The sun is clearly still coming out from the east.

Open the invitation and look carefully.

"Ha! Sure enough, it's not a good thing. This is someone calling me a war card."

Li Yifu also took a look, and looked at the above paragraph, in short, ten days later, we will see the high and low on the high platform of the Lantern Festival.

"Xianhou, shall we go?"

"What do you think?"

Li Yifu whispered: "If you go, you may win, if you don't, you won't lose."

(End of this chapter)

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