Chapter 183 Dialogue between Zhang and Jin

Li Chengqian took the chicken leg and ate it, "Your Li Zheng's craftsmanship really lives up to its reputation."

"That's natural. I think His Royal Highness Wei lived in my house for so long." Li Zheng looked at Li Tai and said, "Your Highness Wei, am I right?"

Li Tai bit the chicken wing and said nothing, not really wanting to talk to him.

Li Zheng said to Li Chengqian: "Actually, I am picking up people's teeth, and it is all thanks to your father."


"Think about it, your father was hunting on the other side of the mountain, and many small animals were alarmed."

Li Zheng explained to Li Chengqian while grilling the meat: "Animals like a relatively safe environment. When they feel that their territory is offended, most of the small animals will choose to leave."

"As for me, it's quieter and there are fewer people. For animals, my place is relatively safe. If one goes up and down, the small animals will run to me, so I can pick up a ready-made one."

After hearing these words, Li Chengqian looked at Li Zheng suspiciously.

Li Zhi was still teasing the little rabbit in his arms.

Compared to his father's grand hunting in the mountains, Li Zheng's hunting method was relatively easy.

And there is a feeling of willingness to take the bait and wait for the rabbit.

Now it seems that this method is very useful.

Taking advantage of the situation to reap the benefits of the fisherman is not what it means.

Li Chengqian thought highly of Li Zheng again.

This child is two years younger than himself.

However, from Li Zheng's actions, it can be seen that this kid must not look at him with the eyes of ordinary people.

Two hours passed, and Li Shimin came back with a large army, not without gain.

It's just that the harvest is not so rich.

Cheng Yaojin cursed, "The prey in this mountain are going to be fine."

Obviously complaining about the lack of prey on the mountain.

Only Li Junxian next to Li Shimin understands that when His Majesty says he is here to hunt, the drunkard's intention is not to drink, but to come for Li Zheng.

After Li Zheng caught His Majesty's eyeliner last time, His Majesty became a little alert.

After returning to the hunting ground, Li Shimin glanced at Li Zheng who was having a barbecue in the distance, then turned to Qin Qiong and said, "Come talk in the tent."


Qin Qiong followed Li Shimin to the camp.

After the two sat down, Li Shimin said, "It's been a long time since we talked so well."

"Recently, I have been busy with military affairs. It is my negligence."

We chatted about the daily life, exchanged with each other about the condition for a while, and talked about some ways of keeping one's health before slowly getting to the point.

Li Shimin tentatively asked a few words about Li Zheng.

Come to find out what Qin Qiong thinks of Li Zheng as a child.

There are many ills in the current dynasty, and it was Li Zheng's letter that woke up Li Shimin.

Until now, Li Shimin feels that if these problems are not resolved, there will be more troubles in the future, and the most urgent thing right now is the construction of the imperial examination.

What about the imperial examination?how to doWhen to do it, these things are a headache.

Of course, I will not ask Qin Qiong these words, but just want to hear Qin Qiong's opinion on Li Zheng, a child.

This kid Li Zheng didn't have any major shortcomings, but he was too humble and arrogant.

He didn't care about his official position, and he was able to handle the child with five surnames with ease, and he was also in charge of dealing with Tubo and Tuyuhun.

This kid has ideas, but he is not used by the court. Instead of being a courtier in the court, he has a soft spot for money.

Li Shimin and Qin Qiong were chatting in the tent.

Cheng Yaojin and Li Zheng were also chatting in the hunting ground,

For the character Cheng Yaojin, Li Zheng respectfully stays at a distance, and if he can not offend him, he will not offend him. If Cheng Yaojin dares to take the spirits business and not pay, then he can't keep him at a respectful distance. Maybe Cheng Chumo, a fool, will be tied up and threatened Cheng Yaojin Gold gives money.

After all, you, Cheng Yaojin, are not familiar with me, but you are familiar with your son.

Cheng Yaojin ate a roasted chicken leg and said, "It is said that your people beat up my Buqu?"

"Haha." Li Zheng smiled strangely and said, "Where did General Cheng come from? It's just a competition."

Cheng Yaojin stared at Li Zheng and said, "Really? Your boy's people can beat the old man's family very hard."

"Victory or defeat is standard issue,"

"The old man's parts are all from the battlefield. If he loses to you like this, where do you let the old man face?"

Is this a fault?Li Zheng crossed Erlang's legs and shook the fan in his hand and said, "General Cheng, what you said is wrong."

"How is it wrong?"

"Brother Chu Mo wanted to compete with me. How can you say that I beat you? Beating someone is one thing, and competing is another thing."

Cheng Yaojin seems to be asking casually, but this casual question is terrible.

The terrible thing is that Cheng Yaojin is very likely to ask himself for soup and medicine.

Nothing involving money is trivial.

And this kind of thing can't be said casually, if it is wrong, Cheng Yaojin, the old devil king in the world, may take the opportunity to extort a sum of money from himself.

If it were someone else, he could just pretend to be his grandson to fool him, but if someone like Cheng Yaojin thinks about him, the consequences would not be too good.

As the saying goes, there will be mistakes, Li Zhengbi said lightly: "Actually, my guards have also learned a lot from the trilogy of General Cheng's family. We come to the competition with the attitude of learning from each other."

"Firstly, to practice skills for General Cheng's trilogy, and secondly, my guards can also ask for advice from General Cheng's trilogy. There is a good relationship between us, um! Very good."

Cheng Yaojin didn't listen to a word of what Li Zheng said, but felt that this kid had some ability to pretend to be confused.

In the middle of the court, under Li Shimin's hands, Cheng Yaojin admitted that he had pretended to be a fool for half his life, and this was the first time he saw such a kid who could pretend to be a fool.

This kid's ability to pretend to be confused is not much lower than that of the old man.

People who are slippery will not suffer, and life will be much easier in the future.

Cheng Yaojin sighed, "What a pity!"

"What a pity." Li Zheng asked doubtfully.

Cheng Yaojin patted Li Zheng on the shoulder and said, "You are clearly expected to be a general, so why did His Majesty give you a civilian job?"

"There is also an official position in the lower army, and it is the Zhonglang general of the Longwu Army."

"Longwu Army? General Zhonglang?" Cheng Yaojin sneered and said, "Who doesn't know that it's just a false title, maybe His Majesty will let you take charge of Longwu Army, and you are not a member of the royal family."

This kid is still a little immature, it seems that he doesn't know His Majesty's intentions for him, although there are few people in the court who follow others, those who can reach high positions are all capable people.

Li Zheng is capable, and His Majesty also wants to reuse Li Zheng.

This kid still doesn't know His Majesty's thoughts, what His Majesty really wants now is Li Zheng's loyalty.

But this kid is not good at anything. If there is trouble in Chang'an in the future, or civil officials and military generals start to wear it, Li Zheng will definitely be the one to watch from the sidelines, and there may be someone who will secretly reap the benefits of the fisherman.

(End of this chapter)

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