Chapter 184
Li Zheng is a smart person, and he is the kind of person who can live the longest. Cheng Yaojin is still thinking about Li Zheng.

This kid is even more slick than when he was young.

He was only 12 years old, but he already knew how to hide his strength and bide his time. If he didn't enter the court and protect himself, no one would attack him, because this kid has no power.

Rejecting the solicitation of the five surnames, and giving the royal family some profits, this kid calmly knows that he can't take too much, and he can't accept everyone's benefits.

After thinking for a long time, Cheng Yaojin stood up, the boy's realm was really unclear.

It's not easy to settle, the more I think about it, the more headache I get.

Cheng Yaojin sighed, "What kind of stuff does this old man give birth to?"

"Huh? Why did General Cheng say such a thing?"

Cheng Yaojin nodded and said to Li Zheng: "If you dare to push me to do something against morality in the future, the old man will never forgive you."

"General Cheng is too worried. He has no strength to restrain the chicken. Even if he wants to trample an ant to death, he has to think twice. There is absolutely no such possibility."

"Really? Why do you have to think twice about stepping on an ant?"

Li Zheng said with a sad face: "A Taoist priest once passed by my door..."

"Okay! How many Taoist priests have been killed in front of your house."

Cheng Yaojin left with a dark face, not forgetting to take an extra roasted chicken leg.

These words are not in vain, at least they have found out the truth about this kid Li Zheng. He will not be a loyal person, nor will he be such a bad person. All in all, he is very moderate.

He is a man who lives for himself.

Not the kind who would die generously for righteousness.

If the situation is not good, he will definitely run faster than anyone else.

"His Royal Highness, remember to wash your hands before eating." Li Zheng said expressionlessly.

Li Zhi stopped taking the chicken wings, went to wash his hands with clean water, and then picked up the chicken wings and started eating.

Sitting next to Li Zheng, Li Zhi ate chicken wings comfortably and said, "What did General Cheng tell you just now?"

"He said I was handsome."

"Huh?" Li Zhi looked up at Li Zheng suspiciously.

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand and said, "Does His Royal Highness King Jin think I'm not handsome?"

"Then I also want to be a handsome person." Li Zhi said as if to cheer himself up.

Li Zheng handed a pot of grilled chicken to Li Zhi and said, "Okay, take some for your father to eat, don't eat it alone."

Li Zhi obediently took half a roast chicken to his father's camp.

The hunting of the first half day is over.

Everyone rested for an hour until the second hunt started again.

This time Prince Li Chengqian did not follow his father to hunt in the mountains.

Instead, they squatted here to guard their prey, and began to make traps.

He even besieged the rabbit nest with Li Zhi.

I don't know if His Royal Highness knows that there is something called a patent.

Ask him for a patent fee, will he pay it?

This is a very anxious question.

worth considering.

Within two sticks of incense, Li Chengqian caught five rabbits and gave them to Li Zhi as pets.

Li Shimin and his people came back in defeat again, and it still seemed that there was no big gain.

At night, bonfires were lit in the hunting grounds.

Li Shimin and a group of generals sat around the bonfire, and Li Zheng served as a servant serving wine.

These drinks were directly brought from the wine shop in Jingyang, it hurts!
I don't know if Li Shimin will pay for the drinks.

Li Shimin sipped his drink and said, "I heard that someone beat up Cheng Biaojin's part a few days ago."

"It was a competition, and we had a friendly discussion." Li Zheng quickly explained.

Li Shimin said with a smile: "It's still a group of countrymen who beat up a group of trilogy from the Weifu."

"That's because they gave in, yes! They let us in." Li Zheng said again.

Without even looking at Li Zheng, Li Shimin said, "It's really unbelievable that those peasants can defeat the soldiers and horses of the guards who have experienced many battles in just a few months of training."


Li Zheng just wanted to quibble when he heard Cheng Yaojin on the side complaining.

He said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, you don't know something. Those parts of the last general were beaten badly. Their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. When they returned home, even their mothers didn't know them."

Depend on!Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin sang and sang to get themselves out.

There was something wrong with the limelight, and when I turned around and was about to walk, I bumped into Li Junxian.

Li Junxian looked at Li Zheng and said, "The Marquis of Jingyang County is in a hurry to urinate?"


Qin Qiong stood up and said, "As expected of Li Jing's disciple, Li Zheng also learned a lot from Li Jing."

Okay, I can't get off the stage.

These generals are going to put themselves on the fire.

Li Shimin said, "Li Zheng, don't you want to say a few words?"

"This one……"

Li Shimin smiled and said, "Come and tell me about this method of training soldiers."

The co-authors of these generals have already calculated.

Li Zheng bit the bullet and said: "Actually, I don't know how to train soldiers. I just know orders and prohibitions and teamwork."

Qin Qiong thought about it and said: "I know the order and prohibition, and you, an old man who works in a team, also understand, isn't it just a group of people cooperating with each other."

"General Qin is talking about the linkage of large troops. The teamwork I'm talking about is the collaboration of small troops. For example, ten people cooperate with each other, or five people and three people. They can also cooperate with each other."

Cheng Yaojin put down the wine bowl, "Come on! Tell me, boy, how did yours beat the old man's part."

"In fact, to be able to win, what I rely on is nothing else, and what I lose to me is just two words, that is the collective."

"Each small unit must have a division of labor and cooperation. Someone will cover, someone will charge, and someone will dispatch. These are all indispensable. It is obviously impossible to fight in groups with one brain."

"Nowadays, most of the guards' troops in the court are not very good. They lack training on weekdays, their collective consciousness is too poor, and their ability to cooperate in combat is too poor."

Hearing what Li Zheng said, the faces of a group of generals were not good.

Li Zheng went on to say: "Let's talk about the current government military system. Farming and raising soldiers at the same time is just a way to reduce costs and throw away the burden of raising soldiers, but the quality of soldiers will decline as a whole, so that every year is not as good as every year." If the barbarians in Tuyuhun didn't know how to attack the city, Liangzhou might not be able to defend it."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's face also darkened, his nostrils vented, and there were faint signs of the three corpses jumping violently.

The surrounding area is quiet, only the sound of firewood exploding sparks in the bonfire.

Li Zheng's voice continued.

"The decline in the quality of soldiers leads to a decline in combat effectiveness. What's the point of stationing troops? We need elite soldiers and strong generals. People's physical fitness will decline if they don't exercise for a long time. What's more, if soldiers don't train for a long time, how can their combat ability not decline? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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