Chapter 185 The land is in hand
Li Chengqian also listened to Li Zheng's words. The group of old generals present were very quiet. The words had already reached this point, and there was not much anger on the expressions of these old generals.

Or is it true that what Li Zheng said happened to hit the drawbacks of the Fubing system.

Listen carefully to what Li Zheng said.

Qin Qiong asked, "Li Zheng, do you know how much military pay is needed to support one hundred thousand soldiers and horses?"

"I haven't counted it." Li Zheng shook his head and said.

Cheng Yaojin shook his head when he heard this, he knew that the military salary of the troops was huge, how much military salary these soldiers and horses needed, and how much food, grass and military salary the court needed every year, this amount was not a small number.

Li Shimin listened to Li Zheng's views on the military system.

There is roughly a direction in my heart.

As Li Zheng said, the biggest problem with the government military system is the quality of soldiers.

This is also a problem that has always existed, and it cannot be solved overnight.

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Since you have revealed all your problems, do you have any solutions?"

"I don't know." Li Zheng replied.

Cheng Yaojin stared at Li Zheng, "Do you really don't know, kid, or you don't want to tell at all."

Li Zheng still had an expression of nothing to say.

Some soldiers brought pots of barbecue.

Li Shimin stared at Li Zheng who was standing in the center while eating the meat.

The soldiers beside Li Junxian were writing down everything Li Zheng had said.

This is what His Majesty ordered to do.

After listening to Li Zheng finished speaking, everyone was silent.

Even Cheng Yaojin didn't continue to lose his temper.

Li Shimin stood up and said, "It's getting late, everyone go back and rest."

After the voice fell, the crowd dispersed.

Li Shimin said again: "Li Zheng stays!"

The generals around the campfire left.

Li Zheng followed Li Shimin to an open field.

Looking at the empty night, Li Shimin whispered to Li Zheng: "It's not that the court has never considered what you said. Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, it has not dared to make drastic changes in the system. I know that it will not be a matter of eradicating those ills overnight. .”

"The boy is also a short-term view, which made His Majesty laugh." Li Zheng said.

"Bad opinion? I have heard a lot of truths from you. I have experienced it the most since I fought in the world."

Li Zheng quickly said again: "It is my fault to disturb His Majesty's hearing and hearing."

"You kid..." Li Shimin smiled angrily. Before he got any better, this kid admitted cowardly, so slippery that people couldn't grasp it.

"Are you so unwilling to become an official?"

"My father is only my son." Li Zheng said with emotion.

"Say it like it's going to kill you."

I don't know if I want to die, since ancient times, the court has been a big dye vat, what's the point of being an official?Under the official hat is the head, which is no joke.

Having a bad day counting money at home?
Isn't it good to drink and eat meat at home?
Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "I love money. If I am an official, I must be a corrupt official. How will your Majesty treat corrupt officials?"

Li Shimin said solemnly: "If it is small, it will be exiled, but if it is serious, it will be executed after autumn."

Li Zheng nodded.

Patting Li Zheng on the shoulder, Li Shimin said: "You are a life-saving person. You have done a lot and I remember it in my heart. Can't you and my monarch and ministers be honest with each other?"

"I'm very honest now." Li Zheng said.

Li Shimin took out a case file, "This is for you."

Picking up the dossier, Li Zheng looked at it for a long time under the light of the fire in the camp. It looked like a letter of land division, which seemed to mean that all the princess's land had been assigned to Jingyang.

"I have always remembered your credit. You have been thinking about the Lizhi fiefdom for so long. Don't think I can't see it."

Putting away the file, Li Zheng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Your Majesty, I really don't miss the place of Your Highness the Princess."

The corner of Li Shimin's mouth twitched coldly and said: "Don't think that I don't know, Xu Zhaolin from the household department allocated a paddy field in Lizhi to your land."

Xu Zhaolin sued!
"Your Majesty has learned from you, and I admire you."

Li Shimin glanced at Li Zheng again, "I can't say anything about this matter, the words of the people in the court are terrible, even though I am the emperor, I can't settle it with one word."

"Your Majesty is afraid of Wei Zheng." Li Zheng said abruptly.

Glancing at Li Zheng with a little distaste, Li Shimin continued, "I'm waiting for the day when you can enter the court and become an official, serve the country and the country, and leave a legacy for your name. You can come out of Jingyang."

Seeing that Li Zheng didn't seem to listen to his words at all, he was still looking at the dossier over and over again, and observed the seal letter for a long time, as if doubting the authenticity of the dossier.

"I gave it to you with my own hands, is there still a fake?"

"Making sure."

Why is this kid so philistine? The disgust in Li Shimin's eyes grew stronger, "The household department has already made a record, and there will be no fakes."

Putting away the dossier, Li Zheng bowed again and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Turning around to leave, Li Shimin turned his head and glanced at the boy again before he hesitated to speak, and waved his sleeves away angrily.

Looking at the dossier in his hand, Li Zheng thought about it. This time, His Majesty is a bit like making a big cake for himself. If he doesn't speculate, he draws a big cake. He really is a leader.

For Sheji?
For Jiangshan?
Still leave a name in history?
These things are too far away from me. To live is the first, and to live well is the second. Life is not easy, so it is better to be sure of everything.

After understanding what Li Shimin meant, Li Zheng was still a little apprehensive. This dossier obviously did not pass the Ministry of Education.

If you pass through the Ministry of Education, there will definitely be ministers in the court and China who will know.

Back in Jingyang, Li Zheng opened his own system panel:
Territory inspection: re-inspection...

It has an area of ​​9000 mu and a population of [-].

Task: Increase the population to [-].

Mission Reward: Crop Stage [-]

Look at the part that is now open.

Pharmacy Phase II

Crop stage one
The first stage of the library
Cement balance: [-] tons.

The balance of quicklime: [-] tons.

Now the land has increased by another thousand acres.

Now that Princess Changle's land has been assigned to herself, can those populations now be assigned to Jingyang County justifiably?

On the second day, Li Shimin took a group of old generals to move to a place with more prey.
Jingyang didn't have many prey in the first place, if he let Li Shimin make trouble, it would be a disaster.

Jingyang Village started the second population migration plan.

Li Yifu asked with some concern: "The county lords are all farmers on the princess's fief, so it's not good to do this."

"Don't be so introverted, let's do what we want."

"But what if the court blames it? If the people in the princess's fief are moved here by us, they will definitely be stabbed to the court."

"If you talk too much, I'll send you to a remote and cold place to be a county magistrate."

Only then did Li Yifu shut up and follow Li Zheng's orders.

Princess Changle's fief is not far from Jingyang, with a total of more than 3000 households and a population of 300.

(End of this chapter)

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