Chapter 186 The second stage of crops
The county magistrate of Jingyang made the statistics and handed them to Li Zheng, saying, "Your Majesty, everything has been sorted out, and many people are still willing to move to Jingyang."

"If you don't want to, we don't force it. Anyway, I have a lot of empty houses here. You tell them to come to Jingyang, and I will give them a house for free. They can still cultivate the land in the princess fief. It should be theirs or theirs."

"it is good."

The magistrate of Jingyang trotted to Li Yi's mansion again and asked him to do things.

Jingyang County started to get busy, one by one farmers began to register, and their household registration was transferred to Jingyang County.

Nineteen thousand and one.

Nineteen thousand and two.

Nineteen thousand and three.


Seeing the numbers on the system panel keep rising, the growth is gratifying.

In a good mood today, eat pancakes and fruits.

Li Zheng made up his mind.

While making pancakes and fruits, the door opened and Li Daxiong entered the house carrying a hoe.

Walking out of the kitchen with two pots of pancakes, Li Zheng said, "Let's eat pancakes today."

Li Daxiong ate the pancake fruit in silence, and seemed to have something on his mind.

"What's wrong?" Li Zheng asked in a low voice.

After a few mouthfuls of pancakes, Li Daxiong said, "We will have to pay taxes and food in a few days."

"Does our village also have to pay?" Li Zheng asked.

Li Daxiong nodded, "It has to be paid. Every family has to pay. After a while, officials will come to collect the grain."

Li Daxiong said: "Now we are rich, but other people are not yet rich. How many people outside Jingyang Village live on a few mouthfuls of Susukida."

Standing up and burping, Li Daxiong said: "Zhenger, we should help some poor people as soon as possible. Some people in Niujia Village don't have much to eat after paying taxes."

Li Zheng thought about it and said, "How many people are there in Niujia Village?"

Li Daxiong thought for a while and said: "It is estimated that there are about a hundred households. There are not many people, but they are all relatives of General Niu's family."

There are hundreds of people in a hundred or so households, so the completion of my mission is just around the corner?

Li Zheng nodded and said, "How about moving the people from Niujia Village to our village and paying taxes to our village?"

"You brat, forget about the hard days back then."

"It's not that you said you wanted to help."

"Just now he has some complexion, so he doesn't take his own food seriously, what a prodigal." Li Daxiong walked out of the house cursing, saying so, he still went to the old village head's house, beckoning to help Niujia Village.

This year's grain harvest is not a bumper harvest, it can only be said to be at a normal level.

At this normal level, everyone has to tighten their belts to live.

It is normal for the court to pay taxes and food, but for ordinary people, if there is less food, it means less food.

Now it's the autumn harvest time, and grain is being harvested everywhere.

Now that Zhenguan has only been established for a short time, although taxes have been reduced all these years.

But even if the tax is reduced, it is still a burden for the people.

If the family's fields are not good, and they meet a harsh tenant, they may have a hard time.

Let's not talk about watching the sky for eating, just looking at this year's grain harvest, it can't be said to be very good.

It is rainy in spring and too hot in summer.

A good harvest is not counted, and some of them are neither good nor bad.

The tax system of the Tang Dynasty is also a problem.

This issue is very complex and involves many aspects.

Datang Liguo can't spend money on food.

Li Zheng shook his head not to think about this question.

Having said that, Li Daxiong is still anxious to help people in other villages tide over the difficulties.

Li Daxiong said to the old village chief: "This kid Li Zheng really doesn't know how expensive food is. If he thinks about helping others, he might forget how he used to live."

The old village chief smiled and said: "You also rarely leave him, Zheng'er is a kind boy."

Seeing the old village head get up and walk, Li Daxiong hurriedly supported him and said: "I'll go and tell the kid at home not to let him do this again next time, just this time."

While scolding Li Daxiong, he had a smile on his face.

The old village chief smiled and walked in the village and told the people who were working in the village, "Go to other villages and ask for Zhenger's idea. Let's Jingyang, if you can help, life in other villages is not easy."

Now that the old village head had spoken, the villagers naturally followed suit.

After finishing the order, the old village head asked again: "How is Zheng'er's new house going?"

"Cover it, old village chief, don't worry, I'll teach this kid a lesson later, and see if he dares to do this in the future." Li Daxiong said with a look of resentment.

"Okay, our village has finally had a promising future. Zheng'er has some melons, so I'll scold you for more melons." The old village chief gave Li Daxiong a shudder.

The county magistrate of Jingyang is a dull-witted person who has been the county magistrate for more than ten years.

Up to now, it is only a county magistrate.

It's not that Li Yifu didn't want to promote him after inquiring about Chaozhong, it's just that this guy has always refused to be promoted.

On the contrary, he was able to do things well, and the population of Niujia Village and the princess' fief land quickly crossed over.

Three days passed, and when everything was done, I finally received a system prompt.

Mission completed: Phase [-] of reward crops.

New mission: Reclaim [-] acres of wasteland.

Mission rewards, the second phase of the library.

Property retesting...

Territory: 500 mu, population [-].

Pharmacy Phase II

The second stage of crops
The first stage of the library
Cement balance: [-] tons.

The balance of quicklime: [-] tons.

Open the second stage of the crops on the panel to see what's more, there are cassava, green peppers, peppers, sunflowers, oak trees, spinach...

Looking at the full list, Li Zheng gasped. It seemed that he would not have to worry about running out of peppers in the future.

Reclaiming [-] acres of wasteland is not a big problem for the current Jingyang manpower.

Starting from the initial 1000 mu of wasteland, more than [-] mu of land was rewarded later, and most of them remained undeveloped. Counting the princess's fief now, she has a total of [-] mu of land.

So far, apart from the land for building houses, there are still 340 mu of land left.

Of the two thousand 340 mu, [-] mu were used for reclamation, and the remaining [-] mu of land could be left unused.

After finishing a calculation in my heart, I suddenly felt that I still didn't have enough land.

How about asking Li Shimin for some more?
After several calculations in my heart, I still dismissed this idea.

Li Shimin, an old fox, might use this to coerce him into becoming an official in the court.

Getting rich still depends on your own hard work.

After taking a bite of the tomato, Li Zheng looked at the map and began to think about how to develop the wasteland.

First of all, the land should be neatly divided, the residential land should be separated from the cultivated land, and the idle land should be kept empty for other purposes.

Draw a circle on the fief of Princess Changle.

These lands can be left unused in the future, and the rest of the land will be used for reclamation.

Li Zheng approached Li Yifu and said to him, "Find some idle laborers from the village to reclaim wasteland."

(End of this chapter)

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