Chapter 187

Li Yifu was dumbfounded, "Do you want to reclaim wasteland again?"

Li Zheng nodded solemnly, "That's right, you can't stop cultivating wasteland if you want to eat enough."

"That's right." Li Yifu bowed and said, "The county marquis is prepared for the rainy day, and the officials admire him."

"Prepare for a rainy day?"

Li Yifu explained: "The county lord knows that there are more and more people in our Jingyang County, and the more people there are, the more taxes will be paid. The county lord is now reclaiming the land to prepare for future taxation."


Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "Yes, I'm just planning for a rainy day, so hurry up and do things."

Li Yifu walked out of Li Zheng's home, cheering himself up in his heart, he must work hard under the county lord, and he will definitely be successful in the future.

Full of confidence, Li Yifu continued to work with enthusiasm.

Sitting alone in the room, Li Zheng opened the system list and flipped through the books in the system library. Planting peppers and sunflowers is not as easy as sweet potatoes.

After searching for a long time, I found a book about planting technology.

After reading for less than half an hour, Li Zheng put down the book,

so complicated……

Jingyang recruited many villagers from Niujia Village to help them get through this tax.

The fields in Niujia Village were originally barren and could not grow much food all year round.

Not to mention taxes.

But when the villagers of Niujia Village left, the tenants panicked, and they all ran away.

It's all because Jingyang's conditions are so good.

It not only helps to pay taxes, but also introduces places to work. The villagers in Jingyang say that it is an employment opportunity.

The salary is still high, Jingyang plans to recruit guards every year, and they will pay [-] guan a year.

For ordinary people, this thousand guan is really too much.

The tenants of Niujia Village hurriedly told Niu Jinda about the incident.

Sitting at home, Niu Jinda knew about this and asked, "Everyone was taken away by Li Zheng. Are there any farmers in our Niujia Village?"

"It's gone, there's not one left." The tenant said aggrievedly: "Jingyang has given you too many benefits. To be honest, I even want to go."

The tenants are boring, and they are not as good as a villager from an ordinary family in Jingyang.

What to do without the farmers, Niu Jinda hurriedly found Cheng Yaojin.

Since returning from hunting last time, I don't know what happened to Cheng Yaojin recently, but he started to read military books.

For the first time, he held a volume of military books and looked at it.

Quiet Cheng Mansion.

Niu Jinda stepped forward and took a look, "Old Cheng, where are you reading military books?"

Cheng Yaojin stared at the book of war and nodded, "Lao Niu, you came at the right time. Tell me what these words are. This book of war was brought from Brother Qin's house."

You, Cheng Yaojin, can't even read all the characters in your feelings, and you still read military books like others.

Niu Jinda smiled bitterly and said, "Old Cheng, you took it backwards."

"What's reversed?" Cheng Yaojin raised his head suspiciously.

"The art of war is reversed." Niu Jinda corrected Cheng Yaojin.

After getting the book of military strategy, Cheng Yaojin suddenly came to his senses, "No wonder it looked wrong before, so it was like this."

Niu Jinda wanted to laugh but couldn't. He said that after reading the book a hundred times, you will see the meaning of it. If you are illiterate, even if you read it all your life, you will not be able to understand what is written in the book.

Cheng Yaojin obviously misunderstood the meaning of reading.

Niu Jinda took Cheng Cheng and bit the book of war in Jin's hand, and said to him: "Old Cheng, I have something urgent to discuss with you."


"That kid Li Zheng pried away the farmers in my Niujia Village."

Cheng Yaojin sighed and said: "What's the matter, my old Cheng's family will send you some money in the future."

Niu Jinda said again: "It's not a matter of a few, it's that there are none left, and they were all taken away by Li Zheng."

"Is there such a thing?"

"There is indeed such a thing!"

Cheng Yaojin stroked the beard on his chin and thought for a long time, "What does Li Zheng want so many farmers for?"

Niu Jinda replied: "He Li Zheng gave a lot of benefits, and the farmers naturally followed him. It is said that they will continue to use it for reclamation."

Cheng Yaojin said nonchalantly: "Tell me about you, what's the use of the few acres of Susukida in your Niujia Village? If there are no people, they will be gone. Didn't the court start collecting taxes recently? You save trouble."

Niu Jinda said, "Then who will plant the land in my Niujia Village?"

Cheng Yaojin thought that what Lao Niu said was right, if the fields were not planted, if the cultivated land was left barren and not planted these days, he would be taken away by the government.

After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Yaojin had an idea in his mind, "Why don't you give Li Zheng your land as well. Anyway, everyone belongs to him. What's the difference?"

"That is the land bestowed by His Majesty, how can I give it away casually."

Niu Jinda, who was in his thirties, took another look at Cheng Yaojin who was still reading military books. It seems that asking Cheng Yaojin, a veteran killer, might as well go to God and worship Buddha.

Stretching his legs, Niu Jinda left Cheng's house and headed all the way to Chengtianmen.

After entering the palace, Niu Jinda turned his head and walked towards Zhongshu Sheng.

Fang Xuanling was puzzled after hearing what Niu Jinda said about this matter: "Since everyone has been taken away by Li Zheng, what about the taxes in your Niujia Village?"

"Li Zheng took care of everything."

All inclusive?When did Li Zheng become so rich, knowing that he has food in Jingyang, did not expect so much food?
"Xuanling, please advise me on this matter, and don't dare to alarm His Majesty." Niu Jinda whispered.

Niu Jinda was also one of the founding generals of Datang.

To say that this man's military achievements are similar to Cheng Yaojin's, but he is low-key and doesn't cause trouble on weekdays.

"Let me think about it." Fang Xuanling closed her eyes and thought in distress.

In Jingyang Village, wasteland reclamation started again, and more than 5000 villagers began to reclaim wasteland.

Cheng Chumo came to Jingyang to find Li Zheng and said loudly, "Li Zheng, I want to learn the art of war."

Li Zheng said in surprise: "Learn the art of war, go fishing with me."

"I want to learn the art of war." Cheng Chumo said stubbornly.

Li Zheng asked compromisingly, "Brother Chu Mo, can you read?"

"I know a little..." Cheng Chumo paused and said, "I don't know much."

Li was using a branch to write a Chinese character dish on the ground, so he asked, "May I ask what this character is?"

Cheng Chumo stared at his big eyes and said, "This is the word for family."


"Brother Chu Mo, have you eaten something dirty recently?"

"I want to learn the art of war!" Cheng Chumo emphasized again.

Unable to resist him, Li Zheng brought a military training summary from the guards and handed it to Cheng Chumo, "Look for yourself."

Sitting by the river beach, Li Zheng was fishing while Cheng Chumo sat aside and watched the briefing of the military training.

In less than half a stick of incense, the sound of snoring reached his ears.

Looking sideways, Cheng Chumo was already asleep.

"Brother Chu Mo?" Li Zheng called softly.

Cheng Chumo sat up in a jerk and focused on reading again.

After a while, Cheng Chumo gave up.

"Don't watch?"

Cheng Chumo said sadly, "I don't understand, I'll read it later."

Seeing that Cheng Chumo put the book on the ground and did not intend to read it again, Li Zheng said: "Brother Chumo, you are wrong for doing this. Have you ever heard of a disease? It is called intermittent complacency, and continuous eating and waiting to die."

(End of this chapter)

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