People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 188 The annual output of grain is 3 stone

Chapter 188 The annual output of grain is 30 stone
"Have you got this kind of disease?" Cheng Chumo asked in surprise.

Li Zheng nodded seriously.

Cheng Chumo picked up the military training brief again, "It's a pity that I can't recognize many of the words on it."

Li Zheng caught a fish and put it in a bamboo basket, "I don't know if I should ask a question or not."

Cheng Chumo still held the military training brief, "Speak."

"Why do you suddenly want to learn the art of war? In fact, this kind of thing is really not suitable for you."

Cheng Chumo said: "It's not you! What you said on the hunting ground, now the whole army is discussing the way of training soldiers."

"Everyone has their own strengths, just like Brother Chumo, although you are in a hard-hit IQ area, but you are very powerful, who can beat you in a fight?"

Having said that, Cheng Chumo also cheered up, "That's right, there are only a handful of people in Chang'an who can beat Cheng Chumo against me."

"That can't work, why are you bothering?"

Hearing what Li Zheng said, Cheng Chumo regained his energy, "Li Zheng, you are right, I shouldn't read these books."

Li Zhengru nodded like a teachable one.

Cheng Chumo said again: "I should write books on war, I teach people how to fight."


Li Zheng was thinking about what it would be like if Cheng Chumo taught people to fight.

I am afraid that Chang'an will not be peaceful for a long time in the future.

Cheng Chumo could be a fierce general who charged into battle, but it was obviously not suitable for him to be a strategic strategist.

Each of the three teachings and nine streams has its own strengths.

After saying that, Cheng Chumo got up and returned to Chang'an.

Farmers from Princess Changle's fiefdom and Niujia Village came to Jingyang. It's not like they haven't seen these new houses before, and they also observed them from a distance when they were first built to see their novelty.

I just thought that I could live in such a strong and clean house in the future.

Some are too dreamy.

Not many of the [-] houses built at the beginning are left unused, but they are enough to live on.

Houses are also being built on the other side of the residential area.

This is the new house of Hou Lizheng in Jingyang County.

Not long after Cheng Chumo left, the magistrate of Jingyang came with a group of officials.

The county magistrate said to Li Zheng with a smile: "The county lord, the people in the court have come to collect taxes."

Looking up, the tax collector is either someone else or Xu Zhaolin from the household department.

"Old Xu, let's meet again." Li Zheng responded with a smile.

Xu Zhaolin didn't respond but kept a dark face.

"Old Xu, what do you mean by having a dark face? You should be happy that taxes and food are collected."

Xu Zhaolin just arrived in Jingyang and found out that there are more than 3 people in Jingyang.

Moreover, the fiefdom of Princess Changle and the people of Niujia Village were all taken in.

Now the tax is collected according to the account of each person, and the people are gone.

In this way, the taxation of Princess Changle's fiefdom and the taxation of Niujia Village will be adjusted.

Xu Zhaolin took a deep breath and said, "Li Zheng, let me take a step forward."

Not far away, Li Zheng looked at his expression and asked, "Brother Xu, what's wrong?"

Xu Zhaolin said, "Did you move all the farmers in the princess' fief to Jingyang?"

"That's right." Li Zheng nodded, "Didn't His Majesty assign that piece of land to me, and the Ministry of Household Affairs has already registered it."

"Of course I know." Xu Zhaolin asked again: "I won't ask about this matter first, what happened to Niujia Village?"

"Niu Family Village..."

Xu Zhaolin stomped his feet anxiously, "The county lord, the county lord, didn't you say you shouldn't relocate to farmers casually. It's only been half a year. How did you go from a few hundred households in Jingyang to tens of thousands of households?"

"This..." Li Zheng looked troubled, "It's hard to explain to you for a while."

Xu Zhaolin looked aggrieved, this official could not do anything.

He did a good job at the Imperial Medical Office before, but when he met Li Zheng, he came to the household department from the Imperial Medical Office.

I thought I could do a good job this time, but I bumped into this matter again.

It has to be said that Xu Zhaolin's official career was bumpy, with no family background or connections.

In the past, it was not easy to follow Sun Simiao to practice medicine for a period of time.

I got an errand in the Imperial Medical Office, and I thought that I could achieve something in the Imperial Medical Office by relying on my own medical skills.

The achievement is there, and finally became the supervisor of the Imperial Medical Bureau.

At that time, I happened to encounter the illness of Empress Changsun, although the congenital illness is not so easy to treat.

Who knew that Li Zheng would be killed on the way.

With Li Zheng's medicine, Empress Changsun's condition was relieved very well, even better than the medicine prepared by the Imperial Medical Office in the past.

Even Empress Changsun may not have been ill for a long time.

After that incident, His Majesty has no good face towards the Imperial Medical Office.

So that I have been left out in the cold.

Now that he has been transferred to the household department, it is good to be a servant of the household department without thinking about moving up.

Xu Zhaolin looked at Li Zheng and said, "Tell me, how should I explain this matter to His Majesty."

"This is..."

"County Marquis, can you stop messing around, it's not easy for me to be an official."

"I know, I know." Li Zheng comforted Xu Zhaolin.

Xu Zhaolin said again: "Your Majesty, did I offend you somewhere?"

"You have no place to offend me."

"Then why did you stumble when the Imperial Medical Office treated you? The last time it allocated land for you, it allocated an extra piece of land for the princess, and was reprimanded by His Majesty for a long time. Now your position is in jeopardy. When it comes to this tax collector At a critical moment, you come out like this again."

Li Zheng shook his fan vigorously and said, "Actually, I really didn't do it on purpose."

"I will definitely tell His Majesty about this matter. Let's first figure out how much tax Jingyang has to pay."

Xu Zhaolin picked up his file and called the county magistrate to compare this year's harvest.

The county magistrate said: "Return to the Minister, we have a bumper harvest in Jingyang this year, with 930 acres of cultivated land, a total of 30 stones of grain."

"Thirty... 30 stones!"

Xu Zhaolin almost jumped up, "Where do you get so much food!"

"It is indeed 30 shi." The county magistrate explained: "Three thousand shi for millet, 750 shi for potatoes, [-] shi for corn, [-] shi for rice..."

The county magistrate hadn't finished speaking.

Xu Zhaolin snatched the accounts and compared them one by one.

Then look at the wasteland reclaimed before Jingyang.

Walking around Jingyang, Xu Zhaolin compared the land area registered in Jingyang County to only 300 mu at the beginning, and now it has indeed tripled.

Looking at a mountain in the distance, Xu Zhaolin asked, "I remember that mountain is a barren mountain."

The county magistrate of Jingyang explained: "It was originally a barren mountain. The county lord asked us to plant something called corn on the mountain. The corn is not so drafty. It is easy to grow even in dry land, but it is a bit troublesome."

Xu Zhaolin looked at the barren hills in the distance and now there was some vegetation.

Looking at Li Zheng again, Xu Zhao said: "Your Majesty, how about this? Let's make a compromise. Now you are the only one around Chang'an who can count as a bumper harvest. How about [-]% of the tax?"

"Sixty thousand stone?"

Li Zheng also looked anxious, "Can I owe you first?"

(End of this chapter)

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