People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 189 Di Renjie Arrives at Jingyang

Chapter 189 Di Renjie Arrives at Jingyang
Xu Zhaolin, whose expression had softened a little, went dark again, and said to Li Zheng, "Does the county lord think that this is a vegetable market, and he can still bargain for credit?"

"Can't you?"

Xu Zhaolin stomped his feet angrily, "Of course not!"

Li Zheng said with emotion: "His Royal Highness Wei Wang..."

Xu Zhaolin said angrily, "Even if His Royal Highness King Wei digs up my ancestral grave."

Why are you so anxious to say a few words?

The people in Chang'an are tough, and when they heard that Xu Zhaolin owed it first, he seemed to be fighting for his life.

"Old Xu, don't get excited."

"Can I not be excited!" Xu Zhaolin jumped and said, "If you do a lot of errands, His Majesty will blame the subordinate officials instead of the county marquises."

"I also donated a lot of food to Liangzhou before."

"That's two different things!" Xu Zhaolin said furiously.

The county magistrate whispered: "Your Majesty, there are rules in the court, and we can't just say what we want. It's only [-] shi of grain, which should be given."

After confirming the [-] shi of grain in Jingyang, Xu Zhaolin wrote down the amount in the case file.

After the matter of Jingyang was finalized, Xu Zhaolin said again: "The tax in Niujia Village and Liquan County, which is fief of the princess, how the county marquis plans to pay the tax in these two places."

The county magistrate took out another case file and said: "According to what the county lord said before, the taxes in these two places are also paid by us in Jingyang. The total grain in the two places is [-] shi."

"According to the rules of the Ministry of Household Affairs, five thousand shi is required to be paid according to the tax in a good year."

After listening, Xu Zhaolin glanced at the county magistrate in surprise.

The county magistrate smiled and said, "It's all ready."

"Your county magistrate is quite good at handling things." Xu Zhaolin said after taking the accounts.

"You're welcome." Li Zheng said, cupping his hands.

The county magistrate of Jingyang also said: "The lower officials are just following the rules."

Taking Xu Zhaolin to the granary, more than 6 shi of grain were taken away.

After returning to the Ministry of Households, Xu Zhaolin came to Li Er, "Your Majesty, the food taxes from all over the country have been collected."

Li Shimin took the memorial and looked at it, "Can Jingyang come up with [-] shi?"

Xu Zhaolin nodded and said, "These are indeed brought out by Jing Yang."

He didn't expect Jingyang to have so many taxes. At first he thought that Li Zheng's potatoes would have a bumper harvest this year, but he didn't expect such a bumper harvest.

Xu Zhaolin said again: "There is one more thing. Li Zheng moved all the households in Liquan County and Niujia Village, which were entrusted by Princess Changle, to Jingyang. Now Jingyang County has a population of more than [-]."

"This time the taxes in the two places are actually paid by Li Zheng."

Li Shimin's face was sullen, "Li Zheng's appetite is really getting bigger and bigger."

Xu Zhaolin carefully observed Li Shimin's expression, for fear that His Majesty would get angry and implicate him.

But Xu Zhaolin felt that he was wronged, and it was your Majesty who said that Princess Changle's fief was given to Li Zheng.

I can't blame Li Zheng for doing this now. It's getting harder and harder to be the servant of the household department.

The most important thing was not the Zhongshu Sheng, but His Majesty's own decision.

Just as Li Shimin put away the memorial, the eunuch came to report and said, "Your Majesty, General Zuo Xiaowei Niu Jinda is asking to see you."

"Let him in." Li Shimin nodded.

When Niu Jinda entered the Ganlu Hall, he saluted first, and then said, "Your Majesty, I have an answer."

After speaking, Niu Jinda raised a memorial above his head.

Li Shimin signaled the little eunuch on the side to bring the memorial.

Opening Niu Jinda's memorial, Li Shimin asked doubtfully after reading it: "Are you asking for credit for Li Zheng?"

Niu Jinda nodded, "Li Zheng has made great contributions to Sheji, please Your Majesty to reward Li Zheng with all his land."

In fact, after saying these words, Niu Jinda was very disturbed.

I was afraid that Li Shimin would not agree.

This is also the method Fang Xuanling came up with. Once the farmers want to leave, they can't stop them. Since everyone has already gone to Jingyang County, it's better to give the land to Li Zheng.

This also saves trouble, at worst, give the land to Li Zheng, take a step back to reduce disputes, and sell favors.

Everyone was taken away by you, Li Zheng, so what is the use of these lands.

Li Shimin thought about it, although Niu Jinda is not such a smart person, he can be steadfast.

"Since that's the case, let's do it this way, Xu Zhaolin, go to the Ministry of Households to make a register and incorporate the land into Jingyang County." Li Shimin nodded.

Niu Jinda heaved a sigh of relief, a trouble was finally settled.

Li Zheng, who was in Jingyang, received another notification from the system that the land had inexplicably increased by another [-] mu.

It was only from the case file sent by the officials of the Ministry of Households that I realized that it was sent by Niu Jinda. Now the land in Niujia Village also belongs to me.

Sitting next to the horse pen, looking at a crop planting guide in his hand, Li Zheng looked at what to pay attention to when growing peppers.

These days, the two children, Daniu and Duo, get along pretty well.

Daniu still raises horses with Duhu, and Pei Xingjian is still young and most of the time Xue Rengui takes care of him.

A middle-aged man came with a child.

Daniu asked who was here, and ran to say, "Teacher, Di Renjie and his father Di Zhixun are here."

Putting down the book in his hand, Li Zheng saw someone coming.

Seeing Li Zheng, Di Zhixun said, "Old man Bingzhou Taiyuan Di Zhixun, this is the dog Di Renjie."

Li Zheng also saluted slightly, "I've heard you famous for a long time."

Di Zhixun said with a smile: "It was the old man who bought the connection diagram of the Nine Palaces. This question is very thought-provoking."

"Just a little cleverness."

"I don't know if it's clever, but the old man thinks this question is very interesting. It looks simple, but it needs another way to draw it."

Di Zhixun said again: "I have heard about your deeds, but I don't understand that I and my son have never met you, but His Majesty ordered him to enter your Jingyang County."

Li Zheng hesitated and said: "This matter is complicated, and I can't explain it clearly for a while."

Di Zhixun said again: "The old man's son can live in your Jingyang. In fact, His Majesty appointed the old man as Zhilang of the East Palace, responsible for mastering the seal of the East Palace. He will live in Chang'an for a long time. I can't find a place to stay for a while, old man. Can you live in Jingyang with your own children?"

Hearing this, Li Zheng said with joy, "This is even better, you can rest assured and I can rest assured."

Di Zhixun nodded, pushed Di Renjie to Li Zhengliao's side and said in a low voice, "Father will go to court, and you will learn from Li Zheng."

"The child understands."

After Di Zhixun left, Di Renjie saluted Li Zheng, "The student has met the teacher."

Is this a teacher worship ceremony?Li Zheng squatted down and looked at Di Renjie, who was about the same age as Li Zhi, and pinched his face with his hand, who was a little thinner than Li Zhi.

Di Renjie looked puzzled, "Why did the teacher pinch the students' faces?"

The feeling was not good, Li Zheng withdrew his hand, called Daniu and Dahu and said, "This is Di Renjie, you take him with you from now on."

 There is still in the middle of the night, a little late. . .

(End of this chapter)

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