People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 195 Lu Dongzan, let's make a fortune

Chapter 195 Lu Dongzan, let's make a fortune
Li Zheng said: "Don't die if you don't move at all. Besides, I don't want to meet you in the next life. It's bad luck."

Li Ke reached out and snatched the knife from Lu Dongzan's hand.

The ashamed Lu Dongzan said: "If the county marquis doesn't want to help me, the only thing I can do is die.",

Li Zheng said with emotion: "It doesn't matter whether you die or not, whether you live or die has nothing to do with me, but you can't die at my door if you die."

Lu Dongzan was so angry that he trembled all over, and said loudly: "Okay! I'll die in another place."

"You ancients are dead-brained and don't know how to adapt."

The striding steps stopped, Lu Dongzan turned his head back mechanically, and there was a clicking sound from the turning of his neck.

"You really have a way, right?" Lu Dongzan asked.

"There are ways." Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand and said, "If you don't have money, you can make money. If you earn money, you can return it to Datang."

Lu Dongzan looked at Li Zheng suspiciously, "Even if we in Tubo want to make money, when will we earn 50 yuan?"

"I think there is a business that will make a fortune. I don't know if Tubo is willing to do it."

"what business?"

"Brother Lu, do you know what a lottery is?" Li Zheng said with a smile: "You can hold a lottery in Tubo, one time for ten coins, and the highest prize will be [-] guan."

Lu Dongzan still looked at Li Zheng ignorantly.

Li Zheng went on to say: "Actually, you don't have much money in Tubo. Your old aristocrats in Tubo should have a lot of money, like Yangtong. You haven't conquered the Yangtong tribe yet."

Hearing this, Lu Dongzan looked at Li Zheng suspiciously. How did this boy in his teens know that he had been reclusive all this time? Could it be that Tubo had secret works of the Tang Dynasty?

Li Zheng said again: "You Songtsan Gampo can still marry Niboluo, so that you can get financial support from a small country. Do you, Zanpu, want to move your capital now?"

Lu Dongzan thought about Li Zheng's words. This kid seemed to know Tubo very well, and his eyes were filled with fear. Zanpu did have the idea of ​​intermarrying Niboluo a long time ago.

Moreover, Zanpu discussed moving the capital with himself when he first came to the throne, but now the old Tubo nobles have not settled down and it is not easy to move the capital.

These news may not even be known to the ministers in the court.

Lu Dongzan asked suspiciously, "How do you know this?"

"I also know that you Tibetans have such nobles as Can Zanggu, Bayu Zebu, and Nong Zhongbo."

Lu Dongzan looked at Li Zheng dumbfounded, when did the Central Plains people know Tubo so well.

After regaining his senses, Lu Dongzan asked, "What kind of business is the lottery that the county lord said before?"

"It's a gambling business, like a lottery. You can list a few numbers, and as long as you guess all of them correctly, you can get a big prize." Li Zheng whispered to Lu Dongzan: "People are greedy."

Li Zheng said again: "Let me give you an example. For a grand prize of 100 guan, I have [-] people draw a lottery. If you draw a prize once, you can not only earn [-] million guan, but you also pay off the bonus. The so-called bonus It’s just a part of it, everyone pays not much money, but some people may smoke many times.”

"As long as one person wins the lottery, the person who wins the lottery will suddenly become a rich man, and then spread the word. This is the real charm of the whole business."

Li Ke was also listening to Li Zheng's words. Li Zheng's expression was very gloomy when he said these words, and he felt like a conspiracy had succeeded.

greedy?Use small things to make big gains, and use human greed to make money.

Such a calculation is indeed a lucrative business, and it is particularly tempting to ordinary people.

Lu Dongzan calculated the account in his mind, and suddenly realized that there are still many places to design, as if he could really earn it.

Li Zheng said to Lu Dongzan: "It doesn't matter if you operate in the dark, you just need to pick a poor and down-to-earth person. There’s a steady stream of people drawing the lottery.”

Li Zheng said again: "Of course, the winner of the lottery had better be bullied by you Tubo nobles. Everyone has a heart of hatred for the rich. That's how people's hearts are used. It's best to earn more from those old noble children."

Lu Dongzan asked suspiciously in his heart, "Why don't you do this business?"

Li Zheng smiled and said, "Do you think it is difficult for me to earn money?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Dongzan said, "In my impression, it is easy for you to make money."

"That's terrible. Why should I bother to do such a business?"

Li Zheng smiled brightly, and Li Ke felt vaguely worried.

"How about it, I come up with an idea and you go to operate it, I will not mix shares, such a good idea will be sold to you, and the silver cakes you gave me will not be in vain." Li Zheng patted Lu Dongzan on the shoulder, "Get rich go."

Lu Dongzan turned around to leave, Li Zheng instructed again: "Remember to go to the court to sign and draw a pledge, and give money to the land, and you are not allowed to renege on your debt!"

Seeing Lu Dongzan go further and further away, Li Ke said: "Your idea is very poisonous."

"Earn Tubo's money, we take Tubo's money, your royal father earned 50 guan and took such a large piece of land, His Royal Highness the King of Shu should be happy."

"I'm talking about your idea." Li Ke said in a low voice.

Shaking the fan in his hand, Li Zheng said to Li Ke: "You write a memorial to your father, Guanzhong must not have such a business, and what happens to Tubo has nothing to do with me."

Li Ke nodded seriously, "I see."

To what extent has Li Zheng calculated people's hearts? This kind of lottery business makes good use of people's greed.

This kind of business is used in the Central Plains, and there may be a lot of people willing to gamble.

Everyone has greed, and this greed will make people continue to gamble.

It's like a gambler to make a big fortune with a small one.

Li Ke looked at Li Zheng.

Li Zheng was younger than himself, but Li Zheng didn't do this kind of profitable business.

He is a man who loves money and who likes to do business to make money.

But for such a person, even if he wants to make money, he would rather choose printing than this kind of business.

Li Ke said solemnly: "Li Zheng, from now on, I, Li Ke, only admire you."

After speaking, Li Ke saluted Li Zheng.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?" Li Zheng quickly helped him up and said, "We agreed before that you will not be paid for guard work."


This kid is really full of money!
Li Ke said seriously: "I'm not talking about wages, I'm just admiring you from the bottom of my heart!"

Li Zheng shook his fan vigorously and said, "That's what I told Lu Dongzan just now."

Li Ke's old face darkened, "You misunderstood me."

Seeing Li Ke's anxious expression, Li Zheng said: "His Royal Highness, the cliché I just used just now, isn't it too much for you to use it now and learn it?"

The more Li Ke thought about it, the more angry he became, "Why are you so philistine when you are clearly capable?"

Li Zheng said with emotion: "Actually, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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