People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 196 Lu Dongzan Wants to Die

Chapter 196 Lu Dongzan Wants to Die
"Actually, I'm a good person." After finishing speaking, Li Zheng walked into his room with a sad face.

It's obvious that he got a bargain, but this guy looks depressed again, how could there be such a guy in this world.

After a while, Li Ke heard the sound of silver cakes colliding from the room, and the sound of Li Zheng laughing wildly as he counted the money.

Listening to this strange laugh seems to be a little permeable.

Shaking his head in disappointment, Li Ke thought to himself that maybe a person like Li Zheng would never be successful in his life.

Maybe he just wanted to be a millionaire.

Although he knew what he was thinking a long time ago, but every time he thought of his ability, he felt so unwilling, and always felt that God was blind.

All the skills fell on such a person.

Disappointed and shaking his head again.

Li Zheng is still young, maybe he will change his mind in the future, after all, fame and fame are the lifelong pursuit of many men.

Li Zheng will change his mind in the future, and he will earn enough money one day.

Li Ke kept persuading himself.

Hearing the laughter from the house again, Li Ke quickened his pace and left the stables.

Li Zheng put these silver cakes away, and the lottery business is full of risks.

It is another way of gambling. This kind of business is not suitable in today's Datang.

It can't even appear in Datang.

The lottery takes advantage of people's psychology of getting something for nothing and lying down to make money, and uses the greed of human nature to make the other party addicted step by step.

In later generations, how many people died because of the lottery, and how many people ruined their lives.

Li Zheng wrote a memorial and asked Li Yifu to send it to the court.

The memorial was sent to the province along with Li Yifu.

After entering the Menxia Province, the officials of the Menxia Province were sent to the Zhongshu Province.

When Fang Xuanling received this memorial, he was a little curious that Li was the one who could send the memorial directly to the Palace of Ganlu and present it to His Majesty.

Why did you send it to the door again?

The official who came to deliver the memorial said: "The one who sent the memorial is Li Yifu who works for Li Zheng, so I had to hand it over to my subordinate first."

Hearing the reason, Fang Xuanling nodded.

Opening the memorial and taking a look at it first, Fang Xuanling's expression was frowning, this was the first time he heard about lottery tickets.

Unexpectedly, Li Zheng was worried that Tubo would not be able to get 50 guan, and he wanted to introduce business to Tubo.

The memorial wrote about the dangers of the lottery business.

After reading it, Fang Xuanling thought about this business. This is indeed a business that can make money quickly.

And you can earn more in the long run.

This is a business that uses people's hearts to make money.

There are no shortage of gamblers in the world.

After reading it, Fang Xuanling couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Fortunately, Li Zheng didn't put this business in the Tang Dynasty, which was ruining Tubo's country and a person's hard work.

Fang Xuanling knows what is most important in a country.

If the productivity of a country is destroyed, the whole country will stagnate and be in a precarious state.

Li Zheng's move was too poisonous.

To what extent does the analysis of people's hearts lead to such a business.

Unless there is a very stable and wealthy country, this kind of gambler business must not prevail.

In the face of huge benefits, it depends on whether Songtsan Gampo will be fooled.

If Songtsan Gampo could not control his own ambitions and fell into the trap of Li Zheng, Tubo would not be far from perishing.

Your Majesty's desire to expand the territory and establish achievements has never stopped.

Since ancient times, which emperor does not want to expand the territory, and which emperor does not like the country.

It also wrote some points that need to be paid attention to when establishing a covenant with Tubo this time.

Fang Xuanling took the memorial and came to the Lizheng Hall, Li Shimin was scolding Jin Wang Li Zhi.

Li Shimin said to Li Zhi: "Child slave, if Li Zheng sold you, you have to count the money to Li Zheng. You cheated from the minister...the money you earned will be used as a dowry for your imperial sister. Li Zheng is just like that." Someone short of money?"

Li Zhi said aggrievedly: "But the father wants to be frugal in the palace, and the son is afraid..."

Li Shimin sighed and said earnestly: "Father, no matter how frugal your life is, you won't suffer your mother and your sister."

"Really?" Li Zhi blinked vigorously.

It's good for a childish slave to be filial and sensible, but he's not clever enough to be taken aback by Li Zheng.

Seeing that Fang Xuanling had been waiting outside the hall for a long time, Empress Changsun whispered to Li Shimin, "Your Majesty, Fang Xiang has been waiting outside for quite a while."

Li Shimin looked back and saw Fang Xuanling immediately walked out of the hall, "Xuanling, why are you here?"

Fang Xuanling handed over the memorial and said, "Your Majesty, Li Zheng has a copy of the memorial."

Hearing that it was Li Zheng's playbook, Li Shimin immediately picked it up and read it.

"Lottery ticket?" Seeing the words he had never seen before, Li Shimin said suspiciously.

Fang Xuanling said in a low voice: "Li Zheng also said in the memorial that the lottery is a gambler's business, but it is a business that everyone can participate in. This kind of business is very dangerous. Li Zheng's reminder is not wrong, even if Tubo After doing this business, Datang will absolutely not have it."

Li Shimin nodded pertinently, "There is no shortage of gambling houses in the market, and those gambling houses should be taken care of."

Although Li Shimin said so, Fang Xuanling also knew the dangers of the gambling house, but it is not so easy to manage it.

Behind many gambling houses are the interests of the powerful and aristocratic families, how many people make money by opening gambling houses.

It must be managed, but it must be settled after the fall. Now is not the time, but the scale of the gambling house can be properly controlled.

"Your Majesty, you can check out those secret gambling houses first." Fang Xuanling said.

Li Shimin still nodded, "Li Zheng's plan is really vicious. It seems to have given Tubo a big cake, but in fact it is a poison that has penetrated into the marrow."

Fang Xuanling said with emotion: "Indeed, but thinking that Li Zheng didn't start this business means that he is a good boy, and a gentleman loves money in a proper way."

Sometimes I think about whether Li Zheng is a good or bad kid. If he is good, he is desperate for money. This kid only wants to get rich.

To put it badly, apart from being a bit of a philistine, this kid has no other shortcomings.

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Xuanling, how do you think Li Zheng's character is compared to the old officials in the court?"

Fang Xuanling smiled wryly, "It's just someone who wants money to death, how can it be compared to an old court official?"

There was something in Fang Xuanling's words, Li Shimin smiled, and then looked at the content of the memorial, "Da Tang wants to stand on the right side, let Lu Dongzan stand on Zhuque Street, and read the covenant to the people of the whole city?"

This is a good idea, so Datang will take advantage of it.

The more Li Shimin watched it, the more he liked it. Once a war started, Datang could always be on the right side.

Now Tubo is not qualified to talk about so many conditions.

After reading this memorial, Li Shimin suddenly realized, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

If there is a lack of success?

Such a good skill, it's really a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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