Chapter 198

What is the concept of ten kilometers, almost ten thousand meters.

The infrastructure will be done to the end.

Who knows how long it will be next time?Is it a thousand kilometers?
The land of the Central Plains, including waters, is only 960 million square kilometers.

Li Zheng looked at the system panel again.

It has an area of ​​9000 mu and a population of [-].

Task: build ten kilometers of road.

Mission reward: [-] tons of iron ore.

Pharmacy Phase II

The second stage of crops
The second stage of the library
Di Renjie saw that Li Zheng's face was not looking well, and asked in a low voice, "Is teacher feeling unwell?"

Li Zheng waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about life."

Di Renjie said: "Teacher, Brother Big Niu recently made something called a seesaw, which is really fun."

"Go and play." Li Zheng said weakly.

Di Renjie ran away happily.

To build a road, you first need people. A ten-kilometer road cannot be repaired overnight.

If you want enough workers to help you build roads, you need money.

Even if you call on the villagers to build roads, you have to pay them.

Make money!

Money must be made.

Turning on the system, Li Zheng looked at the bibliographic categories in the system library.

Huh?There is actually a thick black school.

The books in the system changed a lot at once.

I kept flipping through it, huh?There is even a cologne production project.

Open it and see the secret recipe of cologne perfume.

Look at the bibliography above again, soap, white sugar, fine salt, and even Laoganma...

After reading these bibliographic categories, Li Zheng discovered an amazing fact, "I want to get rich! I'm rich!"

The tiger who was feeding the horse trembled when he heard the cheers in the room.

I don't know what's wrong with Zhonglang recently, I always talk to myself, at first I thought it was Zhonglang who was worried, maybe Zhonglang was sick.

And madness?
Seeing Li Zheng walking out of the room with a smile on his face, Duo asked worriedly: "General Zhonglang, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Li Zheng said, and couldn't help smiling again.

Seeing his expression, Du Hu hurried to the village and found Sun Simiao, "Miraculous doctor Sun, it's not good! Zhong Lang is going crazy."

Sun Simiao, who was packing up the herbs, frowned when he heard the news and asked, "Are you really crazy?"

"Yeah." Duhu nodded vigorously: "Before he kept muttering to himself, but now he keeps giggling."

First muttering to himself, then smirking, could it be that being too sad is not enough to cause him to go crazy now?
Speaking of Li Zheng's life, what is there to feel sorry for, Sun Simiao asked again: "But really?"

"Yeah!" Tiger said.

I had heard that Li Zheng was a weird kid before. After getting in touch with Li Zheng these days, and what the villagers said, Li Zheng was indeed a very weird kid.

Could it be that he is really sick?It is not without legend that the smarter the person, the easier it is to go crazy.

When Sun Simiao came to the stables, he saw Li Zheng uprooting a wild flower and smelled it.

Then he threw it away, picked another flower, and smelled it.

Sun Simiao looked at this scene dumbfounded, while Li Zhengwen was still fascinated by the wild flowers.

Pulling over to Duhu, Sun Simiao asked, "How long has he been in this situation?"

Du Hu said, "It should start now."

Walking to Li Zheng who was picking wild flowers, Sun Simiao said with a worried face, "Li Zheng, you can tell the old man if you have anything to worry about."

Li Zheng put the picked wild flowers into the bamboo basket and said, "I have nothing to worry about."

Sun Simiao asked again, "What are you doing picking these wild flowers?"

"Get rich!" Li Zheng said with a grin.

"Get... get rich!" Sun Simiao asked again, "Is it because of the wild flowers everywhere?"

"Yes." Li Zheng nodded.

Sun Simiao frowned and thought, ordinary madness cannot be diagnosed by pulse diagnosis, madness is a mental problem.

"Li Zheng, don't be afraid, Pindao will brew some calming herbs for you first." Sun Simiao left in a hurry.

Is Li Zheng crazy?

This kid spread like wildfire in Jingyang.

It is said that Li Zheng is too smart to go crazy.

A villager said to the old village chief: "Zheng'er is just too smart. How can ordinary kids be so smart?"

Li Daxiong looked at his son, seeing that his son could eat and talk, there was nothing strange except that he was fascinated by the wild flowers on the roadside.

Li Zheng called on people in the village to help pick wild flowers. Now that it is autumn, there will be no flowers to pick any later.

Pick all the flowers in time, the more fragrant the better.

I also asked for some mint from Sun Simiao.

Mint is generally used as a medicinal material these days.

Li Shimin listened to Li Junxian's report.

"Is Li Zheng really crazy?" Li Shimin asked.

"I heard that's the case. I don't know why Li Zheng has trouble with some wild flowers and spirits all day long."

Li Shimin stood up and asked again: "Can it be cured?"

Li Junxian replied: "Sun Simiao is in Jingyang, if even the genius doctor Sun can't cure him, I'm afraid no one can be cured."

Sitting down feebly, Li Shimin was flustered. For so many days, Li Zheng had done so much for the country, and he was crazy in his heart before he had time to reward Li Zheng.

If he goes crazy, what should my beauty do for the rest of her life.

Li Shimin said anxiously: "Hurry up and send someone to investigate the situation."

"Here!" Li Junxian left quickly.

Qin Tianjian, Yuan Tiangang heard the news that Li Zheng was crazy, first he was a little surprised, then flustered.

I met Li Zheng once before, and it seemed that Li Zheng knew his secret.

But what if Li Zheng went crazy and told his secret.

In the Lizheng Palace, Li Lizhi said stubbornly: "I don't believe that Li Zheng is crazy! I'm going to see Li Zheng."

Just as she was about to leave the Lizheng Palace, the palace maid stopped Li Lizhi, "The queen ordered the princess not to go out."

"You dare to stop me!" Li Lizhi shouted anxiously.

The maid still blocked the door, not wanting to let Li Lizhi go out.

Empress Changsun came back and saw Li Lizhi's expression and said: "I know you are worried about Li Zheng, let's see how Li Zheng is doing with Queen Mother tomorrow, don't go out today, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Li Lizhi sobbed and held back her tears.

Empress Changsun looked at her daughter's expression, how can a mother not love her daughter.

Lu Dongzan, who had just left Chang'an, heard that Li Zheng was crazy, and happily hummed Tubo songs and danced Tubo dances.

"Li Zheng is crazy! God help Tubo too." Lu Dongzan laughed three times and rode his horse towards the border.

Early the next morning, Cheng Chumo watched Li Zheng tinkering with spirits and wild flowers, poked Li Zheng who was concentrating on reading and asked, "Are you really crazy?"

Li Zheng put away the book and said with a sneer: "You are crazy, your whole family is crazy."

Cheng Chumo observed Li Zheng's expression, as if there was nothing strange about this guy except for his special liking for flowers.

"Then what are you doing with these wild flowers?"

"Make money." Li Zheng said without thinking.

The simple distillation tools have been prepared, and Li Zheng is starting to prepare for the distillation.

(End of this chapter)

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