People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 199 What should an academy be like?

Chapter 199 What should an academy be like?
Put the petals in the container and compact them, then put some water, put the petals again, compact them again, put the petals again, put them into three layers in a row to start distillation and refining.

Extracting the essential oils from the petals is the most important step.

Vegetable and animal oils were also used to make perfume essential oils in the Middle Ages.

It is too complicated to fix these things, and the technology of this era is not easy to achieve.

Besides, I don't want to be so harsh.

The sachets used today also put flowers or refreshing medicinal materials into the sachets, and the better ones use incense.

While using the compacted petals in the cooking container, the oil is insoluble in water, and the essential oil can be extracted by separating it with a condenser tube.

Holding the book in his hand, Li Zheng was still looking at the method of making cologne perfume.

Cheng Chumo looked at the still made of several pottery pots and bamboo tubes, which looked like this at first glance.

Quan Chang'an is saying that Li Zheng is crazy, and some people feel that God is jealous of talents.

The five surnames breathed a sigh of relief one after another. It was very good news for them that Li Zheng was crazy.

How many people will believe the knowledge of a madman?
Li Tai also found Li Zheng, looked at Li Zheng's expression and said worriedly: "Li Zheng, I heard that all the flowers in a radius of ten miles have been picked by you in Jingyang?"

"Well, I have to pick all the flowers in time for the season. After a while, the flowering season will be completely over, so where can I pick any flowers?"

Looking at Li Zheng's expression again, Li Tai asked again: "Li Zheng, even if you pick all these flowers, they will still wither. What's the use?"

Li Zheng shook his head and sighed, "What you see is that one plus one equals two, but what I see is different."

Li Tai quickly said, "Isn't one plus one equal to two?"

"I sympathize with your IQ. It's a waste of time to talk to a duck."

"I think you are really crazy."

Given that Li Tai has no formal knowledge of chemical physics.

Li Zheng didn't intend to argue with this fat man, after all, the fat man didn't have such knowledge.

Then he whispered to Li Tai: "Fatty, the so-called life after learning, knowledge is always the most important thing, the more knowledge you have, the more choices you have."

Li Tai twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled reluctantly, "Do you think I don't know? Since I was a child, I have been listening to lectures from various famous scholars."

With a long sigh of emotion, Li Zheng said: "Then what has His Royal Highness King Wei learned?"

"I have learned..." Li Tai thought for a while and said, "I have learned the principles of being a courtier and dealing with the world."

"anything else?"

"and also……"

Li Tai's face was anxious.

Seeing that he can't say it, in fact, it is a terrible behavior to stand still in the knowledge.

Blame it on the fact that the direction of learning knowledge is different.

Li Zheng patted Li Tai on the shoulder and said, "To me, you are just mortals, and some of the knowledge I use is like a miracle to you."

"A miracle? It's like you sent people to heaven before? Isn't it just a big Kongming lantern? How stupid do you think I am." Li Tai said.

"Has anyone done it before me?"

When Li Zheng said this, Li Tai thought back, as if no one had ever done it.

Just like in the age of great navigation, when Columbus came to a land with a backward civilization, he took a musket and shot him from a hundred meters away.

For those natives, it was a kind of miracle.

Even pay homage.

Besides, scientists have deduced that if there is a civilization that can use time as a weapon, then this civilization is a god to the backward earth.

You will be in awe, you will be afraid, and you will be more afraid.

But when you also have their knowledge, you also find that it is nothing more than that.

This is the knowledge gap.

By analogy, knowledge has been indispensable since the beginning of the wild.

Li Zheng sneered and said to Li Tai: "Believe it or not, I can keep the fragrance of flowers anyway."

"Flowers will always wither. The most unforgettable thing in this world is the fragrance of flowers." Li Tai sighed and said, "I think you are really crazy."

Li Zheng grinned, "This is knowledge."


Li Tai muttered to himself: "Li Zheng, you built a Jingyang Academy, what do you want to make the Academy look like?"

"I have never thought about what it will look like. I just teach children knowledge. If I want to be a real teacher, I don't think I am qualified enough."

Li Tai glanced at Li Zheng again and felt that he was not crazy again.

"I remember when I was a child, the primary school in the village had students from the same village. Sometimes the teacher might be your relative or live next door to your house."

"Or when your mother is chasing you with a broom, you will meet a few classmates."

"Or when you are buying buns on the side of the road, you can still see your classmate running for his life on the street, followed by his mother chasing him, crying ghosts and howling all the way, not to mention how exciting it is."

This guy looked longing and smiling, as if he had really experienced it.

The distilled sesame oil on the first day was only half a bowl.

Quickly poured it into a bottle, and smelled it a bit pungent.

When making perfume, just add two or three drops a little.

Such a small half bottle is enough for more than ten bottles of perfume.

After saving it, tidy it up.

Go home for dinner tonight, today is Mid-Autumn Festival.

At home, Li Daxiong personally cooks only one stewed pig's trotter.

Li Zheng went to the kitchen to add a few more dishes.

Before Di Renjie's father came back from the East Palace, he called Di Renjie to eat with him.

Pei Xingjian sat with Xue Rengui.

Chu Suiliang and Shangguanyi were also sitting.

Xu Jingzong and Li Yifu also came slowly.

Obviously these people were invited by Li Daxiong.

The house was very lively, and five pigs were killed in the village to celebrate the festival.

The families dropped by until late at night.

On the second day, Li Zheng, who got up early, continued to distill the floral essential oil.

At noon, Empress Changsun arrived in a sedan chair, followed by Li Zhi and Li Lizhi.

Li Zheng calculated the time, and it happened to be meal time.

Did the people from his Li Er's family come to visit with food?
Really scary.

Li Zheng saluted immediately when he saw the person coming, "I have seen the queen, I have seen Her Royal Highness Princess, I have seen Her Royal Highness King Jin."

Empress Changsun looked at Li Zheng and said, "They all say you are crazy."

Li Zheng shook his fan and said: "Others laugh at me as crazy, I laugh at others for not being able to see through, not knowing the tombs of heroes in the Five Tombs..."

"No flowers, no wine, hoe the fields." Li Zhi continued in a childlike voice: "I have read your poems."

Seeing that Li Zheng looked normal, Empress Changsun nodded reassuringly, "It's not as crazy as others say, I think you, Li Zheng, are quite normal."

"Hmph!" Li Lizhi turned her head in disdain, "Sure enough, she's pretending to be crazy."

This little girl is still a little arrogant.

Visiting the stables here, Empress Changsun found that the stables were surprisingly clean, while the stables in other places were dirty and messy.

"Do you clean every day?" Queen Changsun asked.

(End of this chapter)

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