People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 200: Keep the Flower Fragrance

Chapter 200: Keep the Flower Fragrance
Poking out his little head from the stables, Du Hu said: "General Zhonglang ordered to clean the stables every morning, the horses will get sick if the stables are dirty."

Empress Changsun looked at Li Zheng again and said, "It's a shame to let you raise horses."

Li Zheng quickly waved his hand and said, "Actually, I don't know how to raise horses. It's all due to the big tiger's work. At most, I'm just picking bones from eggs and doing it more carefully."

Observing Li Zheng's expression, Empress Changsun said again: "Being a county lord has wronged you."

Li Zheng said: "The county marquis is pretty good."

Smiling undeniably, Empress Changsun saw the still behind the stable.

The whole distiller is actually composed of a large water tank, several clay pots and bamboo poles.

Looking carefully, Empress Changsun asked, "What are you doing?"

"Make something that retains the scent of flowers."

"Can the fragrance of flowers be retained?" Li Lizhi said, "If you dislike the bad smell of the horse pen, I can bring you some incense from the palace."


Hearing this, Empress Changsun was speechless for a while. This little girl is thinking of taking out the things in the palace even before she is married?

Li Zheng said: "My family is poor, so I don't need incense. It's too expensive to use. If the princess gives it to me, maybe I'll sell it. The incense in the palace must be valuable."

"How dare you!" Li Lizhi shouted again coquettishly.

"Queen wait a moment."

Li Zheng returned to his room, used the floral essential oil extracted yesterday, added two drops to the alcohol, adjusted the ratio, then put it in water, and shook it vigorously.

After sniffing the fragrance carefully, he took out the small bottle again and walked out of the room to hand it to Empress Zhangsun.

After taking the small bottle, Empress Changsun asked doubtfully, "What is this?"

"This thing has a nice name called perfume."

"Perfume? That's what you keep your flowers in?"

Li Zheng thought about it and said, "The shelf life is about half a year."

Opening the cork, Empress Changsun sniffed it carefully, "The fragrance of osmanthus is very elegant, and it's a bit refreshing with mint."

"Mother, let my son hear it." Li Zhi said excitedly.

After receiving the small bottle from his mother, Li Zhi sniffed it carefully and said excitedly, "Miss Huang, it smells so good! Smell it."

"This is a way to retain a floral fragrance. It just depends on volatility. Just apply a little bit on the body. The queen's respiratory tract is congenitally deficient. Use less on weekdays, and it won't feel uncomfortable if you use it too much."

Empress Changsun looked at the distillation device again and said, "Li Zheng, you are very capable."

"The empress is overrated. I'm just playing smart, I don't have much talent."

"Once this thing is released, it will definitely cause a sensation in Quan Chang'an. You, Li Zheng, will soon become the richest person in Quan Chang'an."

Li Zheng said solemnly: "The queen's words are wrong. Jingyang is poor, and there is still a long way to go to get rid of poverty and become rich."

"Really?" Empress Changsun looked at Li Zheng, thinking about you kid, pretending again?Quan Chang'an knows that Jingyang County is rich.

Li Zheng said again: "Poor, my children in Jingyang don't have many decent teachers to teach, and they have to worry about every meal..."

Empress Changsun smiled wryly, this kid pretended to be poor and didn't even blush.

If he hadn't seen the books of the book printing house a few days ago, he had earned tens of thousands in a month, and he would have been fooled by this kid's acting skills.

"Many children only make a few sets of new clothes a year." Li Zheng said with a miserable face: "Although it's better to do a few businesses now, life is still tight."

Empress Changsun nodded and said, "You are very modest."

Li Zheng was sobbing, unable to squeeze out a single tear, "I'll tell you the truth, the pressure is actually high. The so-called building roads is the first thing to do to get rich."

Empress Changsun: "..."

Li Lizhi also listened, the more he heard these words, the more wrong he became.

"I don't know if I can ask His Majesty to inscribe my perfume. With a golden signboard with His Majesty's inscription, it must be a good seller."

"Let me think about it." Empress Changsun felt that she was a little confused now, and the feelings she said earlier were that this kid wanted to get His Majesty's golden pen signboard.

After thinking for a long time, Empress Changsun said: "I have accepted your gift. As for the inscription you mentioned, His Majesty has never inscribed it for a merchant."

After speaking, he took Li Lizhi and Li Zhi and turned around to leave.

After getting into the carriage, he drove farther and farther. Seeing that the carriage had no intention of stopping at all, Li Zheng said in a low voice, "I just left like this. I thought that the business would not be righteous, and I wanted to invite their family to dinner. .”

Empress Changsun, who returned to the palace, told Li Shimin what she had seen and heard in Jingyang.

Li Shimin sniffed it carefully, "Are you going to pick osmanthus today?"

Empress Changsun said: "The medical officer of the imperial medical office said that it is not suitable for a concubine to smell the fragrance of those flowers."

Li Shimin was still curious, "Then this sweet-scented osmanthus..."

Taking out a small bottle, Queen Changsun said to Li Er: "This is the perfume made by Li Zheng."

Smelling the fragrance carefully, it is indeed a strong sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, with some mint added, it will not feel too greasy because of the strong smell.

On weekdays, in order to take care of the eldest grandson queen, no flowers are dared to be placed in the Lizheng Hall.

Now that I have this perfume, I think I can smell the fragrance of flowers in the future even without planting flowers.

Li Shimin nodded pertinently, "I think Li Zheng is also thinking about your illness, very kind."

Empress Changsun nodded with a smile.

Li Tai came to Jingyang again to find Li Zheng.

"Li Zheng, I heard that you gave my mother a bottle of perfume."

After fiddling with the process of distilling perfume and essential oils, Li Zheng said, "That's right."

Patting Li Zheng on the shoulder, Li Tai said: "I didn't expect you, Li Zheng, to have such a heart. The mother and father are very happy."

Li Zheng touched his chin and asked tentatively, "Did your mother not say anything else?"

"What else to say?" Li Tai said again: "You, Li Zheng, have a good side too."

Li Zheng said anxiously: "Didn't your mother ask your father to write an inscription?"

"What inscription?"

"The golden signboard of His Majesty today!"

Li Tai: "What is a golden signboard?"

"It's a kind of endorsement!" Li Zheng explained: "Your father thinks this perfume is good, so please mention my perfume, and my perfume will sell well in the future."


Li Tai's smile froze on his face, "So that's what you are for, isn't it?"

"Of course not. I still want to recruit my father to join the team, but I don't know if your father is willing to do so. I can understand if your father is really embarrassed. It's okay to find someone to represent you. A substitute partner."

"Li Zheng..."

"what happened?"

Li Tai took a deep breath and exhaled again, "I know you are all for this heart, you don't have to be so secretive, I understand."

"What do you know? I just want my father to inscribe with a golden pen for the perfume business."

(End of this chapter)

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