People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 201 I pour 1 bottle a day

Chapter 201 I pour a bottle a day

Li Tai continued: "It's getting late, I should go back."

"No! Does your father know..." Li Zheng was anxious, "Golden pen inscription!"

Li Tai walked away from Jingyang, ignoring Li Zheng's shout behind him.

inscription?Want my father to do business with you?Think beautifully.

Now Chang'an is talking about Li Zheng's affairs.

Recently, Li Zheng has gone crazy.

He became a lunatic picking flowers everywhere, and villagers from Jingyang went to pick flowers almost every day, and many residents of Chang'an noticed it.

A lunatic picking flowers, Wu Xing secretly asked people to pick all the flowers around Chang'an first and burn them.

Even if Li Zheng went crazy, Li Zheng couldn't even pick flowers happily.

Half a month later, it was almost late autumn, and the weather was gradually getting colder.

Farmers are getting ready for winter.

Cheng Chumo looked at the small bottles in front of him, "You said this is perfume?"


Cheng Chumo picked up a bottle and smelled it carefully, it was indeed very fragrant, it seemed that it really retained the fragrance of the flowers.

"This is the perfume you made with the strongest wine in my Cheng family?"

"That's right." Li Zheng still nodded.

"Is this good to drink?"

"Not this one……"

Before he could say anything, he saw Cheng Chumo uncork the bottle and pour the perfume into his mouth, watching his Adam's apple throbbing and swallowing.

After finishing drinking, Cheng Chumo said aftertaste: "It doesn't taste very good, it's hard to drink."

Li Zheng: "..."

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"'s okay, you are a killer."

No additives, only high-concentration spirits, water and two drops of essential oils, it should be similar to drinking a small bottle of spirits, it should be no big deal.

Cheng Chumo said: "But the fragrance is quite fragrant."

There are 49 bottles of perfume on the table, and these flowers alone can make [-] bottles. I don't know what happened recently. The flowers picked are getting less and less, probably because the weather is getting colder.

Without thinking too much, after Li Zheng finished counting, he was going to make money with these perfumes.

Perfume is the most seductive for women.

Li Zheng immediately thought of Pingkangfang, which had the most women.

Xu Jingzong was called, and Li Zheng handed him a bottle of perfume and said, "You are very familiar with Pingkang Fang."

"That's natural." Xu Jingzong said again: "But now that the marriage between the County Marquis and Princess Changle is coming soon, it's not appropriate to go to Pingkangfang now, I'm going to be a son-in-law, so don't dare to let loose."

It would be fine if Li Zheng wanted to marry a girl from an ordinary family, but it was a princess.

"You thought I was you." Li Zheng handed him the perfume, "This is perfume, can you let everyone in Pingkangfang know about it?"

Uncorked the bottle, Xu Jingzong sniffed it, his eyes widened.

"How is it? Let's smell it." Cheng Chumo also said with a smile.

"Fragrant!" Xu Jingzong nodded vigorously, "Many people think that the county lord is crazy. It turns out that the county lord is making perfume. Those wild flowers seem to be worthless, but if they are made into perfume, they are worth a thousand gold. They can retain the fragrance of the flowers. The county marquis is really too tall."

"I'll be taller in a few years."

Li Zheng whispered to Xu Jingzong the specific steps of this matter.

Xu Jingzong came to the busiest restaurant in Chang'an Pingkangfang.

In the afternoon of the second day, the peak of the crowd in Pingkangfang was reached.

The rich and powerful children from various families came out one after another. For them, this is the best gold selling cave, Happy Forest.

Xu Jingzong immediately found several girls who he knew very well.

It's a regular after all.

After using some perfume on these girls, and entrusting some things, after giving a few pieces of silver cake.

The girls began to go downstairs to meet the guests with the fragrance of flowers on their bodies.

When someone asked again, the perfume immediately spread among the young men and young women in Pingkang Fang after word of mouth.


"Is it brewed by Jingyang Li Zheng?"

"There are only 49 bottles, the one with the highest price gets it?"

"What did you say that the current queen can use it?"


Where there are a lot of people, news spreads quickly.

Many women in Pingkangfang looked in the direction of Jingyang.

It is indeed rare in the world to be able to smell the fragrance of flowers in late autumn when everything is dying.

Being able to retain the fragrance of flowers, is this Li Zheng a child of the Xian family?

The girls in Pingkangfang took out their money one after another. They all know how important perfume is.

The girls who live here are all earning money from men.

Having perfume on your body can definitely attract customers better.

The girls took the money to find Xu Jingzong, only to find that he had left Chang'an City.

Someone asked: "Why is there only 49 bottles of Li Zheng's perfume?"

"You don't know this yet?" Someone immediately said, "Didn't you find out? When Li was picking flowers in Jingyang, people with five surnames rushed to pick them and burned a lot of flowers."

"The five surnames made perfume?"

Someone immediately shook his head and said, "How is that possible? This perfume is made using Li Zheng's science. This is a secret recipe. I dare say that Li Zheng is the only one in the world who made it."

Xu Jingzong, who returned to Jingyang, told Li Zheng what was going on in Chang'an.

"The magistrate's dialect has already been brought out. I think Quan Chang'an already knows about perfume by now."

After Xu Jingzong finished speaking, he handed the remaining half bottle of perfume to Li Zheng, "Mr. County, there is only half a bottle left."

"Send it to you."

"Thank you County Marquis." Xu Jingzong put away the perfume and asked, "Is there really only 49 bottles?"

"Now there are only 48 bottles. The flowering season has passed in late autumn and winter, and there are no flowers."

"That's true." Xu Jingzong nodded.

How can it be so easy to make perfume? There are only a few floral essential oils that can be made out of hundreds of catties of flowers.

Although Xu Jingzong made a fuss in Chang'an with perfume, it is well known throughout the city.

But not many people came to Jingyang to inquire about the price.

Perfume is a good thing and who doesn't want it?
But if the price of this thing is sky high.

That's another matter.

It seems that it is still necessary to promote their desire to buy.

Of course, the first batch of perfumes were not prepared for ordinary people, and they were earned from the rich and powerful.

Li Zheng whispered to Xu Jingzong again.

When Xu Jingzong returned to Chang'an, he found a group of ruffian rangers to spread the word.

On the second day after the perfume appeared in Pingkangfang, another news spread throughout Chang'an.

"No one knows the fragrance of flowers, so what's the use of keeping them."

Many dignitaries in Chang'an immediately became nervous.

I don't know who said: "No one buys perfume, Li Zheng wants to pour a bottle a day."

How many bottles are left after pouring it down like this for a month?
Some people in Chang'an couldn't sit still.

Some people blamed the five surnames, blaming the five surnames for being idle and grabbing some flowers from Li Zheng.

Li Shimin, who had just left the early court, was shocked when he heard the news, and then he calmed down, "Li Zheng, you are really good at making money."

Fang Xuanling also said: "This time Li Zheng only has 48 bottles of perfume left, and many voices in the public are angry at the five surnames."

The negative image of the five surnames is constantly rising in people's minds. Li Shimin is of course happy to see it, but he wonders if Li Zheng really only has these perfumes.

Will I also give a few more bottles to the palace? After all, when I arrived in the harem recently, those concubines have never stopped by my ears.

(End of this chapter)

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