People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 202 Accidentally Knocked Over A Half

Chapter 202 Accidentally Knocked Over Half

Sitting in the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin ordered, "Let's see if Li Zheng will really pour the perfume tomorrow."

Day two.

Li Zheng simply set up a sign at the entrance of the village, recording the amount of perfume every day.

In front of the crowd who came to surround the audience, I poured out a bottle of perfume, and the wooden sign said that there were only 47 bottles left.

Everyone in the audience gasped, pouring out such a precious perfume, is Li Zheng still human?
The wind blowing on the face, with the smell of perfume, many people can smell it.

Niu Jinda, who was standing at the back of the crowd, whispered to Cheng Yaojin, "This Li Zheng's business mind is really good."

Cheng Yaojin smiled and said: "If you plan people to death, this kid will definitely make a fortune in the future."

"So you are here too."

Hearing the voice, Cheng Yaojin looked back and saluted quickly, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Li Shimin lowered his bamboo hat to cover his expression and said, "Jingyang is so lively, I want to see how rich the dignitaries in Chang'an are."

Fang Xuanling also nodded with a smile.

If you dare to buy Li Zheng's stuff, you really have to see how much money these dignitaries have.

A bottle of perfume was poured in front of so many people, Niu Jinda said: "This Li Zheng really poured it as soon as he said it."

"It's too much!" Someone gritted his teeth.

"I'll buy it!" Someone said, "I'll give you a thousand guan!"

"I'll pay [-] guan for a bottle."

"Three thousand strings!"


Listening to their quoted prices one by one, Li Yifu was overjoyed, he was rich and rich!This bid is thousands of guan.

Xu Jingzong whispered, "I admire the magistrate of the county for his clever calculations."

Hearing that the price has already been shouted to [-] guan for a bottle, Fang Xuanling said with a smile: "It seems that someone has taken the bait."

Standing at the entrance of the village, Li Zheng said loudly, "Is there anything higher than Liuqianguan?"

The scene was quiet, and it seemed that no higher price was called out. A bottle of six thousand guan is not cheap anymore. How many people in Chang'an can afford six thousand guan.

Niu Jinda also nodded secretly thinking, "A bottle of 40 guan, just relying on these more than [-] bottles of perfume, Li Zheng can earn nearly [-] guan."

Cheng Yaojin said: "This kid is really good at making money."

It seems that there is a result, and a bottle of [-] Guan can indeed make Li Zhengda a fortune.

Next, everyone saw that Li Zheng turned around, and his arm swept down half of the table of perfume, and half of the perfume that was originally displayed on the table was immediately overturned.

Under the eyes of everyone who didn't dare to show their anger, Li Zheng said indifferently: "Oh, I accidentally knocked over so many bottles, and now there are only twenty bottles left."

Li Yifu's jaw dropped to the ground in shock when he saw this scene.

Everyone: "..."

Hearing a burst of exclamation, the perfume was knocked to the ground, and the rich fragrance came with the wind.

Cheng Yaojin turned around and looked at the scene, speechless for a while.

Li Zheng said to everyone: "I'm really sorry, what should I do if I have such a big spendthrift, and now there are only twenty bottles left."

Cheng Yaojin was about to rush up immediately, but was held back by Li Junxian.

"Someone is going to kill this kid!" Cheng Yaojin cursed and said, "This kid definitely did it on purpose!"

Li Shimin shook his head helplessly.

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand and said, "It's a pity, there are only [-] bottles left now, do you still buy the one who said [-] bottles a moment ago?"

"Our family pays [-] guan!" Someone said immediately.

Cheng Yaojin followed the sound and looked, isn't this his wife's maid?
Immediately felt that something was wrong, Cheng Yaojin was nervous.

Looking at the bidder, Niu Jinda said, "Cheng Yaojin, isn't that your wife?"

Cheng Yaojin stared at Li Zheng fiercely, and nodded stiffly.

"Fifteen thousand!"

"Eighteen thousand!"

"Twenty thousand sticks!"

The more the price is shouted, the more outrageous it is.

Ordinary dignitaries could no longer get involved, Cheng Yaojin and other female relatives of the Dukes and generals left the stage one after another.

Li Shimin observed and found that most of the people who stayed were dignitaries related to Pingkangfang.

Although Pingkangfang is a place for drinking and having fun, the boss behind Pingkangfang is often a person with good hands and eyes in the forest of wine and meat.

As long as you get the perfume, you can attract more customers, thereby broaden your network, and even double your business.

For Pingkangfang, this kind of transaction only makes money but not losses.

As long as you can broaden your network, cater to customers with girls who wear perfume, and raise the girl's worth, the more expensive the perfume is, the higher the girl's worth.

Pingkangfang is a place where people are mixed and all kinds of news flow through.

Many people will also spend money to go to Pingkangfang to inquire about the news.

Chang'an's troubles cannot escape Li Shimin's eyes.

But he couldn't escape Pingkangfang's eyes.

Li Junxian is well aware of this, even if he is himself for so many years, he has to buy news from Pingkangfang.

There is no shortage of rich people in Chang'an, let alone smart businessmen.

Even if this perfume is priceless, people will buy it.

Now there are only twenty bottles, and one less bottle is a huge loss.

"A bottle of [-] guan!" A price call resounded all around.

Li Shimin listened to the caller and whispered: "Do you know who that person is?"

Li Junxian looked at that person and replied, "Fan Yang, a member of the Lu family."

Li Shimin stared at this Fan Yang Lu family member, his eyes flickering.

Li Zheng said with a smile: "A bottle of [-] Guan is higher?"

Twenty bottles were knocked over, and the original bottle of [-] guan perfume was multiplied by five times. Li Shimin thought to himself, just for buying perfume, Li Zheng's daily income would be equivalent to a year's tax of the Tang Dynasty.

With a long sigh, Li Shimin exclaimed, "Xuanling, do you think our Datang's business tax should be increased in the future?"

Fang Xuanling said in a low voice: "Nowadays there are not many businessmen in the market, and the tax increase involves many interests, I am afraid it cannot be decided overnight."

Early years ago, he set up a character setting of resting with the people and lightly paying for the burden.

It is really inappropriate to want to go back on your word now.

Not to mention tax hikes.

But seeing how Li Zheng can earn so much with these perfumes.

Li Shimin felt his heart was bleeding.

Even if [-]% of the tax is taken from this business, how much money should it add to the national treasury.

Life is better now, but not rich.

Just sent tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to Qinghai to garrison, causing the treasury to spend tens of thousands of military pay and more than [-] stones of food and grass.

Moreover, it will continue to be consumed before Tubo is pacified.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin felt that his life was aggrieved.

Life finally got better, and I spent a lot of money.

In contrast, Li Zheng didn't have to do too much.

You can make so much money.

Li Shimin had an inexplicable impulse in his heart that this emperor didn't want to be an emperor anymore.

The Lu family discussed with several other dignitaries, and each family shared a total of [-] bottles of [-] Guan.

After the price was set, someone shipped several carts of silver cakes the next day.

One-handed payment and one-handed delivery.

Looking at the carts of silver cakes, Li Zheng was satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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