People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 203 The Prince Comes To Ask

Chapter 203 The Prince Comes To Ask

If you have money, you can start construction. Li Zheng, Li Yifu and Xu Jingzong began to plan how to build roads.

A ten-kilometer road must be built beyond Jingyang Village.

Li Yifu suggested: "It's better for the county lord to repair the roads in Niujia Village and the roads in the princess' fief."

Picking up the brush, Li Zheng drew a straight line between Jingyang and Chang'an.

Xu Jingzong looked at the line drawn by Li Zheng and understood the meaning, "Xianhou means a road leading to Chang'an."


"Isn't there already an official way?" Xu Jingzong asked.

Li Yifu said: "There are indeed some potholes in the official road, and it has not been repaired for many years."

The official road does not lead directly to Jingyang. Jingyang was one of the poorer counties in Chang'an at the beginning, and the official road in Chang'an leads all the way to Luoyang.

But the official road is more than an hour away from Jingyang, and most of them are forest trails.

Future transportation will be a big problem.

Li Zheng said to Li Yifu: "Do you know why it is said that roads should be built before getting rich?"

Li Yifu shook his head, "But I think what the county marquis said must be right."

Li Zheng explained to the two of them after taking a sip of cold water: "Transportation is the most important part of business. The roads are bad and transportation is difficult. If you can only transport ten pieces of goods to Chang'an to sell in a day, then you can only earn money for ten pieces of goods. Can you transport [-] pieces of goods a day? Do you earn more, this is the role of infrastructure.”

Li Yifu nodded with some understanding.

All roads lead to home, only those in Jingyang can get rid of poverty and become rich!

Li Zhi thought so in his heart.

Infrastructure is very important, and when infrastructure construction reaches a certain level, qualitative changes will occur.

The relationship between economic development and infrastructure is inseparable.

Putting away his thoughts, Li Zheng drew a few more lines. These lines are the lines connecting Jingyang and the surrounding villages.

"Build all these roads." Li Zheng said to them.

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Marquis of the county, please report to the court."

"Alright." Li Zheng nodded.

"Your Majesty, let's make arrangements."

Xu Jingzong wrote a memorial and sent it to the court.

Li Shimin, who was sitting in the Lizheng Hall, received two bottles of perfume, which were sent by the Lu family.

Wang Gonggong said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it seems that the Lu family borrowed flowers to present Buddha?"

Li Shimin said with a sneer, "They are still thinking about the prince's marriage."

Empress Changsun said worriedly: "It is said that a bottle of this perfume is [-] guan, or we should send it back."

"It's already been delivered, how can I send it back?" Li Shimin sighed.

Empress Changsun also has a bottle of perfume, but it was given by Li Zheng, and Li Zheng is Li Shimin's son-in-law.

But the Lu family's gift-giving was obviously not in the right taste. Li Chengqian and Li Lizhi were both their own sons and daughters, and they both cared about the marriage of the eldest son and eldest daughter. Empress Changsun said: "This gift is too hot."

Holding the perfume in his hand, Li Shimin looked at him coldly and said, "I don't believe it, Li Zhengzhen can't make perfume anymore."

Li Junxian stood outside the hall and reported: "Your Majesty! Xu Jingzong has a book to play."

"Present it." Li Shimin said loudly.

Walking into the hall, Li Junxian handed the memorial to Li Shimin.

Opening the memorial, Li Shimin looked at the words on it, "Li is going to build the road?"

According to the memorial, the road construction route will continue to Chang'an.

Although some don't understand Li Zheng's thoughts, those official ways have long wanted to cultivate, but they just haven't had the time, let alone so much money.

He didn't dare to recruit people's power. Li Zheng made so much money and still wanted to build roads. It seemed that this kid also cared about the community, and Li Shimin felt a lot more at ease.

Li Shimin discussed with Du Ruhui and other ministers.

Finally, the decree was drafted and Li Zheng was approved to build the road.

The Lu family gave two bottles of perfume to their father.

Of course Li Chengqian knew what the Lu family meant.

An official from the Eastern Palace reported, "His Royal Highness, there is news about Li Zheng."

"Say!" Li Chengqian looked sad.

The official of the East Palace said: "Xu Jingzong, who worked for Li Zheng, handed a memorial to His Majesty, and His Majesty promised to let Li Zheng build the road, and also issued an order."

"Building roads? Why did Li Zheng build roads?"

"I don't know." The East Palace official shook his head.

Road construction, road construction, although the official roads in the Central Plains have been in disrepair for a long time, they are also extending in all directions.

In the past, Emperor Shihuang built Chidao, why did Li Zheng build the road?
The emperor actually agreed? !
After thinking about it, if someone else said they wanted to build roads, the emperor would definitely not agree, but Li Zheng was a powerless person, so Li Chengqian understood his father's intentions.

Then he asked the officials of the East Palace: "After receiving the perfume from the Lu family, what did the father say?"

"Your Majesty didn't say anything."

Li Chengqian naturally didn't want his future to be tied to the five surnames.

After thinking about this, Li Chengqian packed up his clothes, and said to the officials of the East Palace: "Prepare the carriages and horses, I'm going to see Li Zheng alone."

Many villagers were discussing that Li Zheng suddenly wanted to build a road, and he couldn't ask for anything, so why did he want to build a road.

Li Daxiong said melancholy: "This kid earns money by himself, so he can spend it as he wants."

"Big Xiong, tell your son too, you can't be extravagant." The aunt in the village persuaded him.

Li Daxiong looked sad...

Many people stood outside Jingyang Village, and now that the autumn harvest is over, many people are free.

At this time, the efficiency of recruiting manpower is also very good.

Counting a large number of people, Cheng Chumo and Li Ke also brought in the guards to maintain law and order.

Nearly a thousand people stood neatly.

"How many people are there now?"

Li Yifu took the counted list and said: "There are already 850 people."

"It's almost there. You don't need too many people, and it's not easy to organize if there are too many." Li Zheng greeted Cheng Chu silently: "You first call 300 people to see the road."

Cheng Chumo rode the horse and pulled the people away first.

The salary per person is ten yuan a month, and three meals a day are included.

The conditions are already very good, and the recruits are all young and strong.

After coordinating the allocation of manpower, Li Yifu and Xu Jingzong will handle the next tasks.

The cement in the system has been used up, and the ten kilometers of road need too much cement.

The reward this time is iron ore, and I don't know if there will be cement.

In order to meet the task, but also for the long-term business, cement must be made.

Du Hu came to report, "General Zhonglang, His Royal Highness is here."

"Oh." Li Zheng looked at the map without looking up.

Du Hu whispered again: "General Zhonglang, His Royal Highness said that he wants to see you."

"I'm busy, I don't have time." Li Zheng said.

"But..." Dug's head was covered in cold sweat. He is the crown prince, he is the heir apparent. It would be too disrespectful to the crown prince if he said he would not see him.

While speaking, Li Chengqian had already walked up to Li Zheng.

Li Chengqian said: "It's okay, you go to work first."

Li Zheng lowered his head and continued to write and draw on the map.

(End of this chapter)

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