Chapter 204 Losing Your Mind

Looking at the map drawn by Li Zheng, this map does not look like the one commonly used by people in the Central Plains.

It looks very complicated, obviously it is a mountain, but it just draws arcs circle after circle.

Rivers are not like rivers, they are all dotted and solid lines.

There are even ghost shadows painted in many places.

After Li Zheng finished drawing, Li Chengqian asked, "This is the map you drew."

"Yes." Li Zheng nodded.

Pointing to the lines on the map that looked like circles, Li Chengqian asked, "What are these arcs for?"

Li Zheng explained: "This is a contour line. The denser the line, the steeper the mountain's trend."

Li Chengqian nodded, but he still couldn't understand the map drawn by Li Zheng.

Then Li Chengqian said: "I remember, now Yan Liben has also found a way to draw drawings, which seems to be similar to yours."

"Yan Liben? I taught him."

Li Chengqian asked again in surprise: "It turned out to be you. No wonder Yan Liben's people were pried away, which slowed down the progress of repairing the palace, and he was very happy to be scolded by his father."

"What is His Royal Highness looking for me for?"

Li Chengqian stood up and straightened his clothes and said, "The Lu family gave my father two bottles of perfume."

"Oh." Li Zheng nodded.

"You don't seem very surprised."

What a joke, your Li Chengqian's father is the current emperor, so many people want to curry favor with him.

Li Chengqian hesitated and said, "Li Zheng, do you think I should marry a woman from the Lu family?"

Li Lizhi also said this to herself, Li Zheng thought for a while and said, "Did your father agree?"

"Not yet." Li Chengqian shook his head.

While shaking his fan, Li Zheng stood where he was.

Seeing Li Zheng's appearance, Li Chengqian seemed to be thinking.

After a while, Li Zheng still didn't move.

"Li Zheng?" Li Chengqian called out.

"Huh? Is there anything else His Royal Highness wants to do?"

"I, lonely..." Li Chengqian was speechless, isn't that right, is this the end?

Li Chengqian straightened his clothes and said, "Li Zheng, I just want to hear your opinion."

"His Royal Highness, this is your royal family's business, how dare I interfere."

"Just want to hear your thoughts, it's okay."

Li Zheng said: "Then let's talk about it?"

"please say."

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said: "It's too stupid to talk about the five surnames. Why do you want to marry your daughter to your highness? If you want to stabilize their own reputation, I think you should be your father's woman." it is good."


"Think about it, you are lucky to marry the prince. You don't know when you will ascend the throne. You just invested in a potential stock. Marrying your father will see immediate results, and you will see the results immediately."

"It's not appropriate." Li Chengqian said.

"It's suitable, why isn't it suitable." Li Zheng whispered to Li Chengqian: "Maybe he can still marry His Royal Highness King Wei, isn't his marriage settled yet?"

Li Chengqian nodded and talked to Li Zheng a few more words.

After returning to Chang'an, Li Chengqian went to see his father.

"Father, my son thinks that Qingque's marriage should be decided first." Li Chengqian said.

Li Shimin looked strange, "Qingque's marriage?"

It's right to think about it carefully, Li Chengqian is the prince, so the prince's marriage must be cautious, even if the woman is investigated for three generations, it is not an exaggeration.

But Li Tai is different, he is the king of Wei but not the prince, relatively speaking, his influence is less.

Li Shimin asked Li Chengqian to step down first. This kind of thing needs to be discussed slowly.

Li Chengqian was in a good mood when he walked out of the Ganlu Palace. Li Zheng's idea was really good. Not only could he get himself out, but he could also take the opportunity to suppress Li Tai.

While walking, Li Chengqian whispered: "It's just going to hurt Qingque."

In the mansion of King Wei in Chang'an, Li Tai was sitting in his mansion, looking upright.

"Okay, Li Chengqian, give me the five surname girls, you want to sit firmly on the crown prince, right?" Li Tai was full of anger.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, the women from the Lu family are actually pretty good."

"Not bad, shut up!" Li Tai shouted to his staff.

Thinking about Li Chengqian's thoughts in his heart, this guy pushed the five surnamed women to him to make him stop thinking about seeking a wife?
What a vicious method!

No matter what, the father would not let the next crown prince get involved with the five surnames. This kind of thing is related to his future for the rest of his life.

Although the five surnames have a powerful family, rich and well-connected, it is also a big burden, and the father has always looked down upon the five surnames.

If I married a woman with five surnames, I, the king of Wei, might be prejudiced by my father in the future.

"I won't marry! I absolutely can't marry a woman with five surnames." Li Tai said firmly, gritted his teeth.

A servant from the mansion came to report, "His Royal Highness, the members of the Lu family have entered the palace again to meet His Majesty."

Li Tai was anxious, stomped his feet and said, "Quick, I'm going to see the emperor, no! Prepare the carriages and horses, I'm going to see Li Zheng."

Li Zheng was still studying how to make cement, when he saw a flustered Li Tai.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you failed to rebel?" Li Zheng said looking at his expression.

Li Tai still said anxiously: "It's over, it's over, I'm really over this time, maybe my father wants to marry a girl from the Lu family to me."

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness Wei Wang." Li Zheng said with cupped hands.

"Congratulations, you don't know about Li Chengqian's viciousness. My father doesn't want to see the five surnames. If I marry a woman with five surnames, my father will also not want to see me."

"But if you don't marry a woman with five surnames, will your father think that you have the intention of seeking a succession?"

"This..." Li Tai's face turned pale.

Seeking a succession is no small matter.

"Li Zheng, what should I do." Li Tai said beggingly while pulling Li Zheng.


"Actually what?"

Li Zheng touched his nose and said, "Actually, you will stop being King Wei."

Li Tai's face turned from white to red, probably out of anger.

"Fatty, don't get excited."

"I..." Li Tai's expression turned from anger to aggrieved, "Li Zheng, it's all my fault. I have always underestimated Li Chengqian, but I didn't expect him to have such a skill."

"I have another way."

"What way!" Li Tai seemed to have grasped at straws, looking at Li Zheng expectantly.

"His Royal Highness the King of Shu hasn't married yet, and he's older than you."

"That's right!" Li Tai was astonished, "Although he is the son of the side concubine, he is also the elder brother, and the elder brother has not married a wife yet, so how can I marry a wife?"

Suddenly enlightened, Li Tai swept away the gloom on his face, "Sure enough, you still have a way."

After returning to Chang'an, Li Tai immediately expressed his thoughts to Li Shimin, how could he, as a younger brother, dare to get married even if the emperor's brother hadn't married, it was against the law of etiquette.

After hearing what Li Tai said, Li Shimin did have such a reason.

So far, the daughter of the Lu family has been disliked by the crown prince and His Royal Highness Wei Wang. These gossips and scandals have become the talk of the public.

(End of this chapter)

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